
Blockchain service provider Nansen integrates Solana data analysis

Blockchain data provider Nansen has announced that it will integrate the Solana dashboard to provide deep insights for retail and…

3 years ago

ESG-driven blockchain wants on-chain “nutrition labels” for all raw materials that will be exchanged on November 9, 2021

  The Watr Foundation recently started a project in collaboration with the blockchain platform Algorand to provide ESG scoring for…

3 years ago

FarmVille NFTs on the Horizon? Zynga hires new VP for Blockchain Gaming

FarmVille NFTs on the Horizon? Zynga hires new VP for Blockchain Gaming. Nonfungible (NFT) tokens made another profit with the…

3 years ago supports mainnet beta launch via Cronos Bridge

Cronos has announced the launch of a beta version of its mainnet, which should enable better interoperability between the Cosmos…

3 years ago

5 reasons why blockchain-based gaming economy is the future

5 reasons why blockchain-based gaming economy is the future. Anyone who has never lived under a rock before probably knows…

3 years ago

Bitcoin soft fork will take place in a few days when the taproot upgrade is over

Real-world use cases are one of the most important drivers for the acceptance of any crypto ecosystem, the same is…

3 years ago

“Outside of business hours, we should see the NFT market expand,” said David Schwartz, CTO of Ripple

Non-fungible tokens or NFTs have dominated the crypto market this year. With sales exceeding $ 2.5 billion in the first…

3 years ago

Cardano could go up 400%, but according to KOL Capo. there is another altcoin that is stronger

The widely acclaimed analyst is Capo suspect a big rally for Cardano (ADA). The trader said Cardano is likely to…

3 years ago

Polkadot just got the first parachain called Shell released

In the midst of the anticipation and the spotlight, the decentralized storage network Polkadot finally released its first Parachain today.…

3 years ago

Assess the possibility that XRP will soar to $ 4 in the next 2 weeks

The cryptocurrency market in general is showing strange things right now. The correlation of the Bitcoin price with altcoins like…

3 years ago

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