
Real Realm announces sponsorship cooperation with BSC Station

Press release

The blockchain-based war strategy game Actual Realm has announced a strategic partnership with the Binance Wise Chain (BSC) station, a platform that offers a decentralized Initial DEX (IDO) for funding. In fact, this is the end of his IDO day.

The partnership will ensure that the project can raise and exchange the necessary capital in a safe and legally compliant environment, thereby encouraging investors to participate in the financing round.

The company has also worked with a number of other investors and companies including Lotus Capital, AU21 Money, Basics Funds, BSC Station, KaiStarter and more than 20 other investors. A full list of investors and partners can be found here.

Games for money (P2E) have become popular and attract investors. The games allow users to collect digital collectibles and earn rewards in the form of tokens. These collectibles and tokens can then be traded for profit.

More information on gameplay

Serious Realm is a free blockchain-based war strategy game. It uses innovative blockchain-based technology along with unique algorithms to provide a unique experience for the players who use the system. The game has different battle modes and different features for all types of players, including free play, play for fun, and play for money. These users can recruit, loan, summon, evolve, band together, and also team up with their own unusable token (NFT) in battles with their own unusable token (NFT) characters named Lies in Battles, Endless Wars and Conflicts in the Metaverse.

While P2E games have been gaining popularity recently, True Realm offers a unique combination of features that guarantee instant success. The team will use any funds acquired to continue innovation and keep the ecosystem growing.

Blockchain technology helps reduce disagreements that can arise when selling in-game assets. For example, every time a Mie gains strength when it absorbs a bullet, one of the bullet’s four attributes. This addition of the character is kept even after the character is moved, as it costs the matchmaker in terms of match time, energy and effort combined. Play-for-money initiatives allow these assets to be transferred without losing upgrades.

Real token functions

Games like Authentic Realm use their tokens to reward users based on their participation in the ecosystem. These tokens are used to trade in the Serious Realm market and to recruit bad guys. It can also be used to buy diamonds, which are the main currency in the game, to purchase items from the in-game shop. It also acts as the ecosystem’s governance token, giving the holder the right to vote and thus the right to determine the shape and direction of the ecosystem.

The sponsorship partnership will be announced after the launch of True Realm. Users can trade their favorite NFT heroes – Lousy – in the marketplace. They will also be able to put their tokens on decentralized applications (DApps). The Actual Realm Marketplace is operated on Binance Smart Chain to ensure fast transaction processing at almost zero costs. This is unlike many other P2E games that charge high transaction fees for in-game transactions as well as fees for breeding new characters.

In the meantime, BSC Station also invests in other play-for-money initiatives such as Metafish and Cocos-BCX.

About BSC. Station

BSC Station Launchpad is a decentralized IDO platform in the Binance network. The protocol was developed for Binance Smart Chain token pools and auctions so that projects can cost-effectively raise capital in an interoperable environment on Binance Clever Chain.

BSC Station offers investors a safe and regulated environment to fund new startup crypto projects through the direct support of BSC Station or its community. In this way, it gives teams the opportunity to accelerate the development of their projects. It also helps increase brand awareness.

About True Realm

Real Realm is a blockchain-based strategy game developed by Increase Studio, a technology-driven game studio founded in 2020. Rise Studio is headquartered in Singapore and has over 40 employees with extensive experience in the technology and mobile games industries. The idea is to create a community owned and developed recreational environment that will allow users to make money without paying entry fees.

Further information about the company and the project can be found at:








Championing positive change through finance, I've dedicated over eight years to sustainability and environmental journalism. My passion lies in uncovering companies that make a real difference in the world and guiding investors towards them. My expertise lies in navigating the world of sustainable investing, analyzing ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) criteria, and exploring the exciting field of impact investing. "Invest in a better future," I often say. That's the driving force behind my work at Coincu – to empower readers with knowledge and insights to make investment decisions that create a positive impact.

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