
5 Basic Strategies For MMO Crypto

As the digital assets are gaining more popularity, there are various opportunities to make money in the crypto space. This article discusses 5 basic strategies for MMO crypto that can help you earn profits in the crypto world.


Cryptocurrency has been around for over a decade and is becoming more popular as a way to make money online. You can earn money with cryptocurrency by investing, actively trading, or staking. 

The blockchain is the digital ledger for cryptocurrency transactions. Thousands of machines process transactions on the blockchain, and owners can earn cryptocurrencies in return for their machines’ computational efforts.

In addition to buying and holding cryptocurrencies in a private wallet, there are numerous opportunities to generate income in the digital asset space. Understanding the intricacies of each method is crucial for maximizing potential returns and managing associated risks.

In this section, CoinCu will delve into these five methods in detail, providing insights into how they work and what to expect in terms of both potential gains and risks.

5 Basic Strategies For MMO Crypto

  1. Airdrops: Cryptocurrency airdrops are a marketing strategy used by blockchain-based companies to distribute free tokens or coins. 
  2. Crypto Social Media: Participating in crypto social media platforms allows users to earn cryptocurrency by creating content, engaging with posts, and contributing to the community.
  3. Crypto Giveaway: Crypto giveaways provide an opportunity to receive free tokens as part of a promotional campaign. 
  4. GameFi: Players can earn in-game cryptocurrencies or non-fungible tokens (NFTs) that can be traded or sold for real-world currency.
  5. Crypto Mining: Miners receive newly minted coins and transaction fees as rewards. 

These are just a few ways to make money with cryptocurrency, each with its own pros and cons. The information below will provide the specific opportunities and risks associated with each method.

1. Airdrop

A cryptocurrency airdrop is a marketing strategy used to promote a crypto project by distributing free tokens or coins. It is typically done in small amounts to increase project awareness and attract a consumer base. Crypto airdrops are part of broader marketing efforts that involve blog posts, social media advertising, and crypto holder participation.

New blockchain-based companies give out free cryptocurrency airdrops to promote their projects. Once awareness is raised, the company transfers the coins or tokens to the wallets of existing cryptocurrency owners, reducing advertisement costs and generating publicity. 

Pros and Cons


  • Obtaining free tokens can result in unanticipated profits.
  • It provides an opportunity to discover and engage with new projects without any financial obligations.


  • Numerous airdrops hold minimal or negligible value.
  • There is a possibility of scams or fraudulent schemes.

How to Make Money with Crypto Airdrop

Token airdrops vary in their eligibility criteria, introducing uncertainty to the equation. Even active users may be excluded from the final list of eligible addresses. Additionally, rumored airdrops are often highly speculative.

Actively engaging in the crypto community, participating in project announcement channels, and maintaining a diversified portfolio can enhance the chances of profiting from these events.

2. Crypto Social Media

Participating in crypto social media platforms is a unique way to earn money with cryptocurrencies. These platforms reward users for creating content, engaging with posts, and contributing to the community. 

For instance, X (formerly Twitter) is an excellent platform to start a crypto writing career. With X, you can freely contact and interact with experts without restrictions like needing to be on their friend list, unlike other social media platforms.

X has recently introduced an ads revenue sharing program, allowing you to earn revenue from verified users’ organic impressions of ads displayed in replies to your content. This initiative aims to help people earn a living directly on X.

Pros and Cons


  • Financially rewarding for those skilled at creating popular content
  • Fosters a sense of community and shared ownership
  • You can earn cryptocurrency for activities that you may already be doing on traditional platforms.
  • It assists in comprehending and staying up-to-date with the cryptocurrency community.


  • Competition in the freelance crypto writing market
  • Need to constantly stay updated with industry trends and developments
  • Dependence on the success and popularity of the chosen crypto social media platform
  • Income may vary.

How to Make Money with Crypto Social Media

To attract clients and collaborators, create writing samples on a blog or website. Use platforms like Medium, Hackernoon, and Coinmonks to gain exposure and build a portfolio.

Engage with crypto communities on Reddit, Twitter, Telegram, Discord, and Facebook groups. Attend crypto events and establish a professional profile on LinkedIn, Upwork, Fiverr, or ProBlogger.

Reach out to crypto-related websites, publications, companies, or influencers for paid writing opportunities. Use cold emails or messages to grab attention. Maximize earnings by creating engaging content and growing a following on platforms.

3. Crypto Giveaway

Some projects may choose to conduct crypto giveaways, which operate similarly to crypto airdrops. To be eligible for the giveaway, users will need to complete specific tasks.

In the cryptocurrency context, crypto giveaways provide an opportunity to receive free tokens as part of a promotion or marketing campaign. While it is not a conventional way to make money, there is potential for profit if the received tokens increase in value. Participants should exercise caution and discernment to avoid scams, as free tokens can sometimes be used as bait by malicious actors.

Pros and Cons


  • Participating in crypto giveaways offers the opportunity to earn free cryptocurrency.
  • It requires minimal effort.


  • There is a risk of potential scams or malware.
  • Earnings from giveaways may be minimal.

How to Make Money with a Crypto Giveaway

Participating in giveaways to make money with cryptocurrencies can be an exciting opportunity. By following a few simple steps, you can have a chance to win free tokens and potentially increase your earnings. Here’s a guide on how to join a crypto giveaway:

  • Find a Reputable Blockchain Project: Look for well-known and reputable blockchain projects that are hosting giveaways. 
  • Join the Project’s Community: To participate in a crypto giveaway, you’ll usually need to join the blockchain project’s community. 
  • Complete Entry Requirements: Common requirements include sharing posts about the project, tagging friends, or giving feedback on their products or services. 
  • Exercise Caution and Skepticism: It’s crucial to approach giveaways with a healthy dose of skepticism. Legitimate giveaways are rare, and you should never be asked to send your own crypto as a requirement to participate. 
  • Stay Informed: Keep an eye on the project’s official announcements and updates regarding the giveaway. They may provide additional information, such as the giveaway duration, the number of winners, or any special requirements.

4. GameFi

Gaming in the crypto space has seen a significant rise with the introduction of ‘play-to-earn’ models. These blockchain-based games allow players to earn in-game cryptocurrencies or NFTs, which can be traded or sold for real-world currency. This fusion of gaming and finance has led to a flourishing industry where skillful gameplay or strategic trading of in-game items can result in tangible earnings.

They are typically built on blockchain networks, ensuring fairness and transparency through the use of smart contracts. In-game assets, such as weapons or armor, are represented by unique NFTs stored on the blockchain, granting players actual ownership and the ability to trade them on open marketplaces.

Pros and Cons


  • Opportunities to monetize gaming skills
  • Players create value for themselves as well as the game
  • Ability to invest in virtual assets
  • Tamper-proof blockchains reduce the risk of losing in-game collectibles
  • Earn cryptocurrency in an enjoyable manner
  • Thriving industry with expanding prospects


  • Potential for regulation to disrupt blockchain and cryptocurrency operations
  • Prevalence of scams and unsustainable in-game economies
  • Potential exploitation of players and developers placing limitations on earnings
  • High cost of entry as the value of NFTs needed to enter games rises
  • Market can be unpredictable
  • Loss of enjoyment in gameplay from striving to make money

How to Make Money with GameFi

To start your GameFi journey, set up a compatible crypto wallet. Visit the game’s official website to check supported wallets and choose one from the app stores. Validate the wallet for security.

Setting up a compatible wallet and follow the game’s in-app instructions to integrate it. This gives you access to in-game features related to cryptocurrencies and NFTs.

To fully participate in GameFi, add funds to your wallet using a compatible cryptocurrency. Use the funds to purchase starter items, characters, or native crypto tokens in the game.

5. Crypto Mining

Mining is a traditional method of earning money with cryptocurrency, involving the use of specialized computer hardware to solve complex mathematical puzzles and secure the network. Miners receive newly minted coins and transaction fees as rewards, but the process requires substantial upfront investment and ongoing electricity costs.

While it can be a steady income source for those with resources, mining large-cap cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin is no longer feasible for average users due to the dominance of large-scale mining rigs. However, cloud mining platforms offer an alternative for mining without the need for hardware or excessive energy consumption.

By depositing cryptocurrency into these platforms, investors can earn a share of mining rewards. It is important to thoroughly research the legitimacy of cloud mining providers, as many scams exist. 

Pros and Cons


  • Potential to earn rewards in the form of crypto tokens
  • Get new coins directly
  • Possibility of substantial returns
  • Secures the network and processes transactions, contributing to the stability of the cryptocurrency


  • Mining large-cap cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin is no longer feasible for the average user due to the dominance of large-cap mining rigs with specialized hardware
  • Requires a significant upfront investment in hardware and ongoing costs for electricity
  • Comprehensive research into the legitimacy of cloud mining providers is crucial to avoid scams
  • It is not always profitable

How to Make Money with Crypto Mining

When mining cryptocurrencies, choose those that use proof of work for transaction verification. Popular ones include Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin. Invest in suitable mining equipment, such as ASICs for Bitcoin or high-end GPUs for other cryptocurrencies.

Use a crypto wallet to securely store and receive earnings. Find recommended wallets on official cryptocurrency websites. Download and install specific mining software from the chosen cryptocurrency’s official website, following installation instructions carefully.

Conclusion – Basic Strategies For MMO Crypto

Cryptocurrency offers various ways to earn money besides traditional investments. These include airdrops, GameFi, social media engagement, giveaways, and mining. Each method has its own pros and cons, so it’s important to make informed decisions.

To navigate the ever-changing cryptocurrency landscape, it’s essential to participate responsibly, stay updated with industry trends, and adapt to market dynamics. Ultimately, making money with cryptocurrency requires a good understanding of the chosen method and a commitment to continuous learning.

DISCLAIMER: The information on this website is provided as general market commentary and does not constitute investment advice. We encourage you to do your own research before investing.


I am a news editor at Coincu, where I produce daily editorial packages and manage the knowledge and review article sections. Before journalism, I earned a Bachelor's degree in Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management from Northampton University and studied news journalism at Press Association Training.

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