rug pull

Ariva Digital ($ARV) is A Rug Pull! The team Withdrawn Tokens and Swapped Them To 1,700 WBNB!

Blockchain security firm PeckShield revealed on February 25 that developers behind Ariva Digital ($ARV) have withdrawn the Token from the…

2 years ago

Web3Memes ($W3M) Develop Team Rugs $235K From Investors

$W3M Lost Almost 100% Value Blockchain security firm PeckShield revealed on February 23 that developers behind Web3Memes (W3M), a Binance…

2 years ago

Baby Musk Coin Price Drops 100% Following Its Rug Pull Scam

Baby Musk Coin has lost nearly all of its value as a result of a rug pull. The token raised…

2 years ago

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