# Cryptocurrencies

Crypto companies are struggling to fill vacancies in the industry landscape

A abilities scarcity in the crypto-specific workforce creates important competitors between companies to discover the proper expertise for his or…

3 years ago

Crypto companies are struggling to fill vacancies in the industry landscape

A expertise scarcity in the crypto-specific workforce creates important competitors between companies to discover the proper expertise for his or…

3 years ago

Institutions have no interest in Bitcoin at this price: JPMorgan

With Bitcoin (BTC) price not breaking above $ 35,000 yesterday, JPMorgan forecast a general downtrend below an important price level…

3 years ago

Ethereum London Upgrade starts in the testnet with 100,000 deployments in one day on Eth2

The upcoming Ethereum upgrade in London, which includes the highly anticipated Ethereum Improvement Proposal (EIP) 1559, has been deployed on…

3 years ago

Based on Cubans, Novogratz says that DeFi should “play by the rules” or “pay players”

Decentralized Finance (DeFi) emerged as one of the fastest growing trends in the crypto space in 2021, and as DeFi’s…

3 years ago

China Retains Control Of Mining? Alipay’s antique NFTs and Amber’s big win

This weekly news aggregator from mainland China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong seeks to curate the top industry news, including impactful…

3 years ago

Why Friday’s $ 6 billion expiration date of Bitcoin and Ethereum may not move the market

After an incredible start to 2021, Ether peaked at $ 4,380 on May 12, but has fallen 55% since then.…

3 years ago

Company listed on the London Stock Exchange applies for FCA approval for cryptocurrency services June 25, 2021

Mode Global Holdings, a fintech group listed on the London Stock Exchange, has received major regulatory approvals for crypto and…

3 years ago

Blockchain.com introduces cryptocurrency transactions based on username

The large crypto wallet provider Blockchain.com integrates with unstoppable domains to simplify crypto deposits for its customers.Unstoppable Domains announced Thursday…

3 years ago

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