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Review Time Raiders ($XPND) – The greatest NFT treasure hunt of all time.

Time Raiders is a fast-paced shoot and loot NFT game. The loot that players collect through gameplay has actual real-world value and can be bought, sold, and traded, as well as used in the game itself.

Concept project – What is Time Raiders?

Time Raiders is a fast-paced shoot and loot NFT game. The loot that players collect through gameplay has actual real-world value and can be bought, sold, and traded, as well as used in the game itself.

Review Time Raiders ($XPND) - The greatest NFT treasure hunt of all time. 21

Players travel through time to fight enemies and take their resources back to their own time, where they can be crafted into new items, sold to fund their activities, or used to power up their character and items. When not in combat, players spend their time in the Interdimensional Hub, home of other time raiders, armorers, scientists, and the ever-present black market. Everything in the game is an NFT that can be traded for XPND.

Outstanding features

What is the project trying to achieve?

Introduction to the Game

The year is 2247. As humanity’s technological prowess increased, so did its appetites, and soon consumption far outstripped what the Earth could supply. Resources became scarce, and competition for them intensified. Corporate moves became corporate raids; national maneuvering turned to war; advancing your career left actual bodies trampled underfoot. The class difference became a class divide as the wealthy built gleaming technological towers filled with tech, medicine, and luxury barely comprehensible to the teeming masses left fighting for the scraps.

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It soon became apparent even to those who controlled empires that the end of humanity would come soon. No technological breakthrough was imminent, no consensus would be achieved to settle the conflict, and no social solution would put an end to the divisions of the remnants of humanity.

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Against this looming doom, a mysterious substance was discovered. Seemingly appearing from nowhere and spread among the have and the have-nots without regard for status, this mystifying new material was available to all. This new material, ‘Flux’, allowed people and objects to move through time. Sudden access to the resources of the past offered humanity new hope. This hope caused the rise of a new profession: ‘Time Raider’ Those brave enough, reckless enough, or desperate enough to take the risk could move across time to make their fortunes or meet their fate at the hands of their ancestors.

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Time Raiders will be initially released on PC, with future launches planned for Console & Mobile.

WWII-Themed Gaming Landscape

While Time Raiders is not a strictly WWII-themed game, the initial set of missions will be set there. Games using this setting are quite prolific and popular. On Steam alone, 486 titles have this tag, with over 180 million copies purchased. The setting continues to attract both studios and players and will be familiar to everyone.

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There are some standouts in a very packed field of titles. Company of Heroes 2 sold over five million copies. Men of War: Assault Squad 2 and Foxhole each sold hundreds of thousands of copies, while Blitzkrieg 3 sold over 70,000. The newest of the large sellers was released in 2017, so Time Raiders does not have the competition of a new game in the field capturing the attention of gamers. The sheer number of units sold across all games shows the enduring appeal of the genre and gives Time

Raiders are the instant setting recognition that will draw players in.

What is unique selling point?

Game Mechanics

Time Raiders, at its core, is a shoot and loot game. Players will face off against waves of enemies of a variety of types, get loot drops from slain enemies, and return to the marketplace to sell their items, upgrade their weapons and characters, and add power to their Time Flux to access new levels. All transactions will be in the native token Xpendium ($XPND). The initial setting will be an alternate timeline of World War II Europe with Nazis as the main antagonists. The nature of the game lore allows virtually unlimited new settings to be created, as Time Flux allows travel to any point in history and any point on Earth; in addition to settings such as Ancient Greece, Imperial Rome, Prehistoric Earth, Medieval Europe, or Samurai-era Japan, the game’s setting in 2247 will allow travel to points that are in the player’s futures but still in the game’s past.

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Players will start with a generic character that they can upgrade and customize in a variety of ways. The player also collects a series of Companions with different character classes, which allows them to use certain types of weapons and class-specific items and abilities. There are currently seven classes available outside of the main player character:

  • Gunners

Utilizing rapid-fire, high ammo weapons such as assault rifles, Gunners sweep the battlefield using low- to mid-damage but high-frequency attacks.

  • Ninja Monks

Specializing in stealth and close-quarters combat, Ninja Monks use ambush and surprise to deal with enemies one-on-one.

  • Snipers

Relying on accurate, long-range riflery, Snipers remove threats with minimal personal exposure to the battlefield.

  • Heavies

With heavy armor, high health, and powerful but slow-firing weapons, Heavies wade directly into battle and use their high damage to defeat enemies with as few shots as possible.

  • Demolition

Explosions, fire, and chaos are their stock in trade, Bombers use shock and awe tactics to both defeat and intimidate their enemies.

  • Techies

A variety of specialized technology from the future gives these Raiders their edge and abilities that seem like magic to foes in the past.

  • Peaceniks

Scientists, doctors, and researchers provide support roles and help their more aggressive counterparts complete their missions.

In addition to upgrading and customizing their main character, players can also upgrade and customize companions to assist them on their journey. Using specific companions at a given level will allow access to regions that would be otherwise inaccessible. This mechanic encourages not only repeat play of existing levels but a motivation to collect all available classes for main characters and companions, as each level contains branching paths. Some paths require specific combinations of classes and provide opportunities for players to find rare and unique items through wise choices.

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Each level ends with a boss fight. Victory is rewarded with loot, commodities, artifacts, and a chance to acquire a facility that produces in-game items.

The facilities earned through boss fights come in a variety of flavors, from mines to production facilities to munitions factories to research labs. These facilities take time and resources to build, staff, and maintain. Starting requires having items from three different timelines to allow the facility to pinpoint a time and place and begin working. Thus, the player has to play three different missions at the same level using different combinations of companions.

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Staking $XPND and NFTs is possible in completed facilities and provides a growth mechanism for players outside the main fighting aspects of the game. Additionally, each type will produce unique resources that will be in demand among players without personal access to those facilities and allow players to take orders and sell items on the open market.

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When not engaged in the shoot and loot arcade levels, players will spend their time in the

Interdimensional Hub. The ID Hub houses a large variety of spaces for players to interact with:

  • The Black Market, where $XPND is bought and sold, as well as all in game items
  • The Raiders area, where players keep their main characters and companions
  • The Armoury, where loot can be combined with weapons for a variety of upgrades
  • The DNA Lab, where loot can be used to upgrade characters and companions
  • The Holo chamber, where players can train their characters to upgrade them
  • The Resurrection chamber, where slain companions can be revived
  • The Fusion Chamber, where Flux can be upgraded to allow access to new levels
  • The Quests Area, where players can take on quests by staking their items, such as:
  • Staking companions to complete missions
  • Research where Mad Scientists can be hired to invent new items from other items and parts
  • Factories where designs from Mad Scientists can be created
  • The Time Flux Portal, where level and game mode can be selected

All activities come with a cost paid in $XPND, which can be gained in several ways

Player Experiences: Ways of Making Money in the Game

Players approach games in widely diverse ways, and Time Raiders will be no different. This game, with the added layer of profit-making, will make this interaction even more complex. Two people whose gameplay style would be quite similar in a traditional game may have completely different methods of making a profit in Time Raiders. Here they have some examples of how they envision these differences playing out.

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  • Gamer One – The Average Gamer
  • Gamer Two – The Crypto Game Enthusiast
  • Gamer Three – The Arcade Gamer

NFTs: The Core of Time Raiders 

Review Time Raiders ($XPND) - The greatest NFT treasure hunt of all time. 31

NFT General Information 

Time Raider NFTs come in different rarities, with values increasing with rarity and in-game utility. The NFTs earned in the game can be items, consumables, and sometimes art for art’s sake. Rarity levels proceed through a scale: 

● Common (Gameplay items): have little value and are very common. These are mostly for use in the game, and excess can be sold to vendor NPCs. 

Rare (50,000-100,000) 

Very Rare (5000-25000) 

Super Rare (1000-2500) 

Extremely Rare (100-500) 

Scarce (10-50) 

Unique (1- 5) 

Extinct (Scarce items that are visible, but not collectible in that timeline) 

Legendary (1 only, hidden, to be found once) 

Limited Edition (time-sensitive or collaborations with artists, influencers, or partners) 

Seasonal (holiday tie-ins, or any other time-limited event in world zeitgeist) 

Multi-Part (multiple slivers of an NFT to put together to create the actual NFT

NFTs for Pre-Sale 

Some NFTs will be created for future use in-game. These can be released early after the game launches, following our development roadmap, but they will have no immediate in-game benefit until the levels of the Roadmap are reached. 

This is an excerpt from the full list of NFTs that are currently planned to be created and auctioned, at the start, of a pre-sale. 

● Naked Churchill Postage Stamp (The Time Raiders Founders NFT Token): There are 6 Tiers of Founders Token, with limited numbers of each. Each tier provides additional benefits, which may include additional HP, armor, accuracy, and energy as well as an increased chance of finding better items throughout the game and special regular NFT Airdrops. Further benefits include items, skins, access to missions, and rank within our discord server. 

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● Missile launching submarine (100 only): Can send a barrage of missiles to decimate a group of enemies at any time during a mission It allows players to blast their way through tough enemies to reach treasure or progress a mission. Also grants access to a future ‘underwater base’ level. It can only be used once per day 

● Lancaster Bomber (100 only): Uses a smart bomb to decimate a group of enemies at any time during a mission. It allows players to blast their way through tough enemies to reach treasure or progress a mission. Gives access to a future ‘air travel only’ island level. It can only be used once per day 

● Future Level Treasure Map (100 only): A literal Treasure Map NFT (for a level in the future) with a missing piece. It is a part of the treasure hunt for the Ark of the Covenant. The Ark level will be unlocked as a Special Level in the future for a small number of qualifying players. The winner will get the Ark (Unique NFT and massive $XPND prize – prize to be announced). 

● And many more are released every quarter. For up-to-date information on Time Raiders NFTs go to Discord and also see our Medium article.


Review Time Raiders ($XPND) - The greatest NFT treasure hunt of all time. 33

Technical data

Key metrics 

  • Token Name: Time Raiders
  • Ticker: XPND
  • Blockchain: Polygon
  • Token Standard: Updating… 
  • Contract: Updating….
  • Token type: Utility, MATIC
  • Total Supply:
  • Circulating Supply: XPND 28.750.000

Token allocation

Review Time Raiders ($XPND) - The greatest NFT treasure hunt of all time. 34

Token release schedule

Review Time Raiders ($XPND) - The greatest NFT treasure hunt of all time. 35

Token use case

  • Play to earn
  • In-game transactions
Review Time Raiders ($XPND) - The greatest NFT treasure hunt of all time. 36
  • Staking 

There are 3 forms of Staking XPND. Governance and XPND earning will both be done outside of the game via the TIme Raiders XPND Staking portal. Within the game, the staking mechanic will be used to upgrade NFTs to increase their value or to produce Mint new NFTs.

Token sale

Time Raiders IDO (Token Sale) on BinStarter

  • IDO COMING SOON: 17 MAR — 17 MAR 2022
  • IDO price: $ 0.022
  • Raised: $ 200.000
  • Lock-up: 15% at TGE, linear vesting for 6 months
  • Tokens For Sale: 9.090.909
  • Initial Market Cap: $666.902
  • Accepted Currency: $BUSD

How to own the token?

Review Time Raiders ($XPND) - The greatest NFT treasure hunt of all time. 37

Whitelist opened at: March 1st, 2022 UTC 16:00
Whitelist closed at: March 16th, 2022 UTC at 16:00
Whitelist result announced at: March 17th, 2022 UTC 12:00 UTC

IDO date: March 17th, 2022

  • Phase 1 (Guaranteed Allocation and Gleam)
    – Guaranteed allocation for pools 1 to 6: March 17th, 2022 UTC 16:00–19:00
    – Gleam: March 17th, 2022 UTC 16:00- 19:00
  • Phase 2* (FCFS on remaining cap for BSR stakers) March 17th, 2022 UTC 20:00–20:30 or sold out
  • Phase 3* (Public FCFS if Phase 2 isn’t sold out) March 17th, 2022 UTC 20:30 — till sold out

*Must have BSR staked in pools during Whitelisting to purchase in Phase 2. If all allocations are sold out in Phase 2, there will not be a Phase 3.

Receiving Token Time: March 18th, 2022

Markets and Community


Time Raiders has crossed the mark of 30.100 Followers on Twitter.

Review Time Raiders ($XPND) - The greatest NFT treasure hunt of all time. 38


Team/ Founders

Review Time Raiders ($XPND) - The greatest NFT treasure hunt of all time. 39

Partners/ Advisors


Review Time Raiders ($XPND) - The greatest NFT treasure hunt of all time. 40


Enjin, Unity, Alphabit Fund, Alphabit Consultancy, The Music Sculptors, Blockchain Network Philippines, Sheldon Strategy & Consulting, BigEsports.

Conclusion and analysis

Everything in the game is an NFT that can be bought, traded, sold, or staked for Xpendium ($XPND), Time Raiders’ native in-game cryptocurrency. Time Raiders joins the ranks of play-to-earn NFT games such as Axie Infinity and Zed Run that capture the attention of crypto gamers who want not just fun, but profit. The game is designed to surpass current gameplay quality and game narrative in the


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If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, or ideas about the project, please email

DISCLAIMER: The Information on this website is provided as general market commentary, and does not constitute investment advice. We encourage you to do your own research before investing.


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