Charles Hoskinson Presents The Reason For Delaying The Vasil Hard Fork

Cardano creator Charles Hoskinson has broken his silence on the delayed Vasil hard fork.
Charles Hoskinson Presents The Reason For Delaying The Vasil Hard Fork
Charles Hoskinson

In a livestream titled “Some Brief Comments on Vasil,” Hoskinson explained:

“…the problem is that every time something is discovered, you have to fix it. But then you have to verify the fix and go back through the entire testing pipeline.”

He added:

“So you get to a situation where you feature complete. But then you have to test, and when you test, you may discover something, and then you have to repair that, and then you have to go back through the entire testing pipeline. So this is what causes release delays.”

Kevin Hammond, technical director at IOG, pointed out during the most recent Cardano360 event that there could be a few more weeks of delay without providing a specific release date. He stated that further testing takes time and ensures a smooth process.

The much-anticipated Vasil mainnet hard fork is slated to take place in the last week of July after IOG revealed the change in timing in late June.

Charles Hoskinson Presents The Reason For Delaying The Vasil Hard Fork
Charles Hoskinson Presents The Reason For Delaying The Vasil Hard Fork 3

The Cardano testnet was a hard fork to Vasil functionality on July 3 by IOG developers. With the initial node release v.1.35.0, development continued following the testnet hard fork announcement. Due to the bugs discovered, the IOG team moved on to work on v.1.35.1 and v.1.35.2 nodes.

Cardano founders discuss new node v.1.35.3 as a potential hard fork candidate.

“The good news is that the set of things that could go wrong have gotten so small, and now we’re kind of in the final stages of testing in that respect. So unless anything new is discovered, I don’t anticipate that we’ll have any further delays.”

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