Ukrainian Art Museum To Launch Exclusive NFT Collection on Binance

The Kharkiv Art Museum has created a new NFT collection on the Binance NFT marketplace to assist raise revenue for operations and cultural heritage protection.
Ukrainian Art Museum To Launch Exclusive NFT Collection on Binance
Ukrainian Art Museum To Launch Exclusive NFT Collection on Binance 4

The Kharkiv Art Museum announced on October 13 that their NFT collection, Art Without Borders, is now accessible on the Binance NFT marketplace.

Art without Borders features 15 works of art from the museum’s collection, with earnings benefiting the museum and saving the cultural heritage of Ukraine, according to the official release.

Honcharov Agency CEO Oleksandr Honcharov said:

“Today we are erasing borders and moving into the digital era. With the help of Web3 technologies, the collection of the Kharkiv Art Museum can be exhibited anywhere in the digital world. Masterpieces cared for by the museum will be able to help its development in such a difficult time.”

Ukrainian Art Museum To Launch Exclusive NFT Collection on Binance
Ukrainian Art Museum To Launch Exclusive NFT Collection on Binance 5

In the past, museums have used NFTs to digitalize art, such as the Royal Museum of Fine Arts Antwerp, which tokenized a piece in its collection worth millions of euros.

Art has even been NFT-ized in metaverse institutions, such as when Frida Khalo’s family transported a piece from their private collection into Decentraland.

Meanwhile, amid the ongoing confrontation between Ukraine and Russia, the city of Kharkiv has seen significant combat. As a result, the value of this collection can conserve culture that is now at risk of being destroyed, as was the case in the infamous theft of the National Museum of Iraq in Baghdad in 2003.

The combination of nascent NFT technology and the long-standing Ukraine culture legacy in the NFT will help restore culture and history in real life, according to Lisa He, Binance NFT head.

Ukrainian Art Museum To Launch Exclusive NFT Collection on Binance
Ukrainian Art Museum To Launch Exclusive NFT Collection on Binance 6

During these volatile times, NFTs have already been employed as a form of help and resistance in Ukraine. The proceeds of an NFT sale were utilized to assist rebuild physical monuments damaged during the conflict.

Ukraine’s Ministry of Digital Transformation even established its own digital NFT museum in order to capture and preserve a timeline of important events throughout the conflict.

Lisa said Binance would continue to fund NFT initiatives that provide realistic and scalable solutions to a variety of societal challenges, he added, including the preservation of Ukraine’s historical legacy.

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