
Project for Ethereum’s “Single Closing” carpet-drawing event in 2021 after the drop

A new project called EtherWrapped kicked the token out of the air and then pulled the community carpet today. Ether-wrapped…

2 years ago

Are Ethereum’s scaling solutions disrupting the ecosystem?

The transaction fees on the Ethereum mainnet have so far been disappointing and have been widely criticized, with transaction fees…

3 years ago

ZK rollups explode as Ethereum’s scaling solutions evolve

The scalability of the Ethereum network has been a point of contention in the crypto ecosystem for many years, largely…

3 years ago

Ethereum’s market capitalization has now surpassed the world’s largest banks

Regardless of the current downturn, this year is considered to be one of the most successful years for the crypto…

3 years ago

Dive deep into Ethereum’s beacon chain node distribution to understand why it is the US and Europe

Ethereum is known for its decentralized, distributed nature. What happens when we dive deeper into ETH 2.0's beacon chain node…

3 years ago

TVL in Ethereum’s Layer 2 protocols hits a new record as ETH gas fees continue to rise

The Total Value Locked (TVL) on Ethereum's Layer 2 networks has risen to a new record as gas charges keep…

3 years ago

Ethereum’s problems are hampering its defibrillator leadership, Three Arrows Capital is giving up ETH

The debate over the possibility of using Ethereum like the Swiss Army in the crypto space is heating up again…

3 years ago

Solana and Terra are moving exactly in line with Ethereum’s parabolic rally in 2016

Macro expert Raoul Pal says that the smart contract platform Solana (SOL) and the stablecoin-focused blockchain payment system Terra (LUNA)…

3 years ago

This will be Ethereum’s next stop when it loses $ 4,000

Analyst and trader Cred learns what could happen to Ethereum if ETH doesn't hold support at USD 4,000. In a…

3 years ago

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