#Ethereum 2.0

Ethereum’s London, Berlin and Shanghai Forks and Their Role in Serenity

Ethereum (ETH) has had a good run so far in 2021, rising in value from around $ 1,300 at the…

3 years ago

Ethereum price falls below $ 2,000 as U.S. inflation hits its highest level since 1991

Ether (ETH) probably had the best prospects when it entered the July trading session, with a major technical update called…

3 years ago

Ethereum’s popularity could make ETH the dominant store of value

Goldman Sachs said in a statement to customers Tuesday that the blockchain with the highest "real potential" is Ethereum, suggesting…

3 years ago

Sygnum is the first bank in the world to offer the Eth2 staking service

The Swiss bank Sygnum Bank, which focuses on cryptocurrencies, has announced that it will be the first bank in the…

3 years ago

Analyst argues that Ethereum price could rise 40% versus Bitcoin if London Fork comes

Ether (ETH) could rise almost 40% against Bitcoin in the coming trading sessions, according to an analyst.So believe MichaĆ«l van…

3 years ago

London branches into the testnet on Ethereum as the difficulty bomb heralds a delay

The Ethereum network saw the launch of its London upgrade to the Ropsten testnet on June 24th. This upgrade includes…

3 years ago

Ethereum bulls are chasing $ 2,200 before $ 230 million ETH options expire

Ether (ETH) 's $ 1.5 billion monthly expiration date on June 25 was slightly auspicious for the bears, and at…

3 years ago

Ethereum 2.0 reaches milestone of 6 million ETH deposits

Ethereum 2.0 is approaching what some call a major milestone in its short history - 6 million ethers (ETH) deployed.…

3 years ago

Mature enterprise Ethereum, open source community-driven for standards

Ethereum is fast becoming an integral part of the corporate blockchain ecosystem. As more and more businesses begin to leverage…

3 years ago

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