Categories: Press Releases

Azuro Steps Into AI Using Olas to Predict Sports Event Results

Lisbon, Portugal, June 12th, 2024, Chainwire

Azuro, the leading liquidity layer for onchain predictions, is using Olas, the principal network for autonomous AI agents, to leverage their AI stack for the development of an autonomous agent capable of operating across the Azuro ecosystem.

Azuro is the frontrunner infrastructure layer for sport and entertainment prediction markets within EVM chains. Over 25 apps are operational on the protocol, with many others already in the works. Its innovative liquidity pool design, sophisticated tooling and oracle solutions allow apps to deploy without upfront investment or running costs, saving them valuable development resources that can be directed to user acquisition, engagement and monetization instead.

Transaction volumes on Azuro have been expanding consistently and rapidly over the past year, standing at $350+ million as of this writing, along with a protocol revenue in excess of $3M+, thus becoming the number 1 revenue-generating protocol on Polygon recently.

Olas, known for its composable stack that supports the development of autonomous services, provides a framework for building advanced autonomous agent technology. These AI agents, while running off-chain, are represented on-chain by smart contracts.

This union offers Olas AI technology the opportunity to access the fastest-growing prediction markets ecosystem. The Azuro AI agent will be capable of learning how to accurately predict outcomes of sports events. To maximize its learning, the agent will be retrofitted with data from Azuro markets. This AI agent, once operational, will be able to autonomously analyze, and operate in prediction markets on Azuro, enriching the ecosystem with data-driven insights and predictive capabilities for all participants.

“We are setting the basis for the development of AI agents that can effectively integrate and operate within the Azuro ecosystem. Long term, this integration could unleash a new era in market analysis and empower new applications for prediction markets beyond sports, such as political forecasting, and other entertainment events,” stated Rossen, core contributor at Azuro.

This is an exciting advancement for developers and users of Azuro prediction markets alike. Aside from the creation of the AI agent, Azuro will host a hackathon to provide tools and frameworks for the development of new autonomous agents and the expansion of use cases in prediction markets.

About Azuro

Azuro is the onchain predictions layer. It consists of modular tooling, oracle and liquidity solutions for EVM chains to host powerful prediction and gaming apps. With its unique infrastructure layer approach Azuro makes on-chain predictions and gaming portable and composable. It allows anyone to engage and monetize users by building apps, integrations, and products quickly, permissionlessly and with zero upfront or running costs.

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About Olas

Olas enables everyone to own a share of AI, specifically autonomous agent economies. Olas is a unified network of off-chain services – like automation, oracles, and co-owned AI. It offers a composable stack for building these services, and a protocol for incentivizing their creation. Olas enables operating these services in a co-owned and decentralized way.

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Azuro team


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