KOL Nicholas Merten says this cryptocurrency sector will grow the most by 2022

Well-known analyst Nicholas Merten says an emerging sector is likely to lead the crypto market in terms of strength and…

3 years ago

Bitcoin becomes bullish when this indicator hits critical levels, according to KOL William Clemente

Analyst William Clemente says that if an index hits critical levels, Bitcoin will rebound. In Messages Clemente, the latest report…

3 years ago

KOL Altcoin Sherpa is pulling the closest route for BTC as it stayed below $ 50,000

A prominent analyst is planning the next step for Bitcoin as the benchmark cryptocurrency continues to trade below $ 50,000.…

3 years ago

According to KOL Aaron Arnold, these two altcoins have enormous potential in the near future

Cryptocurrency analyst Aaron Arnold highlights two altcoins that he says have huge potential in the near future. Brothers speak With…

3 years ago

KOL Kaleo calls for ETH explosion and reveals goals for BTC and LUNA

A prominent analyst believes Ethereum (ETH), Bitcoin (BTC), and a booming altcoin will continue to rise in the short term.…

3 years ago

KOL Capo predicts a strong rally for Bitcoin, says Altcoins in preparation for a massive rally

A prominent analyst predicts a rapid rebound for Bitcoin (BTC) and says altcoins are positioning themselves for a spike. Known…

3 years ago

This is the catalyst that KOL Benjamin Cowen said could spark a parabolic rally for Bitcoin

A prominent analyst says there is a technical catalyst that could send Bitcoin into its long-awaited parabolic rally. In one…

3 years ago

KOL Smart Contracter says that ETH and its competitors are ready for the boom

A prominent analyst says Ethereum is ready for an epic rally and predicts a boom in another smart contract platform.…

3 years ago

According to KOL Nicholas Merten, what’s next for SOL and AVAX?

In a new strategy session, host DataDash speak that he's looking at the smart contract platforms Avalanche (AVAX) and Solana…

3 years ago

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