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Top Solana NFT Collections In 2024

The year 2023 unfolded with a distinctive blend of challenges and opportunities. While overall sales faced a notable downturn, there was a remarkable surge in transaction volumes. Additionally, the standout performer in the crypto space during this period was the flourishing Solana NFT ecosystem. This article will help you learn about potential Solana NFT collections that may explode in 2024.
Top Solana NFT Collections In 2024 7

Overview of Solana NFT market

General context of NFT market

According to, the most conspicuous trend in 2023 was the marked decrease in NFT sales, with total figures plummeting to $8.70 billion from the previous year’s $23.74 billion. This decline, the sharpest since 2019, suggested a recalibration of market dynamics.

However, amidst this contraction, the number of NFT transactions saw a substantial increase, soaring to 90,607,554 in 2023 from 54,857,850 in the previous year. This surge in transaction volumes hinted at a growing participation in NFT trading, emphasizing that the market’s vibrancy extends beyond the traditional metric of sales values.

A standout narrative of 2023 was the emergence of Solana as a prominent player in the NFT market. Solana experienced remarkable growth in NFT sales, signaling a diversification of the NFT ecosystem. The blockchain’s unique scalability and lower transaction costs played a pivotal role in attracting artists and collectors alike, positioning Solana as a frontrunner in the competitive NFT space.

The year kicked off with a sharp rise and subsequent fall in NFT trading volume, influenced by various market factors such as Blur’s incentives and heightened competition with OpenSea. Despite these fluctuations, Ethereum maintained its lead in the NFT space, navigating challenges posed by emerging blockchains like Bitcoin and Solana. The enduring dominance of Ethereum underscores its established position within the NFT ecosystem.

In early 2023, the NFT Financing (NFTFi) market experienced a notable resurgence, witnessing significant loan volumes and the rise of platforms like ParaSpace leading in market share.

This revival highlighted the growing interplay between NFTs and decentralized finance, offering new avenues for liquidity and investment within the NFT market. The integration of financial services with NFTs is indicative of the market’s adaptability and its ability to explore innovative intersections.

Read more: Best Solana NFT Marketplaces In 2024 You Should Know

Solana NFT ecosystem

Outperform Ethereum by the end of 2023

Solana has emerged as a dominant force in the NFT market, surpassing Ethereum in monthly sales volume for the first time ever. According to CryptoSlam, Solana NFT sales skyrocketed to an impressive $366.5 million in December 2023, outpacing Ethereum’s $353.2 million. This shift underscores Solana’s growing influence, excluding suspicious activities like “wash trading.”

The platform witnessed a notable surge in user engagement, evidenced by an increase in both sellers and buyers. Sales volume reached near-record levels, closely matching the peak achieved during the October 2021 bull run. Read More

The upswing in Solana’s price is attributed to this surge, alongside the success of projects like Tensorians and Mad Lads. Notably, Ethereum’s flagship NFT collections, including Bored Apes and Pudgy Penguins, continue to contribute significantly to the blockchain’s sales statistics.

Tensor leads the Solana NFT ecosystem

Tensor, the NFT trading platform that launched earlier in the year, claimed the top spot in Solana’s marketplace, surpassing Magic Eden in trading volume. According to analytics platform TIEXO, Tensor recorded an NFT trading volume exceeding $1 million in December 2023, nearly doubling Magic Eden’s figures.

This achievement translates to Tensor holding an estimated 60% of the total NFT trading market share on Solana NFT ecosystem, while Magic Eden trails with just under 30% of the total volume. Despite Tensor’s dominance in volume, Magic Eden boasts a higher number of unique wallet users, totaling around 116 thousand, with a 70% engagement rate. In comparison, Tensor has 86 thousand wallets and a 52% engagement rate. Read More

Similar to Blur, the Ethereum NFT trading platform, Tensor initially catered to pro-traders. Although the team continues to prioritize this customer segment, Moisejevs, a representative, notes a gradual shift towards appealing to retail traders as well. This strategic move reflects the platform’s adaptability and its commitment to catering to a diverse user base as it continues to redefine its role in the expanding NFT market.

Read more: Top 6 Solana Native Projects By Category

Best Solana NFT Collections In 2024

Mad Labs


In the vibrant world of NFTs, Backpack, the famous cryptocurrency wallet on the Solana blockchain, has introduced a distinctive collection known as Mad Lads. This unique NFT series captures a classic aesthetic, featuring young men adorned in fashion styles reminiscent of previous decades.

What sets Mad Lads apart is its captivating artistry, which not only showcases human subjects but also includes robots and alien entities, all infused with a distinct “retro” vibe, adding an extra layer of uniqueness to the collection.

Top Solana NFT Collections In 2024 8

While details about Mad Lads remain somewhat scarce, the collection draws its name from a slang term prevalent in 2000s England. “Mad Lads” referred to eccentric teenagers known for their wild antics, frequenting pubs, and always seeking attention through their peculiar and often unconventional behavior. Mad Lads brings a breath of fresh air to the Solana NFT space with new and unique features.


In the wake of a gloomy period marked by the downtrend and the collapse of the FTX empire, Mad Lads has emerged as a major catalyst for excitement in the crypto space. The initial mint event witnessed an overwhelming number of visits, causing a two-hour delay. Due to processing challenges, the event was ultimately postponed to the next day, underscoring the unprecedented demand for Mad Lads.

One of the notable aspects contributing to Mad Lads’ popularity is the endorsement it received from key opinion leaders (KOLs). Even Solana’s founders expressed their interest, with plans to laser engrave on the back of the Saga phone. Saga, touted as Solana’s blockchain-centric phone, leverages the Solana Mobile Stack (SMS) toolkit.

Backed by the widely acclaimed Backpack wallet, Mad Lads has become the first “resident” of this prominent Solana wallet. Community sentiments suggest that owning this NFT collection could lead to future perks from Backpack, further fueling interest in Mad Lads.

The minting experience with Mad Lads is far from ordinary. Participants, upon a successful mint, receive a unique NFT shaped like a rug, cleverly playing on the term “rug” to evoke the idea of running away with the user’s money. Users then interact with the rug NFT by clicking to reveal a hidden number and matching it to their NFT to reveal the authentic image.

Setting itself apart from the NFT crowd, Mad Lads takes a firm stance against bots, often considered the nemesis of regular NFT minters. The project implements an innovative strategy by returning SOL to bots that mint a fake NFT called the “Honney pot,” acting as an antidote to these automated entities.

Beyond the digital realm, Mad Lads offers tangible benefits to its community members. NFT owners can utilize their Mad Lads tokens as avatars on various social media platforms. Additionally, they gain access to exclusive Mad Lads owner clubs, categorized by NFT characteristics such as Robot and Skull. This unique classification system fosters interaction and communication among Mad Lads NFT enthusiasts who share a common interest in the burgeoning world of NFTs.

Solana Monkey Business


Solana Monke Business is a trailblazer, boasting the first and second most renowned collections. The innovative MonkeDAO, associated with Solana Monke Business, stands out as the pioneering NFT DAO organization on this blockchain.

At the forefront of Solana Monke Business is the SMB Gen2 collection, comprising 5,000 unique NFTs featuring charming pixelated monkeys. This collection has captured the attention of the NFT community, establishing itself as a symbol of creativity and uniqueness within the Solana NFT ecosystem.

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Taking a giant leap forward, Solana Monke Business unveiled the SMB Gen3 collection in June 2023. This new collection introduces a staggering 15,000 NFTs, each meticulously crafted to maintain the beloved monkey style while pushing the boundaries of pixel art. In comparison to its Gen2 predecessor, Gen3 showcases an impressive increase in pixel count, enhancing the visual appeal and intricacy of each NFT.


In addition to the captivating SMB Gen2 and Gen3 collections, Solana Monke Business introduces an exclusive membership program known as MonkeDAO, offering a host of benefits for NFT holders.

Holding NFTs from either the Gen2 or Gen3 collection grants automatic membership to MonkeDAO. As a member, individuals gain access to a collaborative network where they can leverage the collective expertise and resources of fellow MonkeDAO members.

This unique platform encourages collaboration, allowing members to connect and collaborate on innovative projects within the vibrant Solana NFT community.

Members of MonkeDAO, holding NFTs from both the SMB Gen2 and Gen3 collections, enjoy the privilege of actively participating in the governance process. This includes the ability to vote on proposals and collectively shape the future direction of the DAO. Solana Monke Business emphasizes decentralized decision-making, empowering its community to have a direct impact on the evolution of the platform.

A distinctive perk of MonkeDAO membership is the early access to alpha leaks – exclusive insights and information shared among OGs (Original Gangsters) within the DAO. Being a member not only provides a sense of community but also offers the opportunity to stay ahead of the curve by gaining early knowledge of upcoming developments and projects within the Solana Monke Business ecosystem.

Famous Fox Federation


In a groundbreaking move within the NFT space, the Famous Fox Federation has launched “Famous Foxes,” a unique collection of 7,777 fox-themed NFTs that is set to redefine the landscape of non-fungible tokens. The Famous Fox Federation ecosystem comprises four distinct sets, each offering exclusive benefits to its holders.

The flagship set, Famous Foxes, stands out as the first PFP (Profile Picture) collection, boasting the highest benefits within the Famous Fox Federation. Holders of FFF NFTs enjoy unrestricted access to all tools provided by the ecosystem and receive a daily reward of 100 FOXY tokens when staking their NFTs.

Transdimensional Famous Foxes, a collection of 7,777 pixel-style fox NFTs, takes the NFT experience to a new level. A portion of TFF NFTs is airdropped to qualified Famous Foxes holders, while the remainder is available through minting. TFF holders benefit from exclusive discounts when utilizing the ecosystem’s tools and receive a daily reward of 25 FOXY tokens for staking their NFTs.

Comprising 3,000 NFTs of houses, Famous Fox Dens provide a unique space for displaying NFTs. Users can use FOXY tokens to mint these dens, where they have the freedom to customize the display by hiding or showing NFTs according to their preferences.

The pinnacle of exclusivity within the Famous Fox Federation is the Famous Fox Friends & Foes collection. This 1/1 NFT version is up for auction, and ownership grants users benefits equivalent to those enjoyed by Famous Foxes holders. The auctioned NFT promises a one-of-a-kind experience within the ecosystem.

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The Famous Token Market serves as the community’s go-to platform for buying and selling tokens effortlessly. While charging a nominal 2% of the sale price, the market offers fee-free transactions for anyone who stakes a minimum of one FFF/TFF. With an open invitation to all, participants are reminded to exercise caution when engaging in token transactions.

Adding a gamified twist to the Famous Fox Federation, missions are high-stakes bets with specific requirements, including fox characteristics, level, density, and NFTs from collaborative projects. The fixed six-day deadline ensures a fair playing field, as participants cannot complete tasks prematurely. Holders of Famous Foxes NFTs and Transdimensional Famous Foxes are eligible to partake in quests, reaping identical benefits. Each mission offers diverse rewards, making it a captivating venture for all players.

The project employs a lottery system to draw attention to Famous Fox Dens, promoting community engagement. To ensure transparency and security, the project implements measures for participant verification, draw reliability, participant visibility, and addressing community concerns or flagged sellers. Additionally, newcomers are advised on understanding probabilities, spending responsibly, avoiding assumptions regarding last-minute purchases, and emphasizing the importance of respect in the community.

Community members can now earn $FOXY by engaging in a minimum three-day staking process, with no maximum duration. Each staked Fox not only receives corresponding $FOXY but also earns utility tokens. These utility tokens can be utilized for acquiring new generations of NFTs and accessing upcoming features, adding an extra layer of value to the staking process.



Aurory is a new free-to-play Japanese-style strategy role-playing game that has emerged on the Solana blockchain. Drawing inspiration from the beloved Pokemon franchise, Aurory introduces players to a captivating world where they can capture and train fictional creatures known as “Nefty” and engage in thrilling 3v3 matches against fellow trainers.

Aurory’s gameplay mirrors some elements of the widely popular Pokemon series, offering players a nostalgic yet refreshing experience. The Solana blockchain integration adds a unique layer to the game, providing a decentralized and transparent platform for players to explore. Aurory NFT is one of the outstanding NFT collections of the Solana NFT ecosystem.

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Aurory sets itself apart by not only offering an engaging gaming experience but also acting as an educational platform for cryptocurrency enthusiasts. Players can delve into the intricacies of cryptocurrency, from creating wallets to conducting transactions, and even exploring the realms of staking and farming activities. This innovative approach not only enhances the gaming journey but also equips players with practical knowledge beyond the digital realm.

Participation in Aurory matches takes on a new dimension as players have the opportunity to earn Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). These unique digital assets, obtained through strategic victories, can be sold on the Marketplace. Aurory transforms virtual achievements into tangible, tradable commodities, creating a dynamic in-game economy and fostering a sense of ownership and value for players.

In Aurory, progress goes beyond defeating monsters in battles. Tasks such as staking tokens, NFT cards, or farming resources garnered from monster encounters contribute to a player’s arsenal. This, in turn, allows players to acquire unique cards or level up their characters. The items acquired through staking are not only vital for in-game battles but also serve as valuable assets that can be traded on the Serum NFT Marketplace.

Aurory Marketplace takes a revolutionary step by integrating with Serum DEX (Decentralized Exchange), streamlining the buying and selling of in-game items, NFTs, and tokens. This collaboration ensures a fast and equitable trading experience for all players, leveraging the power of decentralized technology. The integration of Serum DEX within Aurory marks a significant stride, establishing a transparent and secure environment for transactions within the gaming community.



DeGods is a captivating Profile Picture NFT collection, featuring 10,000 deflationary works of art. These distinct pieces are tokenized on the Solana blockchain, offering a seamless blend of creativity and blockchain technology.

The central theme of the DeGods NFT collection revolves around gods, ensuring that each NFT is a unique masterpiece with its own set of distinctive characteristics. This fusion of artistic expression and blockchain innovation has garnered attention and appreciation within the NFT community.

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Notably, while a portion of the DeGods collection has migrated to the Ethereum blockchain, the collection continues to thrive as one of the standout and successful Solana NFT projects within the ecosystem. This dual presence showcases the versatility and widespread appeal of DeGods, transcending the boundaries of a single blockchain.


DeGods has solidified its position as a premier NFT with unparalleled reputation and market liquidity. The collection’s stellar standing is a testament to its widespread acclaim within the NFT community, attracting both seasoned collectors and newcomers alike.

Setting a new standard in the NFT landscape, DeGods employs a deflationary mechanism that imposes a 33.3% tax on listings below the floor price. This strategic approach utilizes the tax funds to conduct buybacks of the most affordable DeGods, subsequently eliminating them from circulation through a burning process. This innovative strategy not only ensures scarcity but also adds dynamism to the NFT ecosystem.

In a bold move, DeGods introduces DeadGods, an upgraded version available exclusively for those who invest in ‘fine art’ using 1000 DUST. This transformative feature allows collectors to elevate their DeGods, maintaining the original rarity while introducing redrawn properties. The inception of DeadGods marks a unique evolution within the NFT space, providing enthusiasts with a new dimension of artistic expression.

DeadGods, the upgraded versions of DeGods, are not just artistic transformations; they are interconnected entities. Based on the original metadata, these zombie versions attach to each other, offering users the ability to seamlessly switch interfaces between DeadGods and DeGods. However, the exclusivity and rarity are emphasized, as users are unable to separate and sell them independently. Each DeGods now comes with its own paired version of DeadGods, creating a distinctive and interconnected narrative within the collection.


The Solana NFT is one of the best NFT ecosystems. In the near future, the explosion of the crypto market promises to bring great sources of liquidity to DeFi and NFT, helping the Solana NFT ecosystem to continue to grow throughout the year. 2024. Hopefully Coincu‘s article has helped you get more information about the best Solana NFT collections to prepare for the upcoming uptrend season.


With a passion for untangling the complexities of the financial world, I've spent over four years in financial journalism, covering everything from traditional equities to the cutting edge of venture capital. "The financial markets are a fascinating puzzle," I often say, "and I love helping people make sense of them." That's what drives me to bring clear and insightful financial journalism to the readers of Coincu.

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