
Investment Platform eToro Acquires Portfolio Management Provider Bullsheet

eToro, a stock and cryptocurrency investing platform, announced the purchase of Bullsheet, a portfolio management firm. The acquisition's specific terms…

2 years ago

CZ Says Binance Is Massively Investing In DeFi

CZ has stated on its social platform that Binance is investing in DeFi on a massive scale. Earlier, the Binance…

2 years ago

CZ: Binance Could Spend Over $1 Billion On Acquisitions And Investments This Year

Binance CEO CZ has shared the world's largest digital asset exchange could spend over $1 billion this year on acquisitions…

2 years ago

Sport Metaverse LootMogul Received A $200 Million Investment

This Sport Metaverse Startup has secured funding for up to $200 million for a 36-month term that will be used…

2 years ago

KKR Investment Fund Deploys Investment On Avalanche Blockchain

One of the largest US investment funds in the world is KKR & Co. (KKR) has made its Health Care…

2 years ago

1 Billion People Will Use Cryptocurrencies By 2030

According to a Boston Consulting Group (BCG) analysis, while 25% of an individual's wealth is held in stocks, only 0.3%…

2 years ago

75% Have Heard About Cryptocurrency In Spain

According to the findings of a new report commissioned by the CNMV, Spain's securities watchdog, three out of every four…

2 years ago

Japanese Megabank’s Potential Investment In SBI Holdings Could Be Positive For Ripple

John Deaton, the creator of CryptoLaw and a well-known crypto enthusiast and XRP supporter, offered his thoughts on recent reports…

2 years ago

Over 50% Of Wealthy Asian Investors Owned Cryptocurrency In Q1, 2022.

According to Accenture, 52% of affluent Asian investors currently own digital assets, with another 21% anticipated to join the club by…

2 years ago

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