
Why NFT is the future of business security in 2021? | Video

Why NFT is the future of business security in 2021? Data and information security are an inevitable part of companies…

3 years ago

Brave is targeting Google with a beta version of its privacy-friendly search engine

The crypto-powered web browser Brave has expanded into the world of search with a new beta search engine to protect…

3 years ago

ICO issuer is charged by the SEC with fraud related to the sale of unregistered securities

The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has accused a cryptocurrency issuer of making "false and seriously misleading statements" regarding…

3 years ago

Biden candidate for Treasury Department will prioritize crypto regulation

Brian Nelson, who was named Secretary of the Treasury Department's Counterterrorism and Financial Crime Division by President Joe Biden, said…

3 years ago

Telegram’s token sale accounts for half of the U.S. fines since 2009

Telegram's token sale accounts for half of US fines since 2009, according to a new report from Elliptic, as we…

3 years ago

With Iran’s ban on cryptocurrency mining, local authorities are seizing 7K rigs

The Iranian provincial police continue to hunt down cryptocurrency miners large and small with information that they have confiscated more…

3 years ago

Norwegian FSA recognizes urgent need for protection for crypto investors

While Bitcoin (BTC) dropped to a six-month reduced under $30,000 on Tuesday, a Norwegian fiscal regulator cautioned investors the crypto…

3 years ago

Power over … El Salvador is not the unlikely leader to accept Bitcoin as money

Turn on… is a monthly opinion columnist for Marc Powers who has spent much of his 40-year legal career handling…

3 years ago

Tim Draper is aiming for a “DeFi” venture capital deal with Bitcoin

Two decades before, famous venture philosophical and Bitcoin investor Tim Draper openly said that Bitcoin will strike $250,000 from 2022.…

3 years ago

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