The Sandbox (SAND) Price Prediction Up To $5.66 | SAND Forecast
What will The Sandbox (SAND) be valued at in 2024, 2025, 2025, and up to 2053? In this The Sandbox price prediction, we will look more closely at The Sandbox's current market position concerning trading volume, market capitalization, and past price movements to support investors set price targets and assess confidence levels. We will also break down expert analysis and technical indicators that give a better view of where SAND might head in the coming months & years.
Price Prediction Methodology
We utilize one of the most common statistical approaches to time-series forecasting known as the ARIMA model for the price prediction of cryptocurrencies.
ARIMA-ARMA plus differencing to create a stationary time series. A stationary series is one whose statistical properties are constant over time. Differencing cancels out any trend or pattern this method might have, enabling the model to interpret data structure and provide a good forecast.
The Sandbox Overview
The Sandbox SAND
24h volume
All-time low
All-time high
Sell: 10
Neutral: 0
Buy: 7
The Sandbox Return on Investment
See for yourself how much The Sandbox has risen or fallen over the years.
1 Year
up 166%
3 Year
up 301%
5 Year
up 235%
The Sandbox Price in the Last 24 hours
24h ago
24h difference
The Sandbox Price Prediction Analysis
According to our current The Sandbox price prediction, the value of The Sandbox is expected to INCREASE by 427%, reaching $1.83 by mid 2026. As of now, there are 7 technical analysis indicators showing BULLISH signals, while 10 are indicating BEARISH signals. Additionally, 0 indicators suggest a NEUTRAL stance, makes the general sentiment BEARISH for The Sandbox. Added to this is the fact that the Fear & Greed Index is reading 41, indicating that feelings around The Sandbox are cautious or slightly bearish. The aforementioned data places The Sandbox in Oversold state. Since October, The Sandbox has DECREASED by 7%. Based on this trend, we anticipate a possible stabilization in the coming month. By the end of January, the value of The Sandbox is projected to INCREASE by 91% and reach approximately $1.07. At the moment, The Sandbox is trading BELOW the 200-day moving average, which indicates a BEARISH trend. Besides that, the price is BELOW the 50-day simple moving average (SMA), giving DOWNWARD momentum for The Sandbox. Currently, the RSI reads at 37.06, meaning therefore means that The Sandbox is in the position of NEUTRAL. The Relative Strength Index (RSI) data shows whether cryptocurrency is oversold (less than 30) or overbought (above 70), using an RSI-momentum oscillator.
The Sandbox Price Prediction 2024 to 2053
Year Lowest Price Average Price Highest Price
2024 $0.7737 $0.8589 $0.9733
2025 $0.3582 $0.9327 $1.70
2026 $0.6974 $1.55 $3.26
2027 $0.7049 $1.69 $3.31
2028 $0.2989 $1.36 $3.10
2029 $0.1397 $1.32 $3.58
2030 $0.4013 $1.84 $4.53
2031 $0.5606 $2.11 $4.68
2032 $0.1478 $1.89 $4.54
2033 $0.002958 $1.72 $4.84
Year Lowest Price Average Price Highest Price
2034 $0.1587 $2.16 $5.66
2035 $0.2045 $2.40 $5.89
2036 $0.04681 $2.20 $5.88
2037 $0.04263 $1.95 $5.72
2038 $0.008697 $2.36 $6.67
2039 $0.07153 $2.76 $7.31
2040 $0.001715 $2.70 $7.32
2041 $0.02081 $2.34 $6.94
2042 $0.02781 $2.68 $7.68
2043 $0.0009774 $3.03 $8.42
Year Lowest Price Average Price Highest Price
2044 $0.01494 $3.08 $8.52
2045 $0.1355 $2.60 $8.35
2046 $0.1920 $2.96 $8.91
2047 $0.00002465 $3.49 $9.52
2048 $0.09921 $3.57 $9.91
2049 $0.2742 $3.24 $9.69
2050 $0.4624 $3.18 $9.98
2051 $0.2960 $3.69 $10.87
2052 $0.3316 $3.83 $11.14
2053 $0.4493 $3.63 $11.10
The Sandbox Price Prediction 2024 to 2053
The Sandbox Short-term Prediction
The Sandbox Price Prediction Tomorrow and Next Week
Date Lowest Price Average Price Highest Price
2024-12-23 0.7737 0.8265 0.8870
2024-12-24 0.7744 0.8276 0.8927
2024-12-25 0.7760 0.8309 0.8932
2024-12-26 0.7918 0.8420 0.8934
2024-12-27 0.7954 0.8470 0.9009
2024-12-28 0.8131 0.8624 0.9221
2024-12-29 0.8338 0.8897 0.9497
Date Lowest Price Average Price Highest Price
2024-12-30 0.8441 0.9014 0.9676
2024-12-31 0.8448 0.9026 0.9733
2025-01-01 0.8464 0.9059 0.9738
2025-01-02 0.8622 0.9169 0.9740
2025-01-03 0.8658 0.9219 0.9815
2025-01-04 0.8835 0.9373 1.00
2025-01-05 0.9042 0.9647 1.03
Date Lowest Price Average Price Highest Price
2025-01-06 0.9145 0.9763 1.05
2025-01-07 0.9151 0.9775 1.05
2025-01-08 0.9168 0.9808 1.05
2025-01-09 0.9326 0.9919 1.05
2025-01-10 0.9362 0.9968 1.06
2025-01-11 0.9539 1.01 1.08
2025-01-12 0.9746 1.04 1.11
Date Lowest Price Average Price Highest Price
2025-01-13 0.9849 1.05 1.13
2025-01-14 0.9855 1.05 1.13
2025-01-15 0.9872 1.06 1.13
2025-01-16 1.00 1.07 1.14
2025-01-17 1.01 1.07 1.14
2025-01-18 1.02 1.09 1.16
2025-01-19 1.05 1.11 1.19
Date Lowest Price Average Price Highest Price
2025-01-20 1.06 1.13 1.21
2025-01-21 1.06 1.13 1.22
2025-01-22 1.06 1.13 1.22
2025-01-23 1.07 1.14 1.22
2025-01-24 1.08 1.15 1.22
2025-01-25 1.09 1.16 1.24
2025-01-26 1.12 1.19 1.27
The Sandbox Price Prediction Next 10 Months
Month Lowest Price Average Price Highest Price
Jan 2025 $0.8464 $1.07 $1.30
Feb 2025 $1.17 $1.39 $1.63
Mar 2025 $1.45 $1.56 $1.70
Apr 2025 $0.3582 $0.5552 $0.8469
May 2025 $0.3987 $0.6180 $0.9428
Jun 2025 $0.4388 $0.6802 $1.04
Jul 2025 $0.4783 $0.7414 $1.13
Aug 2025 $0.5171 $0.8016 $1.22
Sep 2025 $0.5552 $0.8606 $1.31
Oct 2025 $0.5923 $0.9182 $1.40
The Sandbox Price Prediction for January 2025
In January 2025, the price of The Sandbox is expected to rise within the range of $0.8464 - $1.30. Analysts predict resistance to be near the all-time high, but if market conditions remain so desirable, even this point may be broken.
The Sandbox Price Prediction for February 2025
In February 2025, the fluctuations in The Sandbox's price are expected to occur within the range of $1.17 - $1.63. The data suggests a volatile period, where investors may make fortunes should the market conditions go just right.
The Sandbox Price Prediction for March 2025
During March 2025, The Sandbox is likely to trade in the $1.45 - $1.70 range. The price might near new highs, with volume increasing with growing investor interest in The Sandbox.
The Sandbox Price Prediction for April 2025
April 2025 is forecasted for The Sandbox to head into the new year firmly between $0.3582 - $0.8469. According to analysts, renewed interest will set the pace for the rest of the year.
The Sandbox Price Prediction for May 2025
During the period of May 2025, The Sandbox is expected to reach $0.9428. Current momentum can push prices up if market sentiment is positive.
The Sandbox Price Prediction for June 2025
The Sandbox will start trading at $0.4388 before reaching at $1.04. Of course, if the market conditions remain positive, the price could rise above earlier highs, thereby increasing investor confidence.
The Sandbox Price Prediction for July 2025
In July 2025, the price of The Sandbox is forecasted to fluctuate between $0.4783 and $1.13. The market sentiment remains in flux, and when key resistance levels are touched, many traders believe it may break out. If the trends remain bearish, prices will remain within the lower bounds of this range.
The Sandbox Price Prediction for August 2025
By August 2025, The Sandbox is predicted to trade around $1.22. Analysts warn of high volatility owing to powerful forces from the outside markets that could see the price move sharply up or down. If investor confidence remains stable, this could be a period of high growth.
The Sandbox Price Prediction for September 2025
As such, The Sandbox in the range of September 2025 is expected to record changes at a low of $1.31. The market response during this period would most likely be hugely dependent upon ongoing regulatory developments. If they are favorable, then they might spark a strong rally; if they are not, further corrections may be in store.
The Sandbox Price Prediction for October 2025
By October 2025, The Sandbox could change within the range of $0.5923 to $1.40. According to this, it would be a period in which investors should consolidate, given that the price has stabilized after two or three months of fluctuation. At the same time, any sudden turn of economic factors will force the prices to head in a new direction and cut previous expectations.
The Sandbox Long-term Price Prediction - The Sandbox Forecast From Year 2024 to 2033
Month Lowest Price Average Price Highest Price
Month Lowest Price Average Price Highest Price
Dec 2024 $0.7737 $0.8589 $0.9733
Month Lowest Price Average Price Highest Price
Jan 2025 $0.8464 $1.07 $1.30
Feb 2025 $1.17 $1.39 $1.63
Mar 2025 $1.45 $1.56 $1.70
Apr 2025 $0.3582 $0.5552 $0.8469
May 2025 $0.3987 $0.6180 $0.9428
Jun 2025 $0.4388 $0.6802 $1.04
Month Lowest Price Average Price Highest Price
Jul 2025 $0.4783 $0.7414 $1.13
Aug 2025 $0.5171 $0.8016 $1.22
Sep 2025 $0.5552 $0.8606 $1.31
Oct 2025 $0.5923 $0.9182 $1.40
Nov 2025 $0.6285 $0.9742 $1.49
Dec 2025 $0.6635 $1.03 $1.57
Month Lowest Price Average Price Highest Price
Jan 2026 $0.6974 $1.08 $1.65
Feb 2026 $0.7300 $1.13 $1.73
Mar 2026 $0.8245 $1.53 $2.51
Apr 2026 $1.18 $1.61 $2.31
May 2026 $1.19 $1.48 $2.35
Jun 2026 $1.12 $1.83 $3.24
Month Lowest Price Average Price Highest Price
Jul 2026 $1.28 $1.96 $3.05
Aug 2026 $1.15 $1.67 $3.00
Sep 2026 $0.9129 $1.48 $2.83
Oct 2026 $0.8124 $1.36 $3.26
Nov 2026 $0.7541 $1.86 $3.08
Dec 2026 $0.7572 $1.65 $2.56
Month Lowest Price Average Price Highest Price
Jan 2027 $0.9004 $1.53 $3.07
Feb 2027 $1.04 $1.80 $2.73
Mar 2027 $0.9862 $1.38 $3.02
Apr 2027 $0.8715 $1.48 $2.51
May 2027 $0.8362 $1.66 $2.77
Jun 2027 $0.7290 $1.69 $2.74
Month Lowest Price Average Price Highest Price
Jul 2027 $0.7292 $1.91 $2.55
Aug 2027 $1.00 $1.41 $3.31
Sep 2027 $0.7049 $1.89 $2.64
Oct 2027 $0.9376 $1.90 $2.80
Nov 2027 $0.9283 $1.66 $2.97
Dec 2027 $0.7251 $1.93 $3.21
Month Lowest Price Average Price Highest Price
Jan 2028 $0.8582 $1.29 $3.02
Feb 2028 $0.7361 $1.84 $3.04
Mar 2028 $0.7376 $1.26 $3.09
Apr 2028 $0.4387 $1.56 $2.48
May 2028 $0.5240 $1.66 $2.71
Jun 2028 $0.6479 $1.56 $2.38
Month Lowest Price Average Price Highest Price
Jul 2028 $0.7480 $1.28 $2.73
Aug 2028 $0.6896 $1.14 $3.10
Sep 2028 $0.4877 $1.05 $2.58
Oct 2028 $0.6202 $1.47 $2.28
Nov 2028 $0.2989 $1.18 $2.57
Dec 2028 $0.3816 $1.09 $2.40
Month Lowest Price Average Price Highest Price
Jan 2029 $0.2538 $1.25 $2.13
Feb 2029 $0.1397 $1.16 $2.64
Mar 2029 $0.2521 $1.03 $2.90
Apr 2029 $0.4580 $1.33 $2.75
May 2029 $0.3918 $0.9710 $3.01
Jun 2029 $0.1940 $1.57 $2.38
Month Lowest Price Average Price Highest Price
Jul 2029 $0.4666 $1.60 $2.58
Aug 2029 $0.4783 $1.16 $3.16
Sep 2029 $0.6408 $1.20 $2.97
Oct 2029 $0.2574 $1.30 $3.58
Nov 2029 $0.4304 $1.66 $3.06
Dec 2029 $0.5116 $1.58 $3.35
Month Lowest Price Average Price Highest Price
Jan 2030 $0.5898 $1.64 $3.85
Feb 2030 $0.4013 $1.66 $3.08
Mar 2030 $0.6683 $1.48 $3.25
Apr 2030 $0.6597 $1.88 $4.06
May 2030 $0.6305 $1.91 $3.27
Jun 2030 $0.6416 $2.02 $4.09
Month Lowest Price Average Price Highest Price
Jul 2030 $0.6426 $2.01 $3.70
Aug 2030 $0.5518 $1.75 $3.55
Sep 2030 $0.8104 $1.95 $4.28
Oct 2030 $0.4509 $1.67 $4.23
Nov 2030 $0.5491 $2.05 $4.24
Dec 2030 $0.5278 $2.03 $4.53
Month Lowest Price Average Price Highest Price
Jan 2031 $0.7772 $2.04 $4.27
Feb 2031 $0.8100 $2.04 $3.91
Mar 2031 $0.7605 $1.95 $4.64
Apr 2031 $0.7921 $1.90 $4.68
May 2031 $0.8007 $2.28 $4.32
Jun 2031 $0.5785 $2.21 $4.18
Month Lowest Price Average Price Highest Price
Jul 2031 $0.5606 $1.93 $4.30
Aug 2031 $0.7266 $2.21 $4.47
Sep 2031 $0.5935 $2.18 $4.61
Oct 2031 $0.6628 $2.04 $4.18
Nov 2031 $0.6913 $2.28 $4.14
Dec 2031 $0.6938 $2.25 $4.17
Month Lowest Price Average Price Highest Price
Jan 2032 $0.6436 $2.30 $3.96
Feb 2032 $0.7148 $1.73 $4.34
Mar 2032 $0.3309 $2.07 $4.54
Apr 2032 $0.6522 $1.89 $4.17
May 2032 $0.4450 $1.93 $3.82
Jun 2032 $0.4217 $1.91 $4.11
Month Lowest Price Average Price Highest Price
Jul 2032 $0.2392 $1.54 $3.84
Aug 2032 $0.4636 $2.06 $4.03
Sep 2032 $0.3142 $1.73 $3.66
Oct 2032 $0.4434 $1.62 $4.01
Nov 2032 $0.2932 $2.04 $4.18
Dec 2032 $0.1478 $1.81 $4.02
Month Lowest Price Average Price Highest Price
Jan 2033 $0.3375 $1.96 $4.04
Feb 2033 $0.2400 $1.58 $3.87
Mar 2033 $0.002958 $1.87 $3.50
Apr 2033 $0.07466 $1.56 $4.03
May 2033 $0.08629 $1.38 $3.40
Jun 2033 $0.2606 $1.41 $3.95
Month Lowest Price Average Price Highest Price
Jul 2033 $0.1422 $1.71 $3.96
Aug 2033 $0.2717 $1.80 $3.58
Sep 2033 $0.2066 $1.96 $4.25
Oct 2033 $0.1804 $1.80 $4.23
Nov 2033 $0.1873 $1.74 $4.23
Dec 2033 $0.1317 $1.89 $4.84
The Sandbox Price Prediction 2024
During the first days of 2024, The Sandbox (SAND) touched $0.7737, after which the coin started to decline. According to market analysts, The Sandbox can reach up to $0.9733 by the end of the year. Moreover, The Sandbox may break all bars and go above the resistance level of $0.7737. Today, on 22 December, The Sandbox is traded for 0.5607, with a trading volume of about $164,802,770 in the last 24 hours. The Sandbox has the 1st position in the cryptocurrency market for its market capitalization.
The Sandbox Price Prediction 2025
Analysts believe The Sandbox has a good chance of breaching the level of $1.70 before the end of 2025. The price estimate to potentially start and roam for The Sandbox will range between $0.3582 and $1.70, with its average likely to stay at $0.9327. Despite the volatility in the markets, some analysts remain very optimistic about the future price predictions for The Sandbox.
The Sandbox Price Prediction 2026
Market predictions foresee The Sandbox (SAND) starting 2026 at approximately $0.6974 and may further appreciate a high of $3.26. The thereof figure represents a serious increase in the price of The Sandbox compared to previous years, so growth for The Sandbox may happen.
The Sandbox Price Prediction 2027
According to the predictions, The Sandbox might record considerable growth in its value during 2027. While the price is likely to increase double, the maximum level projected at $3.31 might not be attained. Analysts predict that The Sandbox will record an all-time high during this period between $0.7049 and $1.69.
The Sandbox Price Prediction 2028
Analysts believe that The Sandbox growth will be outstanding in 2028 and that the SAND will reach new highs in price and market capitalization. The price of The Sandbox could quickly rise above $0.2989. For this period, the maximum price is estimated to reach $3.10.
The Sandbox Price Prediction 2029
Through market analysis, The Sandbox is foresighted in moving over the price of $0.1397 in 2029. The minimum price of The Sandbox can witness this year is $1.32, and the maximum price will be $3.58.
The Sandbox Price Prediction 2030
According to analysts' forecasts, The Sandbox may reach $1.84 by the year 2030. By the year's end, the BTC range might be between $0.4013 and $4.53. Between 2024 and 2030, spectacular possibilities are supposed to happen in the growth of The Sandbox.
The Sandbox Price Prediction 2031
Predictions for 2031 put the The Sandbox average price at breaking above $2.11. The minimum price for the end of this year could be about $0.5606; it can also go as high as a maximum of as high as $4.68. According to predictions about the crypto market, serious price fluctuations will be witnessed this year.
The Sandbox Price Prediction 2032
During the year 2032, the minimum price of The Sandbox will amount to $0.1478. The average price of The Sandbox throughout the year will amount to $1.89 with a high price of $4.54. The Sandbox Price Prediction 2032
The Sandbox Price Prediction 2033
Calculations show that The Sandbox will be at least about $0.002958 by 2033. The maximum it may reach within such an elastic space for movement is $4.84, while the average forecast price is close to $1.72. It would not be ruled out that The Sandbox breaks the earlier highs. However, this heavily depends on how well the market pans out for such cryptocurrency.
The Sandbox (SAND) Technical Analysis
Mastering The Sandbox technical analysis is the key to predicting its trends effectively. Our page will break down the essential components of The Sandbox technical analysis to equip you with the cryptocurrency market's ups and downs.
Technical rating
This indicator for The Sandbox shows neutral technical indicators. Prices are often at or near the moving averages, suggesting a balanced market without a clear trend. Momentum indicators near neutral levels, such as RSI or CCI in the neutral zone, indicate neither strong buying nor selling pressure. Trend indicators, such as a MACD close to 0, ADX between 20 and 25, and Parabolic SAR in a neutral position, reflect uncertain trend strength. Oscillators like MFI at 50, StochRSI between 45 and 55, and Williams %R around -50 suggest no strong overbought or oversold conditions, indicating a period of consolidation or indecision in the market.
Moving Averages
Momentum Indicators
Trend Indicators
Oscillators Indicators
Moving Averages
Moving Averages are essential in The Sandbox technical analysis, smoothing out price trends for better entry and exit point identification.
Period SMA Action
Momentum Indicators
Measures the speed and strength of The Sandbox price changes for trend analysis.
Name Value Action
Relative Strength Index (RSI)
Commodity Channel Index (CCI)
Rate of Change (ROC)
Awesome Oscillator
Williams %R
Trend Indicators
Helps confirm and analyze the prevailing direction of The Sandbox's price movement.
Name Value Action
MACD (12,26,9)
ADX (14)
Parabolic SAR
Oscillators Indicators
Identifies overbought or oversold conditions in the The Sandbox technical analysis, aiding in predicting potential reversals.
Name Value Action
Money Flow Index (MFI)
Ultimate Oscillator
β€œWhat if” Calculator
What would my profit have been if I invested
on the date
Have you ever wondered how much you profited from an asset if you had invested in it at the right time? The "What If" Calculator lets you play with some hypothetical scenarios to see how much your investment could have grown. If the calculator doesn't satisfy your needs, please scroll down to explore key Technical Analysis Indicators, which can further assist you in decision-making.
1. Moving Averages
The price of The Sandbox is below all three key moving averages: MA10 at $0.6561, MA50 at $0.5480, and MA200 at $0.3549, with the current price at 0.5607. This is a strong bearish signal, as the price is trading below short, medium, and long-term levels. The market is under significant selling pressure, and the downward momentum is expected to continue unless there is a sharp reversal. Traders should be cautious of further downside, as there are no clear support levels to stop the decline.
2. Momentum Indicators
The presence of bearish signals across multiple momentum indicators for The Sandbox suggests a prevailing downward trend. Indicators like the Rate of Change, Awesome Oscillator, and Williams %R reflect declining momentum and a potential continuation of the downtrend. This alignment of bearish signals across various metrics reinforces the expectation of further price decreases.
  • Relative Strength Index (RSI): The RSI for The Sandbox is 37.06, indicating a bearish trend. The market is showing signs of being in a downward solid phase, with prices likely making lower lows and lower highs. This suggests that bearish pressure could continue.
  • Commodity Channel Index (CCI): The CCI for The Sandbox is -130.13, placing it in the neutral zone. This suggests that the market is balanced with no strong overbought or oversold conditions. Rate of Change (ROC): The ROC for The Sandbox is 47.75, which indicates a bearish signal. This suggests that The Sandbox is experiencing downward momentum, potentially leading to further price declines, and signaling a possible bearish trend.
  • Awesome Oscillator (AO): AO for The Sandbox is below the zero line, indicating that momentum is shifting downward. This suggests a bearish trend, meaning the market is experiencing downward pressure, and potential sell or short opportunities might arise.
  • Williamson%R (14): The Williams %R for The Sandbox is -60.39, indicating a bearish trend. This suggests downward momentum, with potential sell or short opportunities as prices continue to fall.
  • Momentum: The momentum for The Sandbox is above zero, suggesting a bullish trend. The price is rising, and the upward trend may continue.
3. Trend Indicators
Neutral trend indicators for The Sandbox are evident when the MACD line is close to the signal line, ADX is between 20 and 25, or SAR dots are near the price level. These conditions suggest a lack of clear directional movement, with the market potentially consolidating or lacking a strong trend. Neutral signals imply that market conditions are indecisive, with no strong trend direction indicated.
  • MACD (12,26,9): The MACD for The Sandbox is 0.00, placing it in the bearish zone. Not only has the MACD line crossed below the signal line, signaling a potential downtrend, but it is also below zero, confirming the continuation of the bearish trend. Traders might consider selling or taking short positions based on this signal.
  • Average Directional Index - ADX (14): The ADX for The Sandbox is 34.84, placing it in the neutral zone. This suggests that the trend strength is uncertain at the moment, and the market does not show a clear directional bias. Traders may need to exercise caution, as the trend could shift either way.
  • Parabolic SAR: The SAR for The Sandbox dots are positioned below the price, signalling a bullish trend. This indicates that the price is on an upward trend and may continue.
4. Oscillators Indicators
Neutral oscillator readings for The Sandbox are observed when the MFI is 50, the StochRSI is between 45 and 55, or the UO is between 45 and 55. These values imply a lack of strong momentum in either direction, suggesting that the market is in a consolidation phase or lacks a clear trend direction.
  • Money Flow Index (MFI): The MFI for The Sandbox is 11.93, indicating bearish conditions. This suggests weak buying pressure and a potential downtrend.
  • StochRSI – Stochastic Relative Strength Index: The StochRSI for The Sandbox is 6.42, indicating bullish momentum. This suggests intense buying pressure, with potential for further upward movement.
  • Ultimate Oscillator (UO): The UO for The Sandbox is 41.40 neutral, showing no strong directional momentum, indicating the market is in a stable state without a clear trend.
ARIMA Model Formula
The ARIMA model is defined by three parameters: p, d, and q.
  • p: the number of past observations that the model will consider. This is the AR component which is expressed as below: $$ X_t = \phi_1 X_{t-1} + \phi_2 X_{t-2} + \cdots + \phi_p X_{t-p} + Z_t$$
    $$ X_t = \sum_{i=1}^{p} \phi_i X_{t-i} + Z_t $$
  • d: the degree of differencing, which is the number of times needed to subtract the previous day’s price from today’s price to make the data consistent at all points in time. (The I component)
  • q: the number of past errors in prediction. This is the MA component and is expressed as: $$ X_t = Z_t + \theta_1 Z_{t-1} + \theta_2 Z_{t-2} + \cdots + \theta_q Z_{t-q} $$
    $$ X_t = Z_t + \theta_1 Z_{t-1} + \theta_2 Z_{t-2} + \cdots + \theta_q Z_{t-q} $$
The ARIMA(p, d, q) model is the combination of the AR(p) and MA(q) and differencing: $$ \Delta dX_t = \sum_{i=1}^{p} \phi_i \Delta dX_{t-i} + Z_t + \sum_{i=1}^{q} \theta_i Z_{t-i} $$ Where:
  • 𝑋𝑑: the time series X at a time t, and π‘‹π‘‘βˆ’π‘– is X at a previous point in time.
  • 𝑍𝑑: the error terms or white noise, and π‘π‘‘βˆ’π‘– is Z at a previous point in time.
  • πœ™: the parameters of the autoregressive part of the model.
  • πœƒ: the parameters of the moving average part of the model.
  • βˆ‡ 𝑑𝑋𝑑: the differenced time series (d times).
Disclaimer: The price predictions are for informational purposes only and please note that our predictions are not financial or investment advice. We recommend conducting your own research and consulting a qualified professional before making any investment decisions. By combining our predictions with your own research and professional guidance, you can enhance your investment strategy and maximize potential returns.
FAQs for The Sandbox (SAND) Price Prediction
What will The Sandbox be worth in 2025?
Forecasting the potential price of The Sandbox in 2025 requires a detailed understanding of the current market and cryptocurrency asset price variations. Drawing on the viewpoints of cryptocurrency specialists and market analysts, as well as basic analysis, the price estimate for The Sandbox (SAND) in 2025 might reach the $1.70 level.
How much will 1 The Sandbox (SAND) be worth in 2030?
Given the constant rise of blockchain technology and cryptocurrency, it's reasonable to assume that The Sandbox will be relevant in the coming decades. It is difficult to make precise predictions about the value of The Sandbox in 2030, although some believe it might become an extremely valuable asset with an average price of around $1.84.
Can The Sandbox crash to zero?
Regarding The Sandbox potentially collapsing to zero, while each investment carries risks, The Sandbox losing its whole value appears highly unlikely. Thus, while price fluctuations are unavoidable in the cryptocurrency market, a complete plunge to zero appears unlikely for The Sandbox.
Should I invest money in The Sandbox?
If it is consistent with your investment goals, then absolutely. The Sandbox can be a good fit for many portfolios; but, you must be willing to accept the risk that comes with any crypto assets. This is not investment advice; you should perform your own research to avoid the considerable risk of losing money quickly.
Will The Sandbox rise again? predicts that the cryptocurrency markets may continue to experience significant bullish momentum. The market is projected to reach a low of $0.3582, with a potential rise to $1.70 by 2025.
Is it safe to invest in The Sandbox today?
The Sandbox is a high-risk investment with significant volatility. It should only be considered if you have a high tolerance for risk, are already in a strong financial position, and can afford potential losses.
Is it wise to invest in The Sandbox?
Yes, making money from purchasing cryptocurrency is possible. Many view The Sandbox as a worthwhile investment given its growth potential and enduring value. However, investing in The Sandbox carries risks. Thus, conducting thorough research and investing within your comfort zone is crucial.
What is the prediction for The Sandbox in 2026?
Despite a seemingly bleak outlook on the global and U.S. economy, Coincu still expects The Sandbox's price to outperform. Coincu predicts it will reach between $0.6974 to $3.26 by the end of 2026.
What will happen to The Sandbox in 2040?
Coincu frequently advises individuals to embrace volatility and leverage it as an advantage in the cryptocurrency market. Coincu has also publicly expressed the belief that The Sandbox will ultimately reach $2.70 per Ticker.
How high will The Sandbox go in 2050?
By 2050, The Sandbox could exceed $0.4624, potentially reaching a peak of $9.98.
What will the lowest price of The Sandbox be in the future?
The lowest price of The Sandbox in the future would be as low as $0.3582.
What will the highest price of The Sandbox be in the future?
The highest price of The Sandbox in the future would be as high as $11.10.
Will the The Sandbox price increase in future?
Yes, The Sandbox's price is predicted to increase in the future based on our data. But the fluctuattion in price of The Sandbox is inevitable.
Whether the price of The Sandbox will be downward in future?
Based on our prediction, The Sandbox price will not be going down in the future. However, there might be external factors that could potentially pull the price down, such as regulatory changes.
What will the price of The Sandbox be after 1 year?
The Sandbox can hit $1.70 in 2025.
What will the price of The Sandbox be after 3 years?
Our ARIMA Model predicted The Sandbox to reach $3.31.
What will the price of The Sandbox be after 4 years?
The Sandbox will potentially be trading at $1.36.
What will the price of The Sandbox be after 5 years?
In 2029, The Sandbox will start trading at $0.1397.
What will the price of The Sandbox be after 6 years?
The price of The Sandbox can be upto $4.53.
What will the price of The Sandbox be after 15 years?
After 15 years, The Sandbox will be trading at around $2.76.
What will the price of The Sandbox be after 20 years?
After 20 years, The Sandbox will be trading at around $3.08.
What will the price of The Sandbox be after 25 years?
After 25 years, The Sandbox will be trading at around $3.24.
What will the price of The Sandbox be after 30 years?
After 30 years, The Sandbox will be trading at around $3.54.