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Top Ethereum Native Projects By Category

Ethereum stands out as the best smart contract platform, serving as a robust foundation for the creation of decentralized applications (dApps). The network remains at the forefront, recognized not only as the first platform of its kind but also as the largest hub for developers’ activities in the current digital era. Today, Coincu will introduce to you the top Ethereum native projects by category.

Overview of the Ethereum blockchain

What is Ethereum?

Ethereum is a open-source and decentralized platform, revolutionizing the landscape for decentralized applications (dApps) and decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs).

With its global network of interconnected devices, Ethereum functions as a supercomputer, allowing users worldwide to run applications on a decentralized system.

At its core, Ethereum operates on blockchain technology, offering a distributed computing platform that executes smart contracts autonomously. Smart contracts, embodying terms that are automatically enforced when predefined conditions are met, eliminate the need for external interference.

In contrast to centralized systems like Google, Ethereum employs a decentralized approach, utilizing a network of personal computers rather than a large server system. This decentralized network, maintained by volunteer users globally, replaces traditional carriers and servers.

The overarching vision of Ethereum is to democratize the creation and operation of decentralized applications, eliminating the need for permissions or third-party registrations.

Ethereum blockchain operates as a Layer 1 blockchain project, providing developers with the infrastructure to build a wide array of decentralized applications and autonomous organizations.

DApps deployed on Ethereum represent independently functioning software, distributed across decentralized repositories. Not confined to a single server, these applications can be written in any programming language, offering flexibility and inclusivity to developers.

Furthermore, Ethereum facilitates the creation of DAOs. These organizations operate based on encoded rules within the code, allowing members to actively participate in decision-making processes through a democratic voting system. DAOs exemplify a new paradigm in organizational governance, providing members with a direct say in crucial matters.

Brief history of development of Ethereum

In 2009, Bitcoin emerged with a revolutionary focus on autonomy, security, and decentralization within the financial model. While many anticipated Bitcoin’s rise to the moon, a shift in perspective occurred as enthusiasts began exploring how the underlying blockchain technology could transform industries beyond finance.

Despite the spotlight initially being on digital assets, the limitations of the original Bitcoin codebase became apparent, lacking a Turing complete programming language for flexible implementation.

Recognizing these constraints, a 19-year-old prodigy named Vitalik Buterin emerged with a groundbreaking vision in October 2013. Buterin proposed a solution to the Mastercoin project, aiming to enhance its capabilities by supporting diverse contract types without complex feature additions.

Despite the Mastercoin team’s admiration, they didn’t implement Buterin’s solution, prompting him to continue his exploration.

In November 2013, Buterin shared Ethereum’s draft whitepaper, envisioning a blockchain that could serve as the foundation for a myriad of applications beyond finance.

With feedback from a select few, including programmer Gavin Wood, Ethereum’s journey gained momentum. Wood, impressed by Buterin’s vision, proactively offered his C++ programming skills, becoming a crucial part of the Ethereum team.

The summer of 2014 witnessed significant developments, with Gavin Wood publishing Ethereum’s yellow paper. Simultaneously, Vitalik Buterin announced that Ethereum’s development would be overseen by the non-profit organization Ethereum Foundation.

A year of dedicated construction and development culminated in June 2015 when the first block of Ethereum was mined, marking the official formation of the Ethereum blockchain—one of the cornerstones of the modern cryptocurrency ecosystem.

July 2015 brought another milestone as Ethereum released its beta version, introducing a new era for Smart Contract technology. This release signaled Ethereum’s commitment to expanding its reach beyond the confines of traditional financial applications, solidifying its position as one of the most influential blockchains in the cryptocurrency landscape.

As Ethereum blockchain continued to evolve, it became clear that its impact transcended the limitations of Bitcoin, opening the door to a new wave of possibilities in decentralized technology.

Overview of the Ethereum ecosystem

In 2021, Ethereum experienced a remarkable surge, marking a significant milestone in the development of the blockchain. The application layer witnessed robust growth, captivating the public’s attention, and reviving the not-so-new term “Web3” as the world embraced the vision of a more decentralized internet anchored on the Ethereum platform.

Taking a closer look at the Ethereum blockchain, we observe key developments that have shaped its success:

Layer 2 Advancements

After years of diligent development, Layer 2 (L2) protocols have successfully launched their mainnet, significantly expanding Ethereum’s capacity. This enhancement addresses scalability concerns and paves the way for a more efficient and accessible blockchain.

Mainstreaming the Creative Economy

The creative landscape has undergone a transformation as Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) gained unprecedented popularity. Artists worldwide flock to Ethereum, utilizing the blockchain to showcase their work and collectively generating billions in revenue. The surge in NFT adoption has propelled the Ethereum blockchain into the forefront of the creative economy.

Core Protocol Upgrades

Ethereum’s Research and Development community diligently submitted multiple upgrades in 2021, laying the groundwork for the impending transition to Proof of Stake (PoS). These core protocol enhancements signify Ethereum’s commitment to continuous improvement, ensuring its long-term sustainability and adaptability.

DeFi Evolution

The DeFi ecosystem experienced a significant evolution throughout the year. Several hundred DeFi protocols were in active development, and the total value locked in these protocols surpassed hundreds of billions of dollars. This staggering growth underscores Ethereum’s central role in fostering financial innovation and decentralized applications.

Top Ethereum Native Projects By Category

Lido Finance – Liquid Staking


Lido Finance (LDO) is a relaunching liquid-staking protocol, reshaping the staking experience for users. Lido Finance not only provides a secure solution for coin and token staking but also introduces a unique approach by ensuring liquidity integration and collaboration with other DeFi protocols, opening avenues for additional profits. This is one of the prominent Ethereum native projects of the ecosystem.

At its core, Lido Finance is a dApp designed to facilitate liquid staking. The key differentiator lies in the fact that tokens, specifically those issued by Lido, retain their liquidity, enabling seamless trading while still being actively staked within the protocol.



Lido Finance addresses the liquidity challenge associated with staking by enabling users to effortlessly transfer and receive Ether without the constraints of waiting for staking deadlines.

Users can conveniently access their staked assets by trading stETH on the market, providing unparalleled flexibility compared to conventional staking models.

Embracing a holistic approach to decentralized finance, Lido Finance allows users to enjoy additional yield through various DeFi activities such as lending, mortgage, and farming.

This integration with diverse financial instruments amplifies the earning potential for users, unlocking new avenues for maximizing returns on their staked assets.

Lido Finance eliminates the need for users to invest in specialized software or acquire technical expertise to navigate staking processes. This user-friendly approach minimizes the risk of potential software errors or vulnerabilities exploited by malicious third parties, ensuring the security of staking funds.

Unlike conventional staking mechanisms that necessitate complete capital lock-up, Lido Finance empowers users to earn staking rewards without entirely immobilizing their capital.

Lido Finance introduces flexibility in deposit options, enabling users to earn rewards for deposits smaller than the standard 32 ETH requirement.

Additionally, unrestricted deposit amounts, not limited to multiples of 32 ETH, provide users with greater freedom to tailor their staking strategies based on individual preferences and financial goals.

MakerDAO – Collateralized Debt Position


In 2014, MakerDAO, an innovative lending project operating on the Ethereum blockchain, was introduced to the cryptocurrency landscape. This groundbreaking platform enables users to engage in DeFi by borrowing a stablecoin known as DAI while leveraging their assets as overcollateral. MakerDAO is at the top of Ethereum native projects.

Unlike traditional governance structures, MakerDAO has embraced a DAO model. In this paradigm, the project’s governance and decision-making processes are not centralized in the hands of a select group of developers or a single entity. Instead, the governance token MKR plays a pivotal role, serving as the mechanism through which proposals are submitted and decisions are made collectively by the community.


MakerDAO facilitates a unique approach that allows users to deposit existing assets, leveraging them to borrow stablecoins for diverse purposes.

In contrast to conventional lending models, where tangible assets like houses, land, or cars are often mortgaged, MakerDAO introduces a paradigm shift. Borrowers on this platform deposit cryptocurrencies and, in return, receive loans denominated in stablecoins, notably DAI.

Central to MakerDAO’s operation is the utilization of a smart contract known as “Collateralized Debt Position” (CDP). This innovative contract structure empowers borrowers with the exclusive right to determine when they choose to conclude their loans, providing a level of autonomy not typically found in traditional lending intermediaries.

Reflecting the success and adoption of MakerDAO’s groundbreaking approach, DefiLlama reports a Total Value Locked (TVL) for the project surpassing $8.5 billion. This impressive figure positions MakerDAO as a significant player in the DeFi sector, securing the second spot in TVL rankings, with only Lido surpassing its value.

AAVE – Lending


In 2017, the Ethereum blockchain lending projects embarked on a transformative journey that saw significant evolution, resulting in the birth of Aave. Renowned for its dynamic approach to decentralized finance (DeFi), Aave quickly became a frontrunner in the competitive arena of “Top Ethereum native projects with the highest TVL.”

Aave, now a decentralized lending protocol, has undergone substantial changes since its inception. The platform, which facilitates the borrowing and lending of various crypto assets like ETH, WBTC, and USDT, has garnered attention for its innovative features and commitment to user empowerment.


One of Aave’s core functionalities lies in its lending feature, which empowers users to lock their assets and provide liquidity to the AAVE platform. This strategic involvement allows lenders to earn profits based on their participation in various pools within the protocol.

Aave facilitates borrowing by enabling users to leverage their assets as collateral. 

A standout feature within the Aave ecosystem is the innovative Flash Loan option. This tool allows borrowers to secure funds without the need for collateral. However, there’s a catch—the loan must be repaid within a single block.

In practical terms, considering the Ethereum network’s block creation rate of approximately 12-13 seconds, borrowers must swiftly repay the loan to avoid transaction reversal.

Aave introduces a robust staking feature, allowing investors to lock their tokens into designated pools. These pools may consist of a single token or a combination of multiple tokens.

In return for their commitment, investors receive enhanced benefits, creating an incentivized environment for active participation in the Aave ecosystem.

Uniswap – DEX


Uniswap is a protocol operating on the Ethereum blockchain, facilitating token exchange in a unique and community-driven manner. This decentralized exchange stands apart from traditional platforms by eliminating transaction fees and fostering a collaborative environment for users. Uniswap is one of the Ethereum native projects with the most stable development.

Uniswap leverages smart contracts to enable the seamless exchange of ERC-20 tokens. What distinguishes Uniswap from conventional exchanges is its commitment to being community-driven. Unlike platforms that impose transaction fees and involve middlemen, Uniswap empowers users to trade tokens without incurring additional costs.


Uniswap takes a user-friendly approach to transaction fees, charging a mere 0.30% for each transaction. This flat fee not only outshines other decentralized exchanges but also hints at a future reduction to an even more competitive 0.25%. This commitment to affordability positions Uniswap as an attractive option for traders seeking cost-effectiveness.

Uniswap facilitates the rapid acquisition of new tokens, adding an element of excitement to the trading experience. Users can readily explore the dynamic world of token markets, capitalizing on price fluctuations to enhance their portfolios. This inclusive approach to token accessibility distinguishes Uniswap as a platform that caters to both seasoned and novice traders.

Uniswap prioritizes user privacy by eliminating the need for Know Your Customer (KYC) verification. This streamlined process enables traders to engage swiftly without the hassle of identity disclosure. The emphasis on privacy ensures that sensitive information remains secure, fostering a trustful and efficient trading environment.

One of Uniswap’s standout features is the complete autonomy it grants users over their assets. This self-management capability mitigates risks associated with decentralized exchanges, providing traders with a heightened sense of control and security. Uniswap’s commitment to empowering users aligns with the decentralized ethos of cryptocurrency.

Uniswap introduces a groundbreaking feature known as Flash Swap, akin to Aave’s Flash Loan. This functionality enables users to withdraw assets from the liquidity pool of any ERC20 token on Uniswap without upfront fees. The flexibility and speed offered by Flash Swap redefine liquidity management, setting Uniswap at the forefront of cutting-edge decentralized exchange technologies.

Uniswap enhances precision trading with the introduction of Range Orders. This feature empowers users to place buy/sell orders within specific, pre-determined price ranges. When the spot price aligns with the predetermined range, the protocol autonomously executes the order. 

dYdX – Derivatives


dYdX is a frontrunner, boasting a plethora of support features and a comprehensive array of derivative products. This decentralized powerhouse offers users the flexibility of engaging in Spot trading, Margin transactions, and Perpetual contracts. dYdX is one of the Ethereum native projects that provides a good user experience.

One of the distinctive features that sets dYdX apart is its utilization of an orderbook model, a departure from the Automated Market Maker (AMM) model employed by platforms like Uniswap. This strategic choice introduces a level of familiarity for users accustomed to traditional exchanges, enhancing their overall experience on the platform.


dYdX facilitates margin trading with a unique leverage offering of up to 10x the asset value. This feature, available for perpetual contracts, provides traders with enhanced flexibility and potential returns.

The platform extends a seamless lending and borrowing experience. Traders can borrow directly on the exchange, while lenders have the option to deposit crypto assets, optimizing their profits by earning interest. This dual functionality fosters a dynamic ecosystem where users can leverage their holdings for additional gains.

dYdX recognizes the importance of portfolio management in the ever-changing crypto landscape. Users can effortlessly view, manage, and close positions, gaining a holistic view of their portfolio’s performance. This feature empowers traders to make informed decisions and adapt to market dynamics.

A fundamental principle of dYdX is its trustless nature. The platform operates without dependency on any third party, thereby reducing risks for users. This commitment to decentralization aligns with the core principles of blockchain technology, providing users with greater control and security over their assets.

Blur – NFT Marketplace


Blur is a distinctive NFT marketplace and aggregator, setting itself apart in the digital asset realm. The platform offers users a unique platform to engage in the trading and management of NFT portfolios, complemented by advanced analytics capabilities. Blur is also one of the recent prominent Ethereum native projects.


Blur takes NFT trading to the next level by offering aggregators that showcase real-time NFT prices across multiple exchanges. The inclusion of portfolio analysis tools enhances the platform’s capabilities, empowering users with advanced analytics to make informed decisions about their NFT holdings.

One of Blur’s standout features is its commitment to transparency and user-centricity. Unlike many other NFT platforms, Blur distinguishes itself by refraining from collecting marketplace fees. 

In a direct comparison with competitors in the NFT aggregator segment, such as Gem, Blur takes the lead in terms of speed. Users on Blur gain a distinct advantage with the ability to sweep and snipe NFTs at a remarkable speed, up to 10 times faster than alternatives. 

BendDAO – NFT Lending


BenDAO is the first-ever NFT liquidity protocol, setting a new standard in the digital assets landscape. This innovative platform not only facilitates instant NFT-backed loans but also allows for collateral listings and partial upfront NFT purchases, ultimately bolstering liquidity and accessibility for buying and selling NFTs. BenDAO is on the list of top Ethereum native projects.

At the core of BenDAO’s functionality is its support for a wide range of features that cater to the diverse needs of the NFT community. One standout feature is the ability to provide instant loans backed by NFTs, streamlining the borrowing process and making it more efficient for users.


BendDAO pioneers the use of Peer-to-Pool technology, allowing NFT holders to seamlessly borrow ETH from the pool by using their NFTs as collateral. This groundbreaking approach provides a streamlined borrowing process, enhancing accessibility for users.

Simultaneously, individuals depositing ETH into the pool stand to earn interest from the lending activity, marking it as the primary product of the protocol.

In a game-changing move, BendDAO introduces a novel method for purchasing high-value NFTs from major NFT marketplaces. Buyers can secure their desired NFTs with a minimal 60% down payment, contingent on the actual NFT price.

The remaining amount is covered through a flashloan obtained via AAVE. What sets this feature apart is the subsequent repayment mechanism— the borrowed amount is seamlessly repaid via an Instant NFT-Backed loan on BendDAO, automatically transitioning the buyer into the role of the borrower.

Aaveghotchi – Gaming


Aavegotchi is a pioneer, combining the nostalgia of Tamagotchi with the innovative world of NFTs. Aavegotchi introduces a captivating gaming experience where digital pets take on a whole new dimension.

Aavegotchi, at its core, is an NFT game built on the blockchain, offering enthusiasts the opportunity to own and interact with unique virtual creatures. These digital pets, known as Aavegotchis, are available for purchase as NFTs, each possessing distinctive traits that set them apart from one another.


Aavegotchi takes the concept of NFTs to a new level by becoming the first-ever NFT collecting platform in the Aave ecosystem. This platform enables users to delve into the world of digital collectibles, each Aavegotchi representing a distinctive and valuable asset within the blockchain space.

What sets Aavegotchi apart is its integration of DeFi principles, creating a symbiotic relationship between NFTs and decentralized finance. Users can amass value by staking a variety of ERC-20 tokens, further enhancing the utility and profitability of their Aavegotchi assets.

DISCLAIMER: The information on this website is provided as general market commentary and does not constitute investment advice. We encourage you to do your own research before investing.


With a passion for untangling the complexities of the financial world, I've spent over four years in financial journalism, covering everything from traditional equities to the cutting edge of venture capital. "The financial markets are a fascinating puzzle," I often say, "and I love helping people make sense of them." That's what drives me to bring clear and insightful financial journalism to the readers of Coincu.

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