Lens Protocol Announces V2 Release With Web3 Experience Supports

Key Points:

  • Lens Protocol introduces V2 release, bringing greater control and flexibility to developers and integrators.
  • Open Actions enable external smart contract actions on Lens publications, including cross-chain actions with oracle support.
  • V2 features enhanced composability, improved profile security and introduces native Quoted Publications for increased engagement.
Lens Protocol, a well-regarded blockchain project in the developer community, has made a significant announcement regarding the release of Lens Protocol V2. This latest version brings even greater control and flexibility to builders, integrators, and individuals exploring web3-powered experiences.
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Lens Protocol V1, launched without a user interface, served as a catalyst for creativity, inspiring the development of community-built social media applications like Lenster, Orb, Buttrfly, and others. Building on this success, Lens Protocol V2 introduces several notable features and enhancements that aim to expand the protocol’s capabilities and further bridge the gap between self-custodial crypto wallets and traditional payment methods.

One of the key advancements in V2 is the introduction of Open Actions, which allows users and developers to enable any external smart contract action on a Lens publication. This feature empowers users to bring their own smart contracts, including those from different blockchains, and integrate them seamlessly with Lens. For instance, users can perform actions such as minting NFTs directly on Lens, buying and selling ERC-20 tokens or NFTs, joining decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs), and even making donations using Gitcoin.

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Furthermore, V2 expands the scope of Open Actions to include cross-chain actions with oracle support. This means that users can execute actions on multiple chains, including Ethereum and layer 2 solutions. By enabling cross-chain interactions, Lens Protocol opens up new possibilities for users to leverage their self-custodial assets across different blockchain networks.

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In addition to Open Actions, Lens Protocol V2 reintroduces the power of composability through the integration of profiles with the ERC-6551 token standard. This enhancement enables the value generated from “mints” and “collects” to be accrued to profiles rather than solely to the owner’s address. This feature gives NFTs their own social relationships, voice, and monetization opportunities. For instance, a CryptoKitty can own a Lens profile, follow other CryptoKitties, and publish content, creating a unique value chain for the NFT and its associated profile.

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V2 also brings improvements to the following architecture, transitioning from a relationship between a profile and a wallet to a relationship between profiles themselves. This change means that all social actions, such as following, occur directly between profiles. Moreover, users can now transfer their handles without transferring their profiles, thanks to the introduction of Open Namespaces. This feature tokenizes both handles and profiles as NFTs, allowing for easy handle transfers while retaining ownership of the associated profile.

Lens Protocol V2 prioritizes security enhancements as well. The Profile Guardian, introduced through LIP-4, strengthens profile security and mitigates the risk of phishing profile takeovers. Additionally, V2 introduces native Quoted Publications, which foster greater engagement and establish a simplified standard for implementation throughout the protocol.

With these advancements, Lens Protocol aims to expand the overall Web3 community and create a seamless and interconnected ecosystem. By providing support for external smart contract actions, enabling cross-chain compatibility, enhancing profile functionality, and fostering composability, Lens Protocol V2 demonstrates its commitment to empowering developers, integrators, and users to fully leverage the potential of web3-powered experiences.

DISCLAIMER: The information on this website is provided as general market commentary and does not constitute investment advice. We encourage you to do your own research before investing.


With a passion for untangling the complexities of the financial world, I've spent over four years in financial journalism, covering everything from traditional equities to the cutting edge of venture capital. "The financial markets are a fascinating puzzle," I often say, "and I love helping people make sense of them." That's what drives me to bring clear and insightful financial journalism to the readers of Coincu.

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