In this article, we will analyse the insider wallets and crypto whales that made money from the Mantra DAO token and show how you can make money from it by simply tracking the transactions of market makers and Tier-1 funds (such as DWF Labs) with ArbitrageScanner.io. 

This case study shows that tracking the crypto portfolio of market insiders can be the ultimate profit story for you – if you simply find the right wallets, analyse them, follow their actions in real time and make money. Below we’ll show you how you could make 20-30x on the rise of the altcoin Mantra DAO by searching and analysing wallets. 

ArbitrageScanner conducted an on-chain analysis of the situation that unfolded around the Mantra DAO token (OM) as the altcoin showed parabolic growth. We found one wallet that made $980,000 on this move. Using the service’s extensive functionality, we found that it was connected to market makers GSR Markets and DWF Labs, which have a reputation for token growth. 



Figure 1 – “OM Early Holder Wallet with ArbitrageScanner portfolio tracker tools”.

In front of you is an early OM holder and his wallet that we found using our products. He caught our attention with his earnings on the Mantra DAO token. 


Pay attention to the tags listed under the address statistics. This can give you a minimal idea of the nature of the wallet. For example, that it is an early holder or a holder of a particular altcoin. 

AD 4nXeW9GUF 5ZPhOrS7VvynV5x1 s6iDTU0drAnoHNB9646EDJhRU3zzrv3tz4I338MppKmj9pvwgw4V5u9psCtkHtTBSkyDghKamMzRfxEJOT4ceXrhbm2FVSGZKCE8DZQKPW5IfGyBPWLzk0zscvKMpTWQgeOuNOPTYO3FMemg YqkU9OWgSKSw?key=fUWhFZB2W7NUt8NsaXmalg

Fig. 2 – “Wallet earnings by OM token. ArbitrageScanner”

You can explore the wallet here 

You can sort tokens from the portfolio by parameters by clicking on them. In our example we have sorted by profit in descending order (larger to smaller). You can also toggle this parameter to sort the list in ascending order by clicking on it again. 

By going to the token’s page, you can explore the entire activity history of the token. 


You can access the individual asset page either by clicking on the ticker from the portfolio or by clicking on the ticker from the transaction history. 

AD 4nXcaz9nAOB2rRtxIKHmJopg2elvuUUSg118ka8qxMq8IZmy876e8ooQcy120m7cKnupWzUO12bZuSUee5ivHR5qukJHgO11uz8MR6hbfvf5Pu4kqw5tizr09fYelJbtLajotfAN6B8BfT2ITTGHvVDzEBiNdd3O 7pPmwWfUT4RLoqJGa5fz Nc?key=fUWhFZB2W7NUt8NsaXmalg


The first wallet transactions on the OM token took place in the distant 2020s. 

AD 4nXc0dNQPLEjZLsurxKNqowWsvaFjvJZo f3o0J7q1DXVHC3j mJtO9d13uH3zTo419ZVXXhFD4k XLDMPEWZFBgfdivhKps6X0 kUvisBVFHqqGh 5vvuivZd3nnszbAVvHXimidjN66EaKDuuQBxYl YwMv2NACEOzJm4vllwmoqFBP 3NEb0?key=fUWhFZB2W7NUt8NsaXmalg

Fig. 3 – “First OM token wallet transactions. Arbitrage Scanner”.

To view all transactions on the OM Wallet token – here

To find the addresses that have interacted with this wallet, you should go to the Transfers section in the Wallet Analysis tab.


To view outgoing or incoming transfers to this address, you will need to go to the Wallet Analysis tab. 

AD 4nXdY13Yv9 0ZbAIv2Ktnayx4SYimua2kwo4IHFujT6OEapGCzPgGZYd9o5izDbhGCxVL 6h7AgCELcEa5e9h HBGVUDoMyYNNUiqjMxupbAF qGt324J9MfEywWL7skiNn8lIYVC vjRktElxXovxB ZaC0DmsmfnisfInspDuJZ DHCBMlNa8?key=fUWhFZB2W7NUt8NsaXmalg

Next, under Find Transfers.

AD 4nXc4vaUp54gfMd9DyG1FEdCbS7xujhVH9GBPkY4YaKVkfqN6g6Vet5Qtx6YVMJnSo4AKpboJS4 C0OElPQqry1zVaCrWcdIdCAa398xXJ ViYRWvh7NQTlZuwMlyUGMFg5Va1iMUHYOq6T

Transactions – List of wallets by transaction type (incoming or outgoing) that have interacted.


Among all the wallet transfers, we are interested in the address that had three outgoing transactions for the OM token.

AD 4nXfzPcDSpkbHL0frphAHT VfPFLsYhlx13PX4WA5ItXndMbt8ktUJpKonFuvFZ2PAVoyMexSkdgBoiTzV6J2bKDD7yVQXxIofsF2ywtSaJqcO7C0Q4jw8Y946n3rrB8

Fig. 4 – “Wallet transfers to other addresses. ArbitrageScanner”

Wallet transactions from Figure 4 below:

AD 4nXelYDAYQRMV0hLPEvWLVJm2lHh8rhpsgomIkInMyF73HUu td6p4CQS6 oHaNbiDor1KkcwlcbWJDHXO zNCx6OF36kpsEmPMAGUgc pryvSCesoBjwCTOufwhGzNf9aEqW06RAmA97WYuBUEWCnKPs6Zc4S6nmiGuJzS0v0Plk0K9B JJqkZg?key=fUWhFZB2W7NUt8NsaXmalg

Fig. 5 – “Withdraw wallet to another address. Arbitrage Scanner

A total of 4.1M OM tokens were transferred, worth $151K at the time of transfer. 

Next, we consider the relationship of the wallet from Figure 4 to other addresses.  


The wallet found (from Figure 5) has a relatively modest performance in terms of trading statistics.

AD 4nXfgj60eOpxKpUBznl6luMr9vA4 akpCcqANZsMuAGMbWKFWwMQkm6SxArMHIu rZPbYMTYbCWxei1NpWYFcGNmri1k ooO8rfgO0zt5IGcsHH6jSYHXeHGgPcVNJjEDZoFRPJmUDo5A2boAwQQnW9n1l9X3jIzgAknX0pLYl49Anp790LnG g?key=fUWhFZB2W7NUt8NsaXmalg

Fig. 6 – “Main dashboard, wallet found by ArbitrageScanner”

As well as a short list of token interactions at DEX venues

AD 4nXfPCmPipbpxYZELcqwQnRquZExHVFE7l7FLS 1BRGsbi0uJQyf7V9cobIZnXojNrjdQyJJUHE4Hfc Zjnyk7lyjyg0BYePTjvVGiFHKD2gIPeKzRg3i0v7O zpBhbVsTfAmfezAXSNvf XcEReSQ2NvxoZvcNJwpAa659hfvxv p QSUkBku0?key=fUWhFZB2W7NUt8NsaXmalg

Fig. 7 – “Table of interactions with tokens on the DEX wallet from ArbitrageScanner”.

You can analyse this wallet here.

Token Interactions – List of coins for which transactions have been made on DEX.

This table is located in the Wallet Analysis tab. Here you can see the coins that have been exchanged the most. 

This wallet, as mentioned above, has a low number of coins traded on DEX, as well as negligible trading activity. It was probably used as a place to temporarily store assets. 

The transactions of this wallet directly indicate this. As soon as funds were received, they were immediately withdrawn to other addresses. 

AD 4nXcU2AFRlVzvOI6xqePd bSBPC19VeKnSD3VTJhQqdp VSQEj hdWS1wcMRCYiRtG2zyOoX5nkB FNmqCWLLy4p2TL5XsVaHhoFcZv34TRWUk9MA9jYAGIPb41RkfovYS2PPUTwb6Tza2rPZ5SoPVohybRO1ZKRwB96mmm9lM24tY9m4KvPz2Q?key=fUWhFZB2W7NUt8NsaXmalg

Fig. 8 – “Example of transactions”.

Looking at the transfers from this address, we are interested in the following wallets 

AD 4nXe2 5eprWsgtKqr Zq93s7uRWxE2jkMhzFpHK8zElXeLlkUlguJ1zO MN7syrBpuE76hw VIPg4gkmuRsb6b6eZmspLAMLVvzeXgiDSY9PGW iQKqNKAgCU

Fig. 9 – “Wallet transfers”

So the wallet transferred OM to two addresses for the amount of $2.07M. 

All OM transactions from the first wallet in Figure 8, see below

AD 4nXf9HKaS7yIPWjMvEcpylqgYqWc6VJfzftCw0CBT9pJO4a vA9FVFXExX1C1c49nou7kfg2gSrBdiIcUiaWLZatJrR9Z9sPRDxJDExove4fMzanL4eRtxvIYcbdGlPMX2a5zKrJ2qzfgnKEEZVaQL u9LkhrjSx85e X5nojZZro98Jp8yb Tow?key=fUWhFZB2W7NUt8NsaXmalg

Fig. – “All OM transfer type transactions from ArbitrageScanner”.

Let’s look at another wallet’s OM transfers from Figure 8:

AD 4nXcA8DhvLvTGSr016GP0r5 9ePZQLvoPVOzYtyou3f63vh2dgtfYdlwHraSGi 9HpQi ppsLvqjfSYGnLqqFdRDOxUoLBgZzI NYvBAovSkQMHAqa8PBtJ9pKMX2HqQHRGF2Vf9rd11sRkmVmirnRTOzGk33wi6eVw4VMaP7EFFlzFC Kny28Q?key=fUWhFZB2W7NUt8NsaXmalg

Fig. 11 – “All transactions of type OM from ArbitrageScanner”.

To start analysing a wallet you have found, for example in a transfer, do the following 

  • Copy the address 
  • Press the “F” key 
  • Type the address in the search box 
  • Press ENTER
AD 4nXfjCviEVzi5 nit4Oe xQ7x3GBcB TOFDO66SszsPK9wlX1mfvwiZEHayKXaJFV5SA7Mqi

Thanks to ArbitrageScanner’s wallet entity detection feature, you can easily understand who owns them. 

For example, the wallets in Figure 8 belong to large market makers in the market. 

AD 4nXdAkiV0T 7cF22IBctbGp2BmXaabuLrWZ1xcXWba0mB

Fig. 12 – “DWF Labs wallet according to ArbitrageScanner”.

You can study the wallet here

AD 4nXd7trU3EnzL yF5 lJVVig10YeZzoRfD1JcloYIgVdupRH KTejqZcF7Wqje7I9p42

Fig. 13 – “GSR wallet according to ArbitrageScanner”.

You can study the wallet here

On the ArbitrageScanner website you will find the “Selections” section where the team has published wallets from famous funds, market makers, top holdings, celebrities as well as public collections from our users.

All of the above can be found by going to the relevant section. 

AD 4nXe8Ha61ElX9R47 M1H uzhH9RMO4ZaMNhyiEaJIJ0W1gk4oCbEOmsWdpBcIf LMTJwN2nbcFZt5W5INGnXLEYjhnOlEjCZFGGZKL1BbwxYfHZoaiCVN7choQE952

Or use this link  

Let’s take a closer look at what market makers do. 


Let us take the GSR Markets wallet as an example.

Example of OM receipt to GSR address

AD 4nXcFwEl7baURYEbyqgIyX2wH1li9VYmIwCoe0gI091Z7HYdx 2T0deI9pRlJ3WQU765O6GGOGsAEA4wpkPwaMOdA0nTHeb3iU2B7G14P6PKlTsFhLIQaDaKBLdA4bTbjVlOEXXLPBG6ZZvRiH1XRZKNXSfjyKxC2O Xki8

Fig. 14 – “OM receipts to GSR Markets wallet

The history of transactions on the OM token by the market maker can be viewed here.

As soon as the funds arrived in the market maker’s wallet, they were immediately withdrawn to the Binance exchange. 

AD 4nXfRUuQ8JKNp3NJ66AZY5GW50W8SJLcFh0M7dinm9ClewSa4xv5SeaR5YK8p8Wk

Fig. 14 – “OM withdrawals on CEX exchange after receipt of market maker GSR Markets from ArbitrageScanner”.

From the GSR wallet alone, 61.74M OM or 7% of the maximum volume was transferred to the Binance exchange! 


You can apply a filter to the transaction history. For example, we used the filter by transaction type – “Transfer” to calculate the amount withdrawn.

See below for an example of how to use search filters: 

AD 4nXfe6muWEaVmIiMMo7Mr15ui5tqIKlBzrQBcWmkxM4RkDVETCNQK1G9xn1XRJGRuNSHEwfqPGMxMcm3WGlxc8W3QMc6Ofz n1Tvci1REkMaO1IyTM5J5qz wQCWgZ4mx2w1bJZgSx1LpmaSzf67jAI4epA3raj9nSkSQHtO2koufgL KBWUZYhU?key=fUWhFZB2W7NUt8NsaXmalg

The whole chain of interaction of these addresses was as follows

AD 4nXeJjdNhbt6TC4MIeVxwDlOodfHSAx0iaZh zNszEaXShEiiRHNt2W HAOuKGYXKgdpokWLpo7dfLqCeg3yKk6SjWVDH5zbAq hYpx4tDeke5D OkoP6TkEI4qNMEUQtA7AT fAn2UQJdC6aNKSUYc1QEu4WFaeDd

Fig. 15 – “Chain of wallets when accumulating MANTRA DAO”.

An address associated with two market makers interacted with the early holder’s wallet. 

The funds received by anonymous trader #2 (from Figure 15) were sent to the wallets of GSR Markets and DWF Labs. 

Next, the market makers would deposit OM on the Binance exchange, accumulating the asset in a large volume. 

After a period of time, the token showed parabolic growth.


Using wallet analysis, we found that 

  • An early MANTRA DAO holder interacted with the fund wallets.
  • The wallet chain consisted of at least 4 addresses. 
  • As soon as OM hit the market makers’ wallets, it was immediately transferred to the CEX exchange.
  • Market makers controlled OM for at least 7% of the maximum token issue.
  • DWF Labs and GSR Markets accumulated MANTRA DAO at a parabolic growth rate.

Finally, let’s take a look at the chart of MANTRA DAO on the Binance exchange, taking into account everything we’ve said so far.

AD 4nXfCHk8NGAbRAr8 VhA3CRfOCVpScwwPJnsOXAyO37bRSAizJmyL3nmc8AEUB01 W6CAz9BAfM0IV84SMuH7Pt9P39OqSp7 ZvLpZBJJdYrgYBRB94SEU8KwpGIbNuVwjvXUAYlfSUua9lbozp2BEqKF5vAkeNobha0zRt40uw5wTisrfYMy5Oo?key=fUWhFZB2W7NUt8NsaXmalg

Figure 16 – OM 1D Binance Chart

In this way, we established a link between the addresses of market makers acting in concert through a single early holder’s wallet.

The long accumulation of MANTRA DAO, the large percentage of token control and, of course, the transfers from the market makers to the Binance exchange subsequently led to a 2300% or 23X increase in wealth! 

With ArbitrageScanner on-chain analysis tools you can witness such events and make money together with top market makers.

You can find more examples of clients using the service on the blog or on the ArbitrageScanner YouTube channel. In terms of functionality, ArbitrageScanner is now the best service on the market, thanks to which users earn from $50,000 per month. 

The advantage of working with ArbitrageScanner is that, after subscribing to the service, you will receive a free training where all the features and possibilities of blockchain analysis/arbitrage will be shown in detail using specific cases – and you can start working in a new way using these cases as an example. And most importantly – you get access to a private chat room with the strongest crypto community, where participants share their working strategies, cases and market insights. 

You will have access to tools such as: tracking your portfolio, searching for profitable wallets of traders and market insiders, tracking transactions in real time. In addition to the web version, you can use a handy Telegram bot ArbitrageScanner Wallet Bot, where you can also follow the wallets of whales, large funds, analyse and follow their strategies. 

Here you can search for similar wallets using AI, a tool that no one else on the market has. With just a few clicks, you can get a list of wallets according to the criteria you are interested in (more than 512 characteristics). 

One of the most recent case studies – an ArbitrageScanner client made $15,000 using AI to search for similar wallets on PEPE and BONK tokens. In ArbitrageScanner’s picks of profitable wallets, the client found a wallet that was actively trading PEPE → found similar wallets → did mass analysis to find a correlation. It turned out that all the wallets were insider wallets – participating in the early stages of ICOs, interacting with new smart contracts. The client started tracking them, repeating the insiders’ actions – and in 1.5 months made x5 of his capital on CSWAP, HASHAI and BONK coins. Here is the link to the on-chain analysis case study. 

These are not high-risk automated bots – with Arbitrage Scanner you get access to working tools for arbitrage, on-chain analysis, free training, profitable cases, strong community – thanks to which clients choose this service and already increase their capital 30-50x every month.

Register on the ArbitrageScanner website, choose a suitable plan and increase your capital with the best earning tools. After signing up, you will have immediate access to training and private chat with top market participants and a strong crypto community that shares their strategies and market insights. 


In this article, we will analyse the insider wallets and crypto whales that made money from the Mantra DAO token and show how you can make money from it by simply tracking the transactions of market makers and Tier-1 funds (such as DWF Labs) with ArbitrageScanner.io. 

This case study shows that tracking the crypto portfolio of market insiders can be the ultimate profit story for you – if you simply find the right wallets, analyse them, follow their actions in real time and make money. Below we’ll show you how you could make 20-30x on the rise of the altcoin Mantra DAO by searching and analysing wallets. 

ArbitrageScanner conducted an on-chain analysis of the situation that unfolded around the Mantra DAO token (OM) as the altcoin showed parabolic growth. We found one wallet that made $980,000 on this move. Using the service’s extensive functionality, we found that it was connected to market makers GSR Markets and DWF Labs, which have a reputation for token growth. 



Figure 1 – “OM Early Holder Wallet with ArbitrageScanner portfolio tracker tools”.

In front of you is an early OM holder and his wallet that we found using our products. He caught our attention with his earnings on the Mantra DAO token. 


Pay attention to the tags listed under the address statistics. This can give you a minimal idea of the nature of the wallet. For example, that it is an early holder or a holder of a particular altcoin. 

AD 4nXeW9GUF 5ZPhOrS7VvynV5x1 s6iDTU0drAnoHNB9646EDJhRU3zzrv3tz4I338MppKmj9pvwgw4V5u9psCtkHtTBSkyDghKamMzRfxEJOT4ceXrhbm2FVSGZKCE8DZQKPW5IfGyBPWLzk0zscvKMpTWQgeOuNOPTYO3FMemg YqkU9OWgSKSw?key=fUWhFZB2W7NUt8NsaXmalg

Fig. 2 – “Wallet earnings by OM token. ArbitrageScanner”

You can explore the wallet here 

You can sort tokens from the portfolio by parameters by clicking on them. In our example we have sorted by profit in descending order (larger to smaller). You can also toggle this parameter to sort the list in ascending order by clicking on it again. 

By going to the token’s page, you can explore the entire activity history of the token. 


You can access the individual asset page either by clicking on the ticker from the portfolio or by clicking on the ticker from the transaction history. 

AD 4nXcaz9nAOB2rRtxIKHmJopg2elvuUUSg118ka8qxMq8IZmy876e8ooQcy120m7cKnupWzUO12bZuSUee5ivHR5qukJHgO11uz8MR6hbfvf5Pu4kqw5tizr09fYelJbtLajotfAN6B8BfT2ITTGHvVDzEBiNdd3O 7pPmwWfUT4RLoqJGa5fz Nc?key=fUWhFZB2W7NUt8NsaXmalg


The first wallet transactions on the OM token took place in the distant 2020s. 

AD 4nXc0dNQPLEjZLsurxKNqowWsvaFjvJZo f3o0J7q1DXVHC3j mJtO9d13uH3zTo419ZVXXhFD4k XLDMPEWZFBgfdivhKps6X0 kUvisBVFHqqGh 5vvuivZd3nnszbAVvHXimidjN66EaKDuuQBxYl YwMv2NACEOzJm4vllwmoqFBP 3NEb0?key=fUWhFZB2W7NUt8NsaXmalg

Fig. 3 – “First OM token wallet transactions. Arbitrage Scanner”.

To view all transactions on the OM Wallet token – here

To find the addresses that have interacted with this wallet, you should go to the Transfers section in the Wallet Analysis tab.


To view outgoing or incoming transfers to this address, you will need to go to the Wallet Analysis tab. 

AD 4nXdY13Yv9 0ZbAIv2Ktnayx4SYimua2kwo4IHFujT6OEapGCzPgGZYd9o5izDbhGCxVL 6h7AgCELcEa5e9h HBGVUDoMyYNNUiqjMxupbAF qGt324J9MfEywWL7skiNn8lIYVC vjRktElxXovxB ZaC0DmsmfnisfInspDuJZ DHCBMlNa8?key=fUWhFZB2W7NUt8NsaXmalg

Next, under Find Transfers.

AD 4nXc4vaUp54gfMd9DyG1FEdCbS7xujhVH9GBPkY4YaKVkfqN6g6Vet5Qtx6YVMJnSo4AKpboJS4 C0OElPQqry1zVaCrWcdIdCAa398xXJ ViYRWvh7NQTlZuwMlyUGMFg5Va1iMUHYOq6T

Transactions – List of wallets by transaction type (incoming or outgoing) that have interacted.


Among all the wallet transfers, we are interested in the address that had three outgoing transactions for the OM token.

AD 4nXfzPcDSpkbHL0frphAHT VfPFLsYhlx13PX4WA5ItXndMbt8ktUJpKonFuvFZ2PAVoyMexSkdgBoiTzV6J2bKDD7yVQXxIofsF2ywtSaJqcO7C0Q4jw8Y946n3rrB8

Fig. 4 – “Wallet transfers to other addresses. ArbitrageScanner”

Wallet transactions from Figure 4 below:

AD 4nXelYDAYQRMV0hLPEvWLVJm2lHh8rhpsgomIkInMyF73HUu td6p4CQS6 oHaNbiDor1KkcwlcbWJDHXO zNCx6OF36kpsEmPMAGUgc pryvSCesoBjwCTOufwhGzNf9aEqW06RAmA97WYuBUEWCnKPs6Zc4S6nmiGuJzS0v0Plk0K9B JJqkZg?key=fUWhFZB2W7NUt8NsaXmalg

Fig. 5 – “Withdraw wallet to another address. Arbitrage Scanner

A total of 4.1M OM tokens were transferred, worth $151K at the time of transfer. 

Next, we consider the relationship of the wallet from Figure 4 to other addresses.  


The wallet found (from Figure 5) has a relatively modest performance in terms of trading statistics.

AD 4nXfgj60eOpxKpUBznl6luMr9vA4 akpCcqANZsMuAGMbWKFWwMQkm6SxArMHIu rZPbYMTYbCWxei1NpWYFcGNmri1k ooO8rfgO0zt5IGcsHH6jSYHXeHGgPcVNJjEDZoFRPJmUDo5A2boAwQQnW9n1l9X3jIzgAknX0pLYl49Anp790LnG g?key=fUWhFZB2W7NUt8NsaXmalg

Fig. 6 – “Main dashboard, wallet found by ArbitrageScanner”

As well as a short list of token interactions at DEX venues

AD 4nXfPCmPipbpxYZELcqwQnRquZExHVFE7l7FLS 1BRGsbi0uJQyf7V9cobIZnXojNrjdQyJJUHE4Hfc Zjnyk7lyjyg0BYePTjvVGiFHKD2gIPeKzRg3i0v7O zpBhbVsTfAmfezAXSNvf XcEReSQ2NvxoZvcNJwpAa659hfvxv p QSUkBku0?key=fUWhFZB2W7NUt8NsaXmalg

Fig. 7 – “Table of interactions with tokens on the DEX wallet from ArbitrageScanner”.

You can analyse this wallet here.

Token Interactions – List of coins for which transactions have been made on DEX.

This table is located in the Wallet Analysis tab. Here you can see the coins that have been exchanged the most. 

This wallet, as mentioned above, has a low number of coins traded on DEX, as well as negligible trading activity. It was probably used as a place to temporarily store assets. 

The transactions of this wallet directly indicate this. As soon as funds were received, they were immediately withdrawn to other addresses. 

AD 4nXcU2AFRlVzvOI6xqePd bSBPC19VeKnSD3VTJhQqdp VSQEj hdWS1wcMRCYiRtG2zyOoX5nkB FNmqCWLLy4p2TL5XsVaHhoFcZv34TRWUk9MA9jYAGIPb41RkfovYS2PPUTwb6Tza2rPZ5SoPVohybRO1ZKRwB96mmm9lM24tY9m4KvPz2Q?key=fUWhFZB2W7NUt8NsaXmalg

Fig. 8 – “Example of transactions”.

Looking at the transfers from this address, we are interested in the following wallets 

AD 4nXe2 5eprWsgtKqr Zq93s7uRWxE2jkMhzFpHK8zElXeLlkUlguJ1zO MN7syrBpuE76hw VIPg4gkmuRsb6b6eZmspLAMLVvzeXgiDSY9PGW iQKqNKAgCU

Fig. 9 – “Wallet transfers”

So the wallet transferred OM to two addresses for the amount of $2.07M. 

All OM transactions from the first wallet in Figure 8, see below

AD 4nXf9HKaS7yIPWjMvEcpylqgYqWc6VJfzftCw0CBT9pJO4a vA9FVFXExX1C1c49nou7kfg2gSrBdiIcUiaWLZatJrR9Z9sPRDxJDExove4fMzanL4eRtxvIYcbdGlPMX2a5zKrJ2qzfgnKEEZVaQL u9LkhrjSx85e X5nojZZro98Jp8yb Tow?key=fUWhFZB2W7NUt8NsaXmalg

Fig. – “All OM transfer type transactions from ArbitrageScanner”.

Let’s look at another wallet’s OM transfers from Figure 8:

AD 4nXcA8DhvLvTGSr016GP0r5 9ePZQLvoPVOzYtyou3f63vh2dgtfYdlwHraSGi 9HpQi ppsLvqjfSYGnLqqFdRDOxUoLBgZzI NYvBAovSkQMHAqa8PBtJ9pKMX2HqQHRGF2Vf9rd11sRkmVmirnRTOzGk33wi6eVw4VMaP7EFFlzFC Kny28Q?key=fUWhFZB2W7NUt8NsaXmalg

Fig. 11 – “All transactions of type OM from ArbitrageScanner”.

To start analysing a wallet you have found, for example in a transfer, do the following 

  • Copy the address 
  • Press the “F” key 
  • Type the address in the search box 
  • Press ENTER
AD 4nXfjCviEVzi5 nit4Oe xQ7x3GBcB TOFDO66SszsPK9wlX1mfvwiZEHayKXaJFV5SA7Mqi

Thanks to ArbitrageScanner’s wallet entity detection feature, you can easily understand who owns them. 

For example, the wallets in Figure 8 belong to large market makers in the market. 

AD 4nXdAkiV0T 7cF22IBctbGp2BmXaabuLrWZ1xcXWba0mB

Fig. 12 – “DWF Labs wallet according to ArbitrageScanner”.

You can study the wallet here

AD 4nXd7trU3EnzL yF5 lJVVig10YeZzoRfD1JcloYIgVdupRH KTejqZcF7Wqje7I9p42

Fig. 13 – “GSR wallet according to ArbitrageScanner”.

You can study the wallet here

On the ArbitrageScanner website you will find the “Selections” section where the team has published wallets from famous funds, market makers, top holdings, celebrities as well as public collections from our users.

All of the above can be found by going to the relevant section. 

AD 4nXe8Ha61ElX9R47 M1H uzhH9RMO4ZaMNhyiEaJIJ0W1gk4oCbEOmsWdpBcIf LMTJwN2nbcFZt5W5INGnXLEYjhnOlEjCZFGGZKL1BbwxYfHZoaiCVN7choQE952

Or use this link  

Let’s take a closer look at what market makers do. 


Let us take the GSR Markets wallet as an example.

Example of OM receipt to GSR address

AD 4nXcFwEl7baURYEbyqgIyX2wH1li9VYmIwCoe0gI091Z7HYdx 2T0deI9pRlJ3WQU765O6GGOGsAEA4wpkPwaMOdA0nTHeb3iU2B7G14P6PKlTsFhLIQaDaKBLdA4bTbjVlOEXXLPBG6ZZvRiH1XRZKNXSfjyKxC2O Xki8

Fig. 14 – “OM receipts to GSR Markets wallet

The history of transactions on the OM token by the market maker can be viewed here.

As soon as the funds arrived in the market maker’s wallet, they were immediately withdrawn to the Binance exchange. 

AD 4nXfRUuQ8JKNp3NJ66AZY5GW50W8SJLcFh0M7dinm9ClewSa4xv5SeaR5YK8p8Wk

Fig. 14 – “OM withdrawals on CEX exchange after receipt of market maker GSR Markets from ArbitrageScanner”.

From the GSR wallet alone, 61.74M OM or 7% of the maximum volume was transferred to the Binance exchange! 


You can apply a filter to the transaction history. For example, we used the filter by transaction type – “Transfer” to calculate the amount withdrawn.

See below for an example of how to use search filters: 

AD 4nXfe6muWEaVmIiMMo7Mr15ui5tqIKlBzrQBcWmkxM4RkDVETCNQK1G9xn1XRJGRuNSHEwfqPGMxMcm3WGlxc8W3QMc6Ofz n1Tvci1REkMaO1IyTM5J5qz wQCWgZ4mx2w1bJZgSx1LpmaSzf67jAI4epA3raj9nSkSQHtO2koufgL KBWUZYhU?key=fUWhFZB2W7NUt8NsaXmalg

The whole chain of interaction of these addresses was as follows

AD 4nXeJjdNhbt6TC4MIeVxwDlOodfHSAx0iaZh zNszEaXShEiiRHNt2W HAOuKGYXKgdpokWLpo7dfLqCeg3yKk6SjWVDH5zbAq hYpx4tDeke5D OkoP6TkEI4qNMEUQtA7AT fAn2UQJdC6aNKSUYc1QEu4WFaeDd

Fig. 15 – “Chain of wallets when accumulating MANTRA DAO”.

An address associated with two market makers interacted with the early holder’s wallet. 

The funds received by anonymous trader #2 (from Figure 15) were sent to the wallets of GSR Markets and DWF Labs. 

Next, the market makers would deposit OM on the Binance exchange, accumulating the asset in a large volume. 

After a period of time, the token showed parabolic growth.


Using wallet analysis, we found that 

  • An early MANTRA DAO holder interacted with the fund wallets.
  • The wallet chain consisted of at least 4 addresses. 
  • As soon as OM hit the market makers’ wallets, it was immediately transferred to the CEX exchange.
  • Market makers controlled OM for at least 7% of the maximum token issue.
  • DWF Labs and GSR Markets accumulated MANTRA DAO at a parabolic growth rate.

Finally, let’s take a look at the chart of MANTRA DAO on the Binance exchange, taking into account everything we’ve said so far.

AD 4nXfCHk8NGAbRAr8 VhA3CRfOCVpScwwPJnsOXAyO37bRSAizJmyL3nmc8AEUB01 W6CAz9BAfM0IV84SMuH7Pt9P39OqSp7 ZvLpZBJJdYrgYBRB94SEU8KwpGIbNuVwjvXUAYlfSUua9lbozp2BEqKF5vAkeNobha0zRt40uw5wTisrfYMy5Oo?key=fUWhFZB2W7NUt8NsaXmalg

Figure 16 – OM 1D Binance Chart

In this way, we established a link between the addresses of market makers acting in concert through a single early holder’s wallet.

The long accumulation of MANTRA DAO, the large percentage of token control and, of course, the transfers from the market makers to the Binance exchange subsequently led to a 2300% or 23X increase in wealth! 

With ArbitrageScanner on-chain analysis tools you can witness such events and make money together with top market makers.

You can find more examples of clients using the service on the blog or on the ArbitrageScanner YouTube channel. In terms of functionality, ArbitrageScanner is now the best service on the market, thanks to which users earn from $50,000 per month. 

The advantage of working with ArbitrageScanner is that, after subscribing to the service, you will receive a free training where all the features and possibilities of blockchain analysis/arbitrage will be shown in detail using specific cases – and you can start working in a new way using these cases as an example. And most importantly – you get access to a private chat room with the strongest crypto community, where participants share their working strategies, cases and market insights. 

You will have access to tools such as: tracking your portfolio, searching for profitable wallets of traders and market insiders, tracking transactions in real time. In addition to the web version, you can use a handy Telegram bot ArbitrageScanner Wallet Bot, where you can also follow the wallets of whales, large funds, analyse and follow their strategies. 

Here you can search for similar wallets using AI, a tool that no one else on the market has. With just a few clicks, you can get a list of wallets according to the criteria you are interested in (more than 512 characteristics). 

One of the most recent case studies – an ArbitrageScanner client made $15,000 using AI to search for similar wallets on PEPE and BONK tokens. In ArbitrageScanner’s picks of profitable wallets, the client found a wallet that was actively trading PEPE → found similar wallets → did mass analysis to find a correlation. It turned out that all the wallets were insider wallets – participating in the early stages of ICOs, interacting with new smart contracts. The client started tracking them, repeating the insiders’ actions – and in 1.5 months made x5 of his capital on CSWAP, HASHAI and BONK coins. Here is the link to the on-chain analysis case study. 

These are not high-risk automated bots – with Arbitrage Scanner you get access to working tools for arbitrage, on-chain analysis, free training, profitable cases, strong community – thanks to which clients choose this service and already increase their capital 30-50x every month.

Register on the ArbitrageScanner website, choose a suitable plan and increase your capital with the best earning tools. After signing up, you will have immediate access to training and private chat with top market participants and a strong crypto community that shares their strategies and market insights. 

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