Technology of Tomorrow: The Open Source AI Summit @ EthCC 7 Brussels

KryptoPlanet is gearing up to host the Open Source AI Summit @ EthCC 7 Brussels, following its successful debut at Stanford University earlier this year.
Technology of Tomorrow: The Open Source AI Summit @ EthCC 7 Brussels

Co-hosted with NEAR Protocol and supported by sponsors like Nethermind, Olas, Livepeer, Gensyn, Exabits, and Akash Network, the summit promises to be a pivotal event at the Ethereum Community Conference 7 (EthCC) in Brussels.

The Open Source AI Summit brings together leading figures in artificial intelligence and blockchain technology. Among the distinguished speakers are Illia Polosukhin, Co-founder of NEAR Protocol; Alexander Hicks, Researcher at Ethereum Foundation; Emad Mostaque, Founder of Schelling.AI and Stability AI; David Minarsch, CEO & Co-Founder of Valory; Rick Staa, Head of AI Network Engineering at Livepeer; Advait (Leo) Jayant, CEO & Co-Founder of SuperSight; Hoansoo Lee, Co-Founder of Exabits; Greg Osuri, CEO of Overclock Labs and Founder of Akash Network; Anand Iyers, Managing Partner at Canonical; and Casey Caruso, Managing Partner at Topology.

The summit serves as a side event to EthCC 7, highlighting the intersection of artificial intelligence, blockchain, and open-source technology. Participants can expect insightful discussions, keynote addresses, and networking opportunities with experts shaping the future of decentralized technologies.

For those attending EthCC 7 in Brussels, the Open Source AI Summit @ EthCC 7 promises to be an essential addition, providing deep dives into the latest advancements and applications at the nexus of AI and blockchain.

For more detailed information, please visit the event website:

Technology of Tomorrow: The Open Source AI Summit @ EthCC 7 Brussels

KryptoPlanet is gearing up to host the Open Source AI Summit @ EthCC 7 Brussels, following its successful debut at Stanford University earlier this year.
Technology of Tomorrow: The Open Source AI Summit @ EthCC 7 Brussels

Co-hosted with NEAR Protocol and supported by sponsors like Nethermind, Olas, Livepeer, Gensyn, Exabits, and Akash Network, the summit promises to be a pivotal event at the Ethereum Community Conference 7 (EthCC) in Brussels.

The Open Source AI Summit brings together leading figures in artificial intelligence and blockchain technology. Among the distinguished speakers are Illia Polosukhin, Co-founder of NEAR Protocol; Alexander Hicks, Researcher at Ethereum Foundation; Emad Mostaque, Founder of Schelling.AI and Stability AI; David Minarsch, CEO & Co-Founder of Valory; Rick Staa, Head of AI Network Engineering at Livepeer; Advait (Leo) Jayant, CEO & Co-Founder of SuperSight; Hoansoo Lee, Co-Founder of Exabits; Greg Osuri, CEO of Overclock Labs and Founder of Akash Network; Anand Iyers, Managing Partner at Canonical; and Casey Caruso, Managing Partner at Topology.

The summit serves as a side event to EthCC 7, highlighting the intersection of artificial intelligence, blockchain, and open-source technology. Participants can expect insightful discussions, keynote addresses, and networking opportunities with experts shaping the future of decentralized technologies.

For those attending EthCC 7 in Brussels, the Open Source AI Summit @ EthCC 7 promises to be an essential addition, providing deep dives into the latest advancements and applications at the nexus of AI and blockchain.

For more detailed information, please visit the event website:

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