
The island nation of Tonga follows El Salvador in converting Bitcoin into a legal currency through a new bill

Just as many crypto enthusiasts have predicted that several countries will follow in El Salvador's footsteps in adopting Bitcoin as…

3 years ago

Brazil Issues Bill Regulating Bitcoin ($ BTC)

The Brazilian House of Representatives Special Committee publishes the Bitcoin Regulatory Bill to legalize the use of $ BTC in…

3 years ago

From China FUD to US Infrastructure Bill FUD – 5 Things to Consider With Bitcoin This Week

Bitcoin starts a new week as China reaffirms its anti-crypto stance, but the next FUD story comes from the US.…

3 years ago

The US House of Representatives will debate 4 days before the vote to pass the Infrastructure Bill on September 30th

The US House of Representatives The $ 1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure bill is due to be voted on September 30th…

3 years ago

India plans to regulate cryptocurrencies like commodities in a new bill

India seems to be engaged in a new approach to regulating cryptocurrencies as commodities based chiefly on use circumstances. "The…

3 years ago

Parity says polkadot is the only protocol that fits the revolutionary bill | Video

Parity says polkadot is the only protocol that fits the revolutionary bill Parity says Polkadot is the only blockchain protocol…

3 years ago

Paraguay’s legislators present a completely different “Bitcoin bill” than expected

A group of Paraguayan lawmakers unveiled the "Bitcoin Law" at the National Congress last week, but it turned out to…

3 years ago

Ripple is trying to force former SEC director William Bill Hinman to testify about XRP next week

Despite the SEC's objections to the testimony of William Bill Hinman, the agency's former director of financial affairs, Ripple is…

3 years ago

Paraguayan Congressman to Propose BTC Bill This Week 

Traditional financial analysts denigrate the plans to introduce Bitcoin (BTC) by El Salvador's President Nayib Bukele - while a Paraguayan…

3 years ago

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