Now or never, America needs to prepare for digital currency

Welcome to the world of central bank digital currencies, also known as CBDCs, where big countries like China and small…

3 years ago

Sustainable NFT charity for 17 UN SDGs

In her monthly expert column, Selva Ozelli, international tax lawyer and CPA, deals with the interface between new technologies and…

3 years ago

Chairman Jerome Powell says the Fed is undecided about the digital dollar

The US Federal Reserve is still examining the prospect of introducing a digital currency into the country, but said it…

3 years ago

Biden appoints Professor of Anti-Crypto Law and Anti-Big Bank Law to lead the OCC

According to reports Crypto, the Biden government intends to appoint Kazakh-American lawyer, academic and former political advisor Saule Omarova to…

3 years ago

The agency has no enforcement resources without Congress | News Sept 22

Dan Berkovitz, one of three commissioners currently serving on the US Commodity Futures Trading Commission, said that while the agency…

3 years ago

SEC chairman compares stablecoins with poker chips in casinos

The chairman of the US Securities and Exchange Commission(SEC chairman), Gary Gensler, has doubled his "Wild West" analogy to cryptocurrencies…

3 years ago

The U.S. Treasury Department is sanctioning OTC crypto broker Suex for allegedly playing a role

The U.S. Treasury Department has announced that it will impose sanctions on the Czech Republic and Russia-based Suex OTC business…

3 years ago

Monero’s former supervisor has been released from US surveillance | Sept 21

Riccardo Spagni, the main administrator of the data protection coin Monero, reported that US officials had released him after more…

3 years ago

Payment giants cooperate with crypto companies for security reasons | 2021

Institutional interest in digital assets continues to grow rapidly, proving that cryptocurrencies, stablecoins, and unusable tokens (NFTs) will persist. At…

3 years ago

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