
Coinbase Users In Georgia Withdraw Crypto With X100 Profits?

Coinbase made a mistake valuing Lari Georgia at 100 times that lasted for 7 hours causing more than 1000 users…

2 years ago

Hodlnaut Will Fall If It Turns Over $127 Million To Singapore Police

Hodlnaut has revealed that the Singapore Police Force demanded money via a transfer order in July. That transfer order concerns…

2 years ago

Coinbase Will Pause ETH and ERC-20 Token Deposits and Withdrawals During The Merge

Cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase has taken a measure that will temporarily freeze the deposit and withdrawal of ETH and ERC-20 tokens…

2 years ago

ZipMEX Investors Pressed CEO To Resign

Zipmex CEO Marcus Lim is being pressured by some major shareholders to step down. The cause of poor management leading…

2 years ago

Voyager Has a Plan For Users Withdrawals On August 11

Voyager has reportedly been authorized by the court to return $270 million to users, whose funds were locked at Metropolitan…

2 years ago

Nomad Bridge’s Entire $190.7 Million Is Withdrawn In A Security Attack

The Nomad bridge appears to have experienced a security exploit that has allowed hackers to systematically drain the bridge’s funds…

2 years ago

Zipmex Admits To Lending Babel Finance And Celsius $53M After Suspending Withdrawals

Zipmex, a cryptocurrency exchange, yesterday announced a temporary suspension of withdrawals and admitted a loan related to Babel Finance and…

2 years ago

Zipmex Exchange Invested By Coinbase, Withdrawals Suspended

Zipmex, a cryptocurrency exchange based in Singapore and offering its services worldwide, has announced the suspension of withdrawals. Since the…

2 years ago

Voyager Asks Bankruptcy Court To Handle Over $350M In Customer Withdrawals

Voyager Digital has asked a federal bankruptcy court to honor more than $350 million in customer withdrawals from Metropolitan Commercial…

2 years ago

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