
Layer2DAO Hacked For Nearly 50 Million L2DAO

Investment DAO Layer2DAO announced on Twitter that a hacker was able to gain access to a platform multisig on Optimism…

2 years ago

BitBTC-Optimism Bridge Vulnerability Fixed Timely Thanks To Twitter Users

A user has discovered a BitBTC-Optimism Bridge vulnerability that allows an attacker to generate fake tokens on one side of…

2 years ago

Optimism Launches New 3D Metaverse Game “OP Craft” With Game Studio Lattice

Optimism has launched a super reverse 3D OPCraft game with game studio Lattice. OPCraft runs on the OP Stack architecture,…

2 years ago

Optimism Introduces Modular Components OP Stack

Ethereum Layer-2 solution Optimism introduced the OP Stack, a set of modular components that can be assembled to build custom…

2 years ago

SushiSwap’s Stable Pools Is Now Live On Polygon, Optimism, Metis, Kava

SushiSwap announced that the 2nd pool type for Trident, the Stable Pools, is now live on Polygon, Optimism, Metis, and…

2 years ago

OpenSea Collaborate With NFT Platforms Built On Avalanche

OpenSea now supports Avalanche, bringing the total number of supported blockchains to seven. According to the platform's tweet, users may…

2 years ago

Optimism Correction Total Supply Will Grow At 2% Per Year

Optimism has corrected its total supply information stating that it will expand at a rate of 20% per year which…

2 years ago

yearn.finance Launches Yearn Vaults On Optimism

DeFi yearn.finance (Yearn Finance) aggregator announced that it launched Yearn vaults on Optimism, which provides farming opportunities for some vaults…

2 years ago

Coinbase Supports EIP-4844 Update To Reduce Gas Fees And Increase Transaction Speed

Cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase said that it is collaborating with the Ethereum Foundation and the Optimism teams to expedite the EIP-4844…

2 years ago

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