Alethea AI raises $ 16 million to build an AI infrastructure for iNFT on its way to the Metaverse

Alethea AI, creator of Smart NFT (Intelligent NFT or iNFT), raised $ 16 million in a private sale to a group of prominent investors.

Alethea AI raises 16 million to build an AI

Alethea has ambitions to build an AI infrastructure for iNTF on the way to the Metaverse, a universe of interconnected virtual worlds, just like in the novel Snow Crash and the movie Ready. Player One).

The company is building a scalable AI infrastructure for NFT that will enable NFT to become more animated, interactive, and intelligent through the Open AI Foundation’s GPT-3 technology, a learning AI that helps identify natural language response patterns for queries .

Alethea AI’s top investors are Metapurse and Capital. There are also many other names in the industry such as Multicoin Capital, Alameda Research, Mark Cuban, Bitkraft, Dapper Labs, Galaxy Interactive, Sfermion, LD Capital, Hof Capital, Gemini Frontier Fund, IDEO CoLab, Defiance, Whitestar Capital, IOSG, Nascent , Borderless Capital, CMS Holdings, Sandeep Nailwal, DeFi Dad, Andrew Steinwold, Meltem De Mirrors, Sid Jain, Haseeb Qureshi, Ravindra Kumar, Gabby Dizon, Jeff Morris Jr, Mike Dudas, DCInvestor, Gmoney NFT and Bitscale.

Arif Khan, CEO of Alethea AI, told GamesBeat, “There is an explosion of innovation and creativity in the NFT space, with the Avatar community taking off on a scale and speed that we have never had before. Whether penguins or monkeys, new intellectual property is created without the involvement of large studios or huge corporations. Creators and communities will be able to do more with their NFTs to create meaningful, rich, fluid, and interactive experiences built on top of crypto, and we will make this possible through the Alethea AI protocol. “

Alethea AI raises 16 million to build an AI

The number of NFT transactions will increase in 2021

On June 10, 2021, Alethea sold an iNFT through Sotheby’s auction house for a record $ 478,000.

Alethea worked closely with the Open AI team and helped test and refine the Open AI technology as Alethea AI was one of the first teams to have access to the GPT-3 API released last summer.

“Alethea AI will act as connective tissue by upgrading NFTs to intelligent assets and adding value over time as intelligence increases,” said CEO Khan, adding, “Today, most of the original NFT projects are stills, and with the Alethea Protocol can bring these still images to life, creating richer and more meaningful interactions for brands and creators. ‘.

Alethea believes NFT will provide a solid property rights infrastructure for the emerging supermarket powered by smart and interactive avatars. The AI ​​infrastructure built by Alethea will serve as the underlying connective tissue to enable NFTs to come to life as interactive assets with personality traits, interests and interoperability in real time.

* Metaverse is a virtual universe or digital universe created by the convergence of Virtual Reality (AV) and Augmented Reality (AR) and encompasses the sum of all virtual worlds, augmented reality and the internet. Metaverse is a combination of the word Meta – which means Beyond and Verse which stands for Universe – which means Universe. The term is often used to describe the concept of a future iteration of the Internet made up of continuous 3D virtual spaces that are shared and connected into a perceptible virtual universe; consciousness as a real world.

Cong Tu Ngang

According to Venturebeat

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Alethea AI raises $ 16 million to build an AI infrastructure for iNFT on its way to the Metaverse

Alethea AI, creator of Smart NFT (Intelligent NFT or iNFT), raised $ 16 million in a private sale to a group of prominent investors.

Alethea AI raises 16 million to build an AI

Alethea has ambitions to build an AI infrastructure for iNTF on the way to the Metaverse, a universe of interconnected virtual worlds, just like in the novel Snow Crash and the movie Ready. Player One).

The company is building a scalable AI infrastructure for NFT that will enable NFT to become more animated, interactive, and intelligent through the Open AI Foundation’s GPT-3 technology, a learning AI that helps identify natural language response patterns for queries .

Alethea AI’s top investors are Metapurse and Capital. There are also many other names in the industry such as Multicoin Capital, Alameda Research, Mark Cuban, Bitkraft, Dapper Labs, Galaxy Interactive, Sfermion, LD Capital, Hof Capital, Gemini Frontier Fund, IDEO CoLab, Defiance, Whitestar Capital, IOSG, Nascent , Borderless Capital, CMS Holdings, Sandeep Nailwal, DeFi Dad, Andrew Steinwold, Meltem De Mirrors, Sid Jain, Haseeb Qureshi, Ravindra Kumar, Gabby Dizon, Jeff Morris Jr, Mike Dudas, DCInvestor, Gmoney NFT and Bitscale.

Arif Khan, CEO of Alethea AI, told GamesBeat, “There is an explosion of innovation and creativity in the NFT space, with the Avatar community taking off on a scale and speed that we have never had before. Whether penguins or monkeys, new intellectual property is created without the involvement of large studios or huge corporations. Creators and communities will be able to do more with their NFTs to create meaningful, rich, fluid, and interactive experiences built on top of crypto, and we will make this possible through the Alethea AI protocol. “

Alethea AI raises 16 million to build an AI

The number of NFT transactions will increase in 2021

On June 10, 2021, Alethea sold an iNFT through Sotheby’s auction house for a record $ 478,000.

Alethea worked closely with the Open AI team and helped test and refine the Open AI technology as Alethea AI was one of the first teams to have access to the GPT-3 API released last summer.

“Alethea AI will act as connective tissue by upgrading NFTs to intelligent assets and adding value over time as intelligence increases,” said CEO Khan, adding, “Today, most of the original NFT projects are stills, and with the Alethea Protocol can bring these still images to life, creating richer and more meaningful interactions for brands and creators. ‘.

Alethea believes NFT will provide a solid property rights infrastructure for the emerging supermarket powered by smart and interactive avatars. The AI ​​infrastructure built by Alethea will serve as the underlying connective tissue to enable NFTs to come to life as interactive assets with personality traits, interests and interoperability in real time.

* Metaverse is a virtual universe or digital universe created by the convergence of Virtual Reality (AV) and Augmented Reality (AR) and encompasses the sum of all virtual worlds, augmented reality and the internet. Metaverse is a combination of the word Meta – which means Beyond and Verse which stands for Universe – which means Universe. The term is often used to describe the concept of a future iteration of the Internet made up of continuous 3D virtual spaces that are shared and connected into a perceptible virtual universe; consciousness as a real world.

Cong Tu Ngang

According to Venturebeat

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