After The Merge, Ethereum’s Issuance Rate Dropped

Before Ethereum switched from proof-of-work (PoW) to proof-of-stake (PoS), a simulation by The Merge showed that the network's issuance rate…

2 years ago

SEC Lawsuit Asserts That It Has Jurisdiction Since ETH Nodes Are “Clustered” In The US

Because ETH nodes are "clustered more thickly" in the United States than in any other nation, the Securities and Exchange…

2 years ago

Solana Daily Transactions Surpasses Ethereum In Q2

The Solana network is currently greatly outperforming Ethereum. The blockchain, which launched in April 2019, has made significant progress in…

2 years ago

Ethereum “Vanity Addresses” Made Using The Profanity Tool, Hackers Stole $3.3 Million

According to on-chain data from Etherscan, a hacker stole $3.3 million from several Ethereum addresses created with a program called…

2 years ago

MakerDAO Faces Risk Of Liquidation If ETH Continues To Fall Below $1,300

After The Merge, the price of ETH continuously decreased by nearly 11% because the amount of liquidation within 24 hours…

2 years ago

BlockSec Warns Replay Attacks On EthereumPoW

Recently, BlockSec detected replay attacks taking place on the EthereumPoW network. The attacker transferred 200 WETH over the omni bridge…

2 years ago

82% Of All Relay Blocks On Ethereum Are Built By Flashbots Alone

After completing The Merge upgrade, Ethereum (ETH) has transitioned to a proof-of-stake (PoS) consensus mechanism, making the blockchain energy efficient…

2 years ago

Dogecoin Replaces Ethereum Becomes 2nd Largest Proof-of-Work Coin

Dogecoin (DOGE) officially became the 2nd largest POW coin by market capitalization after Bitcoin since Ethereum succeeded with The Merge…

2 years ago

Grayscale Can Sell ETHW And Distribute Value To Future Investors

Grayscale said it will sell ETHW to distribute value to its investors. The crypto management company confirmed to hold more…

2 years ago

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