
Professional traders use this classic pattern to detect Bitcoin reversals

All traders attempt to purchase low and promote excessive, however few have the braveness to combat the gang and purchase…

3 years ago

Traders are confused about the next direction Bitcoin will take

Rumors that ecommerce big Amazon will settle for crypto funds sparked a wave of optimism in the market earlier in…

3 years ago

Why traders should follow ELON, SHIB, BabyDoge

Based on Bitcoin's latest bullish transfer, world crypto market capitalization was up 3.5% over the previous 24 hours at press…

3 years ago

Traders believe Bitcoin price has bottomed at $ 29,500, while $ 330 million worth of BTC options expire today

Traders show renewed hope after Bitcoin price held in the $ 32,000 area for the second straight day. Data from…

3 years ago

Traders may have missed these unusual spikes in WBTC, WETH

With the larger crypto market facing the erratic bitcoin price movements, Wrapped Bitcoin (WBTC) and Wrapped Ethereum (WETH) are no…

3 years ago

DOGE needs sleeping traders who can now stand up and shake

DOGE, the most popular coin meme in the crypto market, has been at the bottom of a downtrend line for…

3 years ago

Professional traders often use these 2 ways to spot the bullish reversal of an asset

Trend trading is one of the best ways to make money. If traders learn to spot a new trend early…

3 years ago

Is there a chance for bitcoin options traders targeting $ 100,000 by the end of 2021?

Bitcoin investors are notoriously bullish, and even during the current 50% correction, most analysts remain bullish. One reason for investors'…

3 years ago

This is the Ethereum options strategy professional traders use when the London hard fork approaches

Ethereum's upcoming London hard fork could be a perfect entry point for bullish options traders. The Ethereum network will undergo…

3 years ago

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