
The US Senator also presented a solution to enable payments in cryptocurrency in the complex

Texas Republican Senator Ted Cruz tabled a resolution in the Senate on Monday calling for cryptocurrency payments to be accepted…

3 years ago

Cardano is preparing to scale with Hydra upgrade as the network hits 2 million wallets

In a tweet sent by the Cardano Foundation on Monday, the number of Cardano (ADA) wallets exceeded the 2 million…

3 years ago

Blockchain technology companies AllianceBlock and Flare are integrating technologies to expand the ecosystem

AllianceBlock, a blockchain technology company looking to bridge the gap between decentralized finance (DeFi) and traditional finance, has announced a…

3 years ago

NFT Collection Price Goes Up As Creator’s Racist Cartoon Circulates 11/03/2021

The Jungle Freaks Non-Racist Token Collection (NFT) lost about 80% of its commercial value overnight after a racist animated series…

3 years ago

In the mind of the blockchain developer: what is a test network?

Cointelegraph is following the development of a brand new blockchain from its beginnings to the mainnet and beyond through its…

3 years ago

7 lessons from building and scaling bitcoin mining

It all started with mining Bitcoin (BTC) in a dormitory. What started as a hobby with a few mining rigs…

3 years ago

Blockchain technology can finally make micro payments work

I recently came across the article by Marc Andreessen from 2014 about Bitcoin (BTC). In many ways, it was visionary…

3 years ago

Kazakhstan expects at least $ 1.5 billion in economic activity from crypto mining within

A report by the Kazakh Blockchain & Data Center Industry Association (NABDC) Kazakhstan estimates that cryptocurrency mining could bring the…

3 years ago

The stablecoin protocol Cardano Ardana raised 10 million US dollars in the last financing round

Ardana, a stablecoin ecosystem based on Cardano's blockchain (ADA), has raised $ 10 million in capital from a group of…

3 years ago

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