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Top 3 Easiest Cryptocurrencies in 2021

The crypto market was extremely active in the first half of this year when there was a lot of hype about digital currencies. And of course this also enlivens the discussions about which cryptocurrency is more profitable to mine in 2021. At the same time, bitcoin is unexpectedly not the best option. It is not the most profitable cryptocurrency, nor is it the most environmentally friendly cryptocurrency.

The fact is, other promising cryptocurrencies are emerging and have worked successfully. Here are the top 3 easiest cryptocurrencies to mine in 2021, according to Coinape

Top 3 easiest cryptocurrencies to mine in 2021

Top 3 Easiest Cryptocurrencies to Mine in 2021 – Utopia Crypton (CRP)

Crypton (CRP) is a fully decentralized and disruptive cryptocurrency that is the primary means of payment in Utopia’s P2P ecosystem.

Utopia P2P is a single decentralized ecosystem that solves cyber security issues. It ensures the anonymity and privacy of every user. It is built on a peer-to-peer network and combines separate tools for messaging, browsing and even CRP crypto mining, all in one product that is extremely easy to use and has the potential to grow.

The CRP coin is backed by a powerful project that is already created and ready and in development. The only thing that hinders the popularity and development of the coin and the project is the lack of ICO as the project is not getting the right amount of attention.

However, more and more users are starting to talk about the project and share its benefits with their friends and social networks. In addition, unlike other coins, it does not require a powerful CPU, GPU or HDD.

CRP ensures the confidentiality and confidentiality of all online payments as it is free from any risk of external regulation and control. Nobody can influence the market price of CRP or control the Utopia network and CRP cryptocurrency or receive data about online transactions.

CRP mining is a unique way to mine environmentally friendly coins at home. There is no need to create cryptocurrency mining farms or buy expensive equipment for this process. Instead, all CRP mining needs is the internet and an operating computer that meets modern performance standards.

To start mining, all users need to do is download and register in Utopia’s P2P ecosystem. Then you just have to install a special UAM bot in the Linux control panel on the VPS server. The bot does not affect network activity in any way and does not slow down performance. Plus, it doesn’t take up a lot of storage space.

However, any user can speed up the mining process if they want by using a free server on another computer or by buying an additional VPS or VDS and installing a Crypton mining bot there.

In addition, Crypton has a reward program for mining in the form of your minimum monthly balance. All Mined Cryptons can be sold, exchanged or withdrawn via the internal crypto exchange or any other public exchange.

Top 3 Easiest Cryptocurrencies in 2021 – Litecoin

Litecoin is an alternative cryptocurrency that is a branch of Bitcoin. Litecoin is also a peer-to-peer payment system that can conduct transactions and transfer funds from one user to another.

This cryptocurrency can be used to transfer money to Bitcoin and buy goods and pay for services in official retail stores that accept payments in cryptocurrency.

According to experts, Litecoin currently only has one advantage over other cryptocurrencies – fast block confirmations. With Litecoin, the formation of blocks is the same as with Bitcoin. A special feature is that different hash search functions are used. Litecoin uses Scrypt and Bitcoin uses SHA-256.

Litecoin mining implies certain payments for the processing of a certain amount of data, mostly transactions. Processor capacity and graphics card used for processing. The reward is paid for solving a block.

The main advantage over Bitcoin, which has long made Litecoin so popular, is the ability to mine via computer. Today it is only possible with Bitcoin via pools, farms or cloud mining, but with Litecoin it is easier. The possibility of computer mining is made possible by a special cryptographic algorithm.

Top 3 Easiest Cryptocurrencies in 2021 – Grin

Grin is an “anonymous blockchain” that enables “electronic transactions for everyone without restrictions and censorship”. And the formula is pretty fair, as the Grin network works on the basis of the MimbleWimble protocol, which offers complete security and scalability behind which a logical mathematical cryptography is hidden.

The Grin cryptocurrency is the project’s internal currency, which serves as a means of transferring value between network users. As with most other crypto blockchains, Grin tokens are created as a reward for those involved in the mining process.

Grin uses the Cuckoo Cycle algorithm in PoW. It is resistant to ASIC mining because it is memory tied and can work with microprocessors. This increases the decentralization of the network as more people can mine coins.

Mining is possible on CPU (new processor and 8 GB memory) and on GPU (from 6 GB). Several groups have supported the coin. It is mined with GrinGoldMiner, Bminer and NBMiner.

You can work on Grin as a developer because it is an open source project. The infrastructure has yet to be created, but that is still to come.


It is possible that many people believe that cryptocurrencies are in the middle of a recession and have not yet reached their golden age as they once were. However, this is a completely wrong assumption. Despite the great hype about this topic on the Internet today, cryptocurrencies have not yet reached their peak in popularity.

According to experts, in a few years, cryptocurrencies will really enter users’ lives. And then of course it will be so popular that there will be no one left who has not heard and used cryptocurrency at least once in their life.

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Important NOTE: All content on the website is for informational purposes only and does not constitute investment advice. Your money, the choice is yours.


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