
How DeFi paved the way for financial inclusion

Decentralized financing (DeFi) is a form of blockchain-based financing that uses smart contracts on blockchains, the most popular of which are Ethereum-based ERC20 tokens, to provide traditional financial instruments rather than relying on central financial intermediaries like banks.

People can use decentralized financial platforms to lend or borrow money from others, trade cryptocurrencies, hedge against risk, and generate income from savings accounts.

This financial sector was born in 2009 when Bitcoin was created. Then ICOs, one of Ethereum’s first major use cases, gained popularity in 2017.

Since 2018, concepts such as “Liquidity Mining Pools” and “Automated Market Maker” have been introduced, which prompted many DeFi initiatives to develop new instruments such as loans, mortgages, loans and agriculture, among others.

On the flip side, while decentralized funding has grown in popularity in 2020 and Ethereum is the only blockchain that supports DeFi tools, many cheaper and faster alternatives have emerged since then (e.g. Binance Smart Chain). Today, these two blockchains are the most widely used networks to develop DeFi initiatives.

However, people around the world do not have access to this revolutionary technology in the amount we desire. That’s why Eidoo’s unattended wallet is the perfect way to get involved.


Theo bu00e1o cu00e1o cu1ee7a Ngu00e2n hu00e0ng Thu1ebf giu1edbi nu0103m 2017, khou1ea3ng 1,7 tu1ef7 ngu01b0u1eddi tru00ean thu1ebf giu1edbi khu00f4ng cu00f3 tu00e0i khou1ea3n ngu00e2n hu00e0ng hiu1ec7n nay.


Khu00f4ng u0111u01b0u1ee3c tiu1ebfp cu1eadn vu1edbi cu00f4ng cu1ee5 tu00e0i chu00ednh cu01a1 bu1ea3n nu00e0y lu00e0 yu1ebfu tu1ed1 chu00ednh khiu1ebfn hu1ecd khu00f4ng thu1ec3 thu1ef1c hiu1ec7n mu1ed9t su1ed1 chu1ee9c nu0103ng hu00e0ng ngu00e0y. Tuy nhiu00ean, tu00e0i chu00ednh phi tu1eadp trung (DeFi) u0111u01b0u1ee3c tu1ea1o ra u0111u1ec3 u0111u00e1p u1ee9ng tu1ea5t cu1ea3 cu00e1c yu00eau cu1ea7u vu00e0 u0111u00f2i hu1ecfi cu1ee7a ngu00e2n hu00e0ng truyu1ec1n thu1ed1ng - bu1ea3o mu1eadt, quyu1ec1n riu00eang tu01b0 vu00e0 khu1ea3 nu0103ng truy cu1eadp - theo mu1ed9t cu00e1ch mu1edbi.


Bu1eb1ng cu00e1ch chuyu1ec3n cu00e1c hou1ea1t u0111u1ed9ng tu00e0i chu00ednh lu00ean blockchain, mu1ecdi ngu01b0u1eddi su1ebd chu1ec9 cu1ea7n u0111iu1ec7n thou1ea1i thu00f4ng minh hou1eb7c PC di u0111u1ed9ng vu00e0 ku1ebft nu1ed1i Internet u1ed5n u0111u1ecbnh u0111u1ec3 truy cu1eadp vu00e0o hu1ec7 thu1ed1ng tu00e0i chu00ednh tou00e0n cu1ea7u 24/7. u0110u00f3 lu00e0 bu01b0u1edbc u0111i u0111u00fang hu01b0u1edbng nhu01b0 thu1ebf nu00e0o?


Trong bu00e0i viu1ebft nu00e0y, bu1ea1n su1ebd khu00e1m phu00e1 cu00e1ch hou1ea1t u0111u1ed9ng cu1ee7a hu1ec7 thu1ed1ng tu00e0i chu00ednh tou00e0n cu1ea7u hiu1ec7n tu1ea1i, DeFi lu00e0 gu00ec, tu1ea1i sao nu00f3 lu00e0 lu1ef1a chu1ecdn tu1ed1t nhu1ea5t cho nhu1eefng ngu01b0u1eddi cu00f3 ngu00e2n hu00e0ng vu00e0 khu00f4ng cu00f3 ngu00e2n hu00e0ng u0111u1ec3 quu1ea3n lu00fd tiu1ec1n cu1ee7a hu1ecd vu00e0 cu00e1ch bu1ea1n cu00f3 thu1ec3 bu1eaft u0111u1ea7u u0111u1ea7u tu01b0 vu00e0o khu00f4ng gian.





Tu00ecnh hu00ecnh hu00f2a nhu1eadp tu00e0i chu00ednh hiu1ec7n tu1ea1i tru00ean tou00e0n thu1ebf giu1edbi



Cu00e1c cu00e1 nhu00e2n vu00e0 doanh nghiu1ec7p bao gu1ed3m tu00e0i chu00ednh cu00f3 quyu1ec1n tiu1ebfp cu1eadn vu1edbi cu00e1c hu00e0ng hu00f3a vu00e0 du1ecbch vu1ee5 tu00e0i chu00ednh phu00f9 hu1ee3p vu1edbi yu00eau cu1ea7u cu1ee7a hu1ecd - giao du1ecbch, thanh tou00e1n, tiu1ebft kiu1ec7m, tu00edn du1ee5ng vu00e0 bu1ea3o hiu1ec3m - do cu00e1c tu1ed5 chu1ee9c lu1edbn cung cu1ea5p vu1edbi tu1ea5t cu1ea3 cu00e1c lu1ee3i u00edch vu00e0 hu1ea1n chu1ebf cu1ee7a chu00fang.


Tiu1ebfp cu1eadn tu00e0i khou1ea3n ngu00e2n hu00e0ng trong hu1ec7 thu1ed1ng tu00e0i chu00ednh hiu1ec7n tu1ea1i lu00e0 bu01b0u1edbc u0111u1ea7u tiu00ean u0111u1ec3 phu00e1t triu1ec3n kinh tu1ebf vu00ec nu00f3 cho phu00e9p mu1ecdi ngu01b0u1eddi lu01b0u tru1eef tiu1ec1n cu1ee7a hu1ecd mu1ed9t cu00e1ch an tou00e0n. Tuy nhiu00ean, chu1ee9c nu0103ng quan tru1ecdng nhu1ea5t cu1ee7a tu00e0i khou1ea3n ngu00e2n hu00e0ng lu00e0 tru1edf thu00e0nh cu1ed5ng thu00f4ng tin cho cu00e1c du1ecbch vu1ee5 tu00e0i chu00ednh khu00e1c.


u0110u1ed1i vu1edbi cu00e1c quu1ed1c gia nu01a1i 80% du00e2n su1ed1 tru1edf lu00ean cu00f3 tu00e0i khou1ea3n ngu00e2n hu00e0ng, giai u0111ou1ea1n tiu1ebfp theo lu00e0 chuyu1ec3n u0111u1ed5i tu1eeb quyu1ec1n truy cu1eadp tu00e0i khou1ea3n sang su1eed du1ee5ng tu00e0i khou1ea3n (Trung Quu1ed1c, Kenya, u1ea4n u0110u1ed9 vu00e0 Thu00e1i Lan). Cu00e1c quu1ed1c gia nu00e0y phu1ee5 thuu1ed9c vu00e0o cu1ea3i cu00e1ch, u0111u1ed5i mu1edbi cu1ee7a khu vu1ef1c tu01b0 nhu00e2n vu00e0 u0111u1ed9ng lu1ef1c xu00e2y du1ef1ng cu00e1c tu00e0i khou1ea3n chi phu00ed thu1ea5p, bao gu1ed3m cu1ea3 thanh tou00e1n di u0111u1ed9ng vu00e0 ku1ef9 thuu1eadt su1ed1.





Mu1ecdi ngu01b0u1eddi u0111u1ec1u cu1ea7n du1ecbch vu1ee5 khu00f4ng giu00e1m su00e1t tu00e0i chu00ednh



Bu1ed1n lu00fd do chu00ednh khiu1ebfn mu1ecdi ngu01b0u1eddi khu00f4ng thu1ec3 cu00f3 tu00e0i khou1ea3n ngu00e2n hu00e0ng nhu01b0 sau:




Bu1ed1n nguyu00ean nhu00e2n nu00e0y vu1eabn cu00f2n nguyu00ean giu00e1 tru1ecb u1edf cu00e1c nu01b0u1edbc u0111ang phu00e1t triu1ec3n. Hu1ea7u hu1ebft nhu1eefng ngu01b0u1eddi cu1ea7n cu00e1c cu00f4ng cu1ee5 tu00e0i chu00ednh (vu00ed du1ee5 nhu01b0 mu1ed9t khou1ea3n vay) thu01b0u1eddng nhu1eadn u0111u01b0u1ee3c su1ed1 tiu1ec1n u0111u00f3 tu1eeb bu1ea1n bu00e8 hou1eb7c gia u0111u00ecnh chu1ec9 u0111u01a1n giu1ea3n lu00e0 vu00ec cu00e1c yu00eau cu1ea7u cu1ee7a ngu00e2n hu00e0ng lu00e0 khu00f4ng thu1ec3 u0111u1ea1t u0111u01b0u1ee3c.


Viu1ec7c thiu1ebfu cu00e1c chu00ednh su00e1ch hu1ec7 thu1ed1ng tu00e0i chu00ednh du00e0i hu1ea1n u0111u1ea3m bu1ea3o cu01a1 su1edf hu1ea1 tu1ea7ng ku1ef9 thuu1eadt su1ed1 vu00e0 vu1eadt lu00fd u0111u1ec3 thu hu00fat u0111u1ea7u tu01b0 vu00e0o lu0129nh vu1ef1c viu1ec5n thu00f4ng vu00e0 ngu00e2n hu00e0ng khiu1ebfn viu1ec7c mu1edf vu00e0 duy tru00ec tu00e0i khou1ea3n ngu00e2n hu00e0ng tru1edf thu00e0nh ku1ecbch bu1ea3n cho phim viu1ec5n tu01b0u1edfng u1edf cu00e1c nu01b0u1edbc u0111ang phu00e1t triu1ec3n.


Tuy nhiu00ean, nu00f3 khu00f4ng phu1ea3i lu00e0 mu00e0u hu1ed3ng u1edf thu1ebf giu1edbi phu00e1t triu1ec3n. Vu00ed du1ee5: Cu1ee5c Du1ef1 tru1eef Liu00ean bang u01b0u1edbc tu00ednh vu00e0o nu0103m 2019 ru1eb1ng khou1ea3ng 63 triu1ec7u ngu01b0u1eddi khu00f4ng cu00f3 tu00e0i khou1ea3n ngu00e2n hu00e0ng.


Do u0111u00f3, nhu1eefng ngu01b0u1eddi khu00f4ng cu00f3 ngu00e2n hu00e0ng u1edf mu1ecdi quu1ed1c gia tru00ean thu1ebf giu1edbi ru1ea5t cu1ea7n mu1ed9t giu1ea3i phu00e1p thay thu1ebf tu00e0i chu00ednh tu01b0 nhu00e2n, an tou00e0n vu00e0 u0111u01a1n giu1ea3n hu01a1n nhiu1ec1u. Tu00e0i chu00ednh phi tu1eadp trung u0111ang tu1ef1 coi mu00ecnh lu00e0 cu00e2u tru1ea3 lu1eddi tu1ed1t nhu1ea5t u0111u1ec3 cu1ea5p cho bu1ea5t ku1ef3 ai quyu1ec1n truy cu1eadp vu00e0o Vu00ed DeFi 24/7.





Nhu1eefng ngu01b0u1eddi u0111u01b0u1ee3c ngu00e2n hu00e0ng cu0169ng cu1ea7n DeFi



Theo MyBankTracker, u0111u00e2y lu00e0 10 khiu1ebfu nu1ea1i ngu00e2n hu00e0ng phu1ed5 biu1ebfn nhu1ea5t:




Nhu01b0 bu1ea1n cu00f3 thu1ec3 thu1ea5y, mu1ecdi ngu01b0u1eddi phu00e0n nu00e0n vu00ec hu1ecd muu1ed1n cu00f3 nhu1eefng u0111iu1ec1u kiu1ec7n cu00f4ng bu1eb1ng tu1ed1i thiu1ec3u u0111u1ec3 quu1ea3n lu00fd tiu1ec1n cu1ee7a hu1ecd mu1ed9t cu00e1ch minh bu1ea1ch vu00e0 bu1ea3o mu1eadt. Tuy nhiu00ean, thu1eadt khu00f4ng may, cu00e1c ngu00e2n hu00e0ng thu01b0u1eddng khu00f4ng cung cu1ea5p cu00e1c bu1ea3o lu00e3nh nhu01b0 vu1eady.


Trung bu00ecnh, so vu1edbi nhu1eefng ngu01b0u1eddi khu00e1c, nhu1eefng ngu01b0u1eddi cu00f3 ngu00e2n hu00e0ng cu00f3 thu1ec3 cu00f3 nhiu1ec1u khu1ea3 nu0103ng khu00e1m phu00e1 ra cu00e1c nu1ec1n tu1ea3ng tu00e0i chu00ednh phi tu1eadp trung khu00e1c nhau u0111ang tu1ed3n tu1ea1i tru00ean thu1ecb tru01b0u1eddng vu00e0 do u0111u00f3 u0111u01b0u1ee3c khuyu1ebfn khu00edch su1eed du1ee5ng chu00fang cho cu00e1c giao du1ecbch tu00e0i chu00ednh cu1ee7a hu1ecd bu1ea5t chu1ea5p nhu1eefng khu00f3 khu0103n vu1ec1 tru1ea3i nghiu1ec7m ngu01b0u1eddi du00f9ng u0111ang tu1ed3n tu1ea1i hiu1ec7n nay.


Nu00f3i cu00e1ch khu00e1c, hu1ea7u hu1ebft mu1ecdi ngu01b0u1eddi hiu1ec7n u0111ang su1eed du1ee5ng cu00e1c du1ecbch vu1ee5 tu00e0i chu00ednh truyu1ec1n thu1ed1ng tru00ean tou00e0n thu1ebf giu1edbi khu00f4ng hu00e0i lu00f2ng vu1edbi cu00e1c cu00f4ng cu1ee5 tu00e0i chu00ednh cu1ee7a ngu00e2n hu00e0ng, khiu1ebfn hu1ecd tru1edf thu00e0nh mu1ed9t lu0129nh vu1ef1c quan tru1ecdng cu0169ng cu1ea7n cu00e1c du1ecbch vu1ee5 DeFi u0111u1ec3 quu1ea3n lu00fd tiu1ec1n cu1ee7a hu1ecd mu1ed9t cu00e1ch an tou00e0n vu00e0 riu00eang tu01b0 hu01a1n.


Nhu01b0ng, tu1ea5t cu1ea3 vu1ec1 DeFi lu00e0 gu00ec? Lu00e0m thu1ebf nu00e0o u0111u1ec3 mu1ecdi ngu01b0u1eddi cu00f3 thu1ec3 bu1eaft u0111u1ea7u u0111u1ea7u tu01b0 vu00e0o lu0129nh vu1ef1c DeFi bu00e2y giu1edd? Hu00e3y u0111u1ecdc u0111u1ec3 tu00ecm hiu1ec3u.





Tu00e0i chu00ednh phi tu1eadp trung (DeFi) lu00e0 gu00ec?



Tu00e0i chu00ednh phi tu1eadp trung (DeFi) lu00e0 mu1ed9t lou1ea1i hu00ecnh tu00e0i chu00ednh du1ef1a tru00ean blockchain su1eed du1ee5ng cu00e1c hu1ee3p u0111u1ed3ng thu00f4ng minh tru00ean cu00e1c blockchain, trong u0111u00f3 phu1ed5 biu1ebfn nhu1ea5t lu00e0 Ethereum du1ef1a tru00ean ERC20 Tokens, u0111u1ec3 cung cu1ea5p cu00e1c cu00f4ng cu1ee5 tu00e0i chu00ednh truyu1ec1n thu1ed1ng thay vu00ec phu1ee5 thuu1ed9c vu00e0o cu00e1c trung gian tu00e0i chu00ednh trung u01b0u01a1ng nhu01b0 ngu00e2n hu00e0ng.


Mu1ecdi ngu01b0u1eddi cu00f3 thu1ec3 su1eed du1ee5ng cu00e1c nu1ec1n tu1ea3ng tu00e0i chu00ednh phi tu1eadp trung u0111u1ec3 cho vay hou1eb7c vay tiu1ec1n tu1eeb ngu01b0u1eddi khu00e1c, giao du1ecbch tiu1ec1n u0111iu1ec7n tu1eed, tu1ef1 bu1ea3o u0111u1ea3m tru01b0u1edbc ru1ee7i ro vu00e0 kiu1ebfm thu nhu1eadp tu1eeb tu00e0i khou1ea3n tiu1ebft kiu1ec7m.


Lu0129nh vu1ef1c tu00e0i chu00ednh nu00e0y ra u0111u1eddi vu00e0o nu0103m 2009 khi bitcoin u0111u01b0u1ee3c tu1ea1o ra. Sau u0111u00f3, ICO, mu1ed9t trong nhu1eefng tru01b0u1eddng hu1ee3p su1eed du1ee5ng chu00ednh u0111u1ea7u tiu00ean cu1ee7a Ethereum, u0111u00e3 tru1edf nu00ean phu1ed5 biu1ebfn vu00e0o nu0103m 2017.
































Championing positive change through finance, I've dedicated over eight years to sustainability and environmental journalism. My passion lies in uncovering companies that make a real difference in the world and guiding investors towards them. My expertise lies in navigating the world of sustainable investing, analyzing ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) criteria, and exploring the exciting field of impact investing. "Invest in a better future," I often say. That's the driving force behind my work at Coincu – to empower readers with knowledge and insights to make investment decisions that create a positive impact.

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