Binance Account Hacked: $1 Million Loss Linked To Chrome Plug-in

Key Points:

  • Binance accounts were breached via the Aggr Chrome plug-in.
  • One user lost $1 million, criticizing Binance’s slow response.
  • The plug-in allegedly lets hackers access and control user accounts.
Binance account hack linked to the Aggr Chrome plug-in, resulted in unauthorized transactions and huge losses. Binance’s slow response and lack of preventive measures were criticized.
Binance Account Hacked: $1 Million Loss Linked To Chrome Plug-in
Binance Account Hacked: $1 Million Loss Linked To Chrome Plug-in

A reported security breach of Binance accounts has been linked to a Google Chrome plug-in, Aggr, promoted by KOL.

There have been several instances of unauthorized transactions, with one Chinese user claiming a loss of $1 million. Hackers reportedly hijack cookies to access victims’ Binance accounts by bypassing password and 2FA verification.

Binance Account Hack: Unauthorised Access and Transactions

In a statement shared on a social media platform, the aforementioned user reported some strange trading activity on May 24. The transactions had been made without his knowledge, and he did not know until he checked his Binance account.

Tokens with abundant liquidity were bought in the USDT trading pair, and limit sell orders were set that were higher than the market price in the BTC, USDC and other trading pairs with scarce liquidity. He claims his account was manipulated for cross-trading by the hackers for them to gain from it.

Binance reportedly did not send out any security alerts during the unauthorized transactions. The user claims that, despite contacting customer service as soon as he realized the breach, Binance was slow to react and didn’t help him get any of his losses back.

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Security Breach Linked to Aggr Chrome Plug-in

The security company, after investigation, pointed to the Aggr Chrome plug-in as the potential source of the breach. The user said he had downloaded the plug-in after it was recommended by several KOLs and TG channels. This plug-in is said to enable hackers to collect user cookies and control their accounts.

The victim also accused Binance of knowing about problems with the plug-in but taking no preventive measures. Binance knew about the hacker and the problems with the plug-in but did not freeze the product or warn users, and because of this, more financial losses resulted.

He expressed that he was disappointed in Binance because there was no effective risk control in place, and the response to the incident was extremely slow.