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Espresso Review: Leveraging ZK-Rollup Technology To Support Web3 Platforms

Espresso Systems is the basis for Layer 2 development. Developed to address the issue of decentralizing the Sequencer on the Layer 2 network. Let’s find out details about this project with Coincu through this Espresso Review article.
Espresso Review: Leveraging ZK-Rollup Technology To Support Web3 Platforms 6

What is Espresso Systems?

Espresso Systems is the company that develops Espresso, a layer 1 blockchain system that incorporates the Proof of Stake consensus algorithm with the ZK-Rollup mechanism. This cutting-edge platform seamlessly integrates the ZK-Rollup mechanism with the Proof of Stake consensus algorithm, promising a new era of scalability, efficiency, and enhanced security within the blockchain space.

At its core, Espresso revolutionizes the way web3 projects operate by providing a decentralized infrastructure with remarkable enhancements. Notably, this includes tackling the long-standing challenges of high gas fees and low transaction throughput. By implementing the innovative ZK-Rollup mechanism, Espresso implementing innovative transaction speeds while maintaining robust security measures.

Furthermore, Espresso Systems extends its innovation to address user privacy concerns. The company has developed the Configurable Asset Privacy for Ethereum (CAPE) application, a versatile solution that can be deployed on any EVM blockchain. This application empowers developers to offer tailored privacy features to users, further enhancing the user experience and data protection in a decentralized environment.

Central to the Espresso ecosystem is the Espresso Sequencer – a decentralized network designed to optimize transaction ordering and availability in Rollups. This Sequencer Network operates on a secure, high throughput, and low latency model, enabling seamless transaction execution within the Espresso framework.

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The Espresso Sequencer also introduces a unique engagement model with Ethereum validators through resetting. By resetting the Espresso Sequencer, validators from Ethereum are enabled to participate, utilize ETH’s LST for staking. This innovative approach fosters collaboration and interoperability between different blockchain networks.

The consensus mechanism underlying Espresso’s Sequencer is built upon the HotStuff protocol, aptly named HotShot. This single decentralized proof-of-stake security model is the backbone of both transaction ordering and data delivery within the Espresso ecosystem, ensuring integrity and reliability.

While Espresso maintains a versatile approach to potential platforms, including non-EVM Layer 1 networks like Solana and Layer 2 solutions such as Arbitrum, it deeply remains committed to supporting Ethereum. This commitment extends to empowering Layer 2 Rollups to engage Sequencers within Espresso’s network, streamlining transaction processes and mitigating the challenges associated with centralized networks.

Projects such as Caldera, Spire, Catalyst, Injective, and AltLayer have already embraced the transformative potential of Espresso Systems and integrated it into their platform. Now, the Espresso Review article will explore the highlights of the project.


Decentralized Sequencer Network

At the heart of Espresso’s architecture lies the decentralization of the Sequencer network, a monumental stride towards enhanced infrastructure resiliency and neutrality. This pioneering approach ensures that the network remains robust and resistant to centralized control, embodying the core ethos of blockchain technology – decentralization.

Antitrust Measures

Espresso’s commitment to fostering healthy competition is evident through its antitrust motivation. By encouraging price competition for user fees, Espresso creates an environment where market dynamics drive down costs, benefiting users and promoting fair economic practices within the blockchain ecosystem.

Fair Ordering and Enhanced Privacy

Efficiency and user experience take center stage with Espresso’s dedication to fair ordering and private mempool. Through these features, the platform guarantees that transaction execution is streamlined and that user data remains secure, reinforcing the foundations of trust that underpin the blockchain space.

Interoperability and Composability

One of Espresso’s standout capabilities is its seamless interoperability and roll-up composability. By establishing connections with both Layer 1 and Layer 2 networks, Espresso paves the way for groundbreaking proof-of-concept initiatives that span across multiple layers, driving innovation and collaboration.

Economical Assurance for Validators

Espresso’s Rollup system offers a critical advantage for Layer 1 validators. With an economical assurance mechanism in place, validators are empowered to participate with confidence, knowing that their efforts are underpinned by a robust framework that rewards their contributions.

Enhanced Security through ReStaking

Espresso‘s ingenious ReStaking system serves as a linchpin for network security. By incentivizing users to reinvest their stakes, the platform significantly boosts its defense mechanisms, creating a network that’s not only resilient but also resistant to potential threats.

Seamless Communication among Layers 2

The introduction of a common network Sequencer marks Espresso’s commitment to fostering seamless communication among Layer 2 solutions. This advancement streamlines data transfer and collaboration, nurturing a unified blockchain ecosystem that thrives on shared insights and enhanced efficiency.

Mitigating MEV Attacks

MEV (Miner Extractable Value) attacks have been a longstanding concern in the blockchain realm. Espresso takes a proactive stance in reducing these attacks, enhancing the overall security of the network and ensuring that users’ transactions remain protected from potential exploits.

How does it work?

User-Initiated Transactions

The process commences as users initiate transactions, sending them to the Rollup server through RPC services. This pivotal step sets the foundation for the subsequent sequence of actions.

Transaction Forwarding and Sequencing

Upon receipt of the transaction, the Rollup server takes charge, forwarding the transaction alongside the Rollup’s unique identifier to a Sequencer Node. This node, known as the Sequencer, plays a central role in arranging and consolidating transactions from various Rollups into cohesive blocks.

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Aggregating and Broadcasting

The Sequencer undertakes the task of arranging and aggregating the transactions received from Rollups, culminating in what is termed as the “Block Commitment.” This commitment block is then broadcast to the HotShot consensus network, where the validity of transactions is confirmed.

Returning Transactions to Rollups

Remarkably, Espresso’s design ensures a two-way flow of transactions. Upon reaching consensus through HotShot, the Espresso Sequencer sends the transactions back to the originating Rollup, thereby closing the loop of transactional communication.

Commitment to Layer 1 and Sequencer Contract

The Commitment block, housing the transactions, proceeds to the Rollup Contract on Layer 1 via the Espresso Contract. In parallel, the commitment to the block containing transactions is securely maintained within the Sequencer Contract on Layer 1.

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Executing and Updating

On the Rollup side, the Rollup Node comes into play, promptly notified of the new block’s arrival. This node retrieves the block’s data either directly from the Sequencer or via the Rollup Contract on Layer 1. The Rollup Node then executes the block, updating the local copy of the virtual machine’s (VM) state.

Proof Generation and Submission

For ZK Rollups, a crucial element surfaces in the form of a Prover. This entity generates a zero-knowledge (zk) proof validating the new state resulting from the application of the state transition function to the sequenced block. The Rollup Node, for both ZK-Rollups and Optimistic Rollups, proceeds to send proofs – either Validity Proofs or Fraud Proofs, to the Rollup Contract on Layer 1.

Verification and User Interaction

The Rollup Contract on Layer 1 diligently verifies all proofs tied to state updates. This verification process employs the Block Commitment certified by the Sequencer Contract to validate the accuracy of state updates corresponding to the designated block.

User Observance and Trust Measures

The culminating step involves users observing the outcomes of their transactions. This is facilitated through querying servers provided by executors or APIs. For users who seek enhanced trust measures, options include cross-referencing responses against the State Root stored in the contract or soliciting zk-proofs for personal verification (in the case of ZK Rollups) or awaiting the conclusion of the challenge period (Optimistic Rollups).

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ZK-Rollup Decentralized Mechanism

Espresso Systems has taken a significant stride towards optimizing transaction efficiency by seamlessly integrating ZK-Rollup with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) alongside a Proof of Stake consensus algorithm. The ZK-Rollup mechanism revolutionizes transaction processing by shifting it off-chain through the utilization of zero-knowledge-proof cryptography technology.

At the core of ZK-Rollup lies a sophisticated process where a server amalgamates multiple transactions into a singular unit for simplified verification. Prior to forwarding them to the Proof of Stake protocol, a concise zero-knowledge proof (zk-SNARK) validating the transaction’s legitimacy is generated.

The off-chain processing characteristic of this solution leads to a noteworthy reduction in computational bandwidth requirements, consequently elevating the throughput of transactions. This cutting-edge mechanism not only accelerates the network’s performance but also showcases the potential for scalable blockchain solutions.

Property Privacy with CAPE Application

Espresso Systems has not stopped at transaction efficiency but has also made strides towards bolstering user privacy with the introduction of the Confidential Asset Privacy Enhancer (CAPE) application. Designed to provide users with greater control over their asset-related information on the Ethereum network, CAPE is a significant leap forward in blockchain privacy.

With CAPE, users can create blockchain assets while customizing permissions governing access to vital information such as sender and recipient addresses, asset amounts, and types. This newfound control over asset visibility is especially pertinent in an environment where privacy is paramount.

Furthermore, CAPE extends its functionality beyond mere asset creation. Users can wrap existing assets on the Ethereum network, akin to popular examples like wETH or wUSDT, all while preserving asset privacy. Investors and managers, in particular, can leverage CAPE to ensure the security of their transactions and holdings without resorting to complex procedures such as cross-chain transfers or exchange-based operations.


Stanford University cryptography researchers make up the Espresso Systems development team. More than 25 professionals from across the globe make up the team, which includes engineers, developers, designers, researchers, and even white hat hackers. There are two names among them: CEO Ben Fisch and COO Charles Lu.

Moreover, the team includes many people who have worked on other well-known web3 projects, such as Bram Cohen, co-founder of BitTorrent and Monero blockchain developers.

Investor & Partners

Espresso Systems secured $32 million in a seed round headed by two investment firms in early March 2022:

  • Greylock Partners: One of the oldest venture capital companies, formed in 1965, with approximately $3.5 billion in capital.
  • Electric Capital: A $1 billion venture capital firm founded in 2018 that specializes in investing in early-stage blockchain and fintech startups.

Other prominent venture capital firms that participated in the fundraising round included Sequoia Capital, Polychain Capital, Alameda Research, Coinbase Ventures, Terraform Labs, and others.

Conclusion of Espresso Review

Despite being in its developmental phase, Espresso Systems has captured the attention of both the blockchain community and investors, drawing interest to its innovative projects. The company’s dedication to collaboration and ongoing refinement underscores its commitment to delivering impactful solutions.

However, navigating the intricate landscape of blockchain innovation is not without its challenges. Like any novel blockchain project, Espresso Systems faces the hurdles of refining its products and effectively positioning them in a competitive ecosystem. While the company’s innovations hold immense promise, establishing a foothold amidst a dynamic field requires strategic navigation and persistent adaptation. Hopefully the Espresso Review article has helped you understand more about the project.

DISCLAIMER: The information on this website is provided as general market commentary and does not constitute investment advice. We encourage you to do your own research before investing.


With a passion for untangling the complexities of the financial world, I've spent over four years in financial journalism, covering everything from traditional equities to the cutting edge of venture capital. "The financial markets are a fascinating puzzle," I often say, "and I love helping people make sense of them." That's what drives me to bring clear and insightful financial journalism to the readers of Coincu.

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