Ethereum’s offering could decrease after the ETH 2.0 upgrade

Ethereum‘s supply could decline after the new ETH 2.0 upgrade as EIP-1559 increased deflationary pressure on the coin, so read more on our latest Ethereum news today.

Ethereum (ETH) là gì? 5 điều bạn cần biết về tiền ảo Ethereum -

There are currently over 118 million ETH in circulation, and while there is no upper limit on supply for the cryptocurrency, don’t expect the number to get any higher. According to simulations by the ETH tracker Ultrasound Money, the supply of Ethereum could decrease after the PoS transition and is expected to decrease by 2% annually, and if this rate stays the same, the blockchain will start burning every new block. At the beginning of August, ETH developers pressed the “Start” button on the biggest blockchain upgrade of all time. The London Hark Fork and EIP-1559, an ETH improvement proposal, increased the block sizes to combat network congestion and crush transaction fees instead of sending them to miners.

The aim was to put deflationary pressures on assets six times the amount in circulation than Bitcoin, and this has been achieved. According to statistics from Watch the Burn, ETH spending has declined by about 57% so far, with more than 1.1 million coins being given out as block rewards to miners and 630,000 coins being released. As ETH is transitioning to ETH 2.0, deflationary pressures can translate into deflation. ETH relies on miners to validate and process transactions like BTC.

Ethereum tạo đỉnh 4.168 USD: Thị trường tiền điện tử sẽ có 1 Bitcoin mới? -  VietNamNet

While the proof of stake already exists in the ETH beacon chain, it still has to merge with the proof of work chain. In this case, the threshold for achieving deflation and decreases Tim Beiko “With each block, more ETH is produced, except when there is a high bottleneck, when gas prices rise to 150 gwei,” said the work coordinator of the ETH core developers. Beiko added:

“The reason for this is that the staking reward is 5-10 times lower than that [proof-of-work] reward. At the moment we receive 2 ETH issues in every publication [proof-of-work] Block. But the Beacon Chain release is only a small part of that … so after the merger we just have to make up for that to deflate the air. “

In other words, after proof of the share, less ETH will be created with newer blocks, and if usage remains stable as measured by gas prices, there will be less eTH at the end of the year. It is not possible to determine the exact threshold as we do not know how many people are betting on the network.

DC Forecasts is a leader in many crypto news categories, always striving for the highest journalistic standards and adhering to strict editorial guidelines. If you would like to share your expertise or contribute to our news page, please contact us at [email protected]

According to Dailyhodl

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Ethereum’s offering could decrease after the ETH 2.0 upgrade

Ethereum‘s supply could decline after the new ETH 2.0 upgrade as EIP-1559 increased deflationary pressure on the coin, so read more on our latest Ethereum news today.

Ethereum (ETH) là gì? 5 điều bạn cần biết về tiền ảo Ethereum -

There are currently over 118 million ETH in circulation, and while there is no upper limit on supply for the cryptocurrency, don’t expect the number to get any higher. According to simulations by the ETH tracker Ultrasound Money, the supply of Ethereum could decrease after the PoS transition and is expected to decrease by 2% annually, and if this rate stays the same, the blockchain will start burning every new block. At the beginning of August, ETH developers pressed the “Start” button on the biggest blockchain upgrade of all time. The London Hark Fork and EIP-1559, an ETH improvement proposal, increased the block sizes to combat network congestion and crush transaction fees instead of sending them to miners.

The aim was to put deflationary pressures on assets six times the amount in circulation than Bitcoin, and this has been achieved. According to statistics from Watch the Burn, ETH spending has declined by about 57% so far, with more than 1.1 million coins being given out as block rewards to miners and 630,000 coins being released. As ETH is transitioning to ETH 2.0, deflationary pressures can translate into deflation. ETH relies on miners to validate and process transactions like BTC.

Ethereum tạo đỉnh 4.168 USD: Thị trường tiền điện tử sẽ có 1 Bitcoin mới? -  VietNamNet

While the proof of stake already exists in the ETH beacon chain, it still has to merge with the proof of work chain. In this case, the threshold for achieving deflation and decreases Tim Beiko “With each block, more ETH is produced, except when there is a high bottleneck, when gas prices rise to 150 gwei,” said the work coordinator of the ETH core developers. Beiko added:

“The reason for this is that the staking reward is 5-10 times lower than that [proof-of-work] reward. At the moment we receive 2 ETH issues in every publication [proof-of-work] Block. But the Beacon Chain release is only a small part of that … so after the merger we just have to make up for that to deflate the air. “

In other words, after proof of the share, less ETH will be created with newer blocks, and if usage remains stable as measured by gas prices, there will be less eTH at the end of the year. It is not possible to determine the exact threshold as we do not know how many people are betting on the network.

DC Forecasts is a leader in many crypto news categories, always striving for the highest journalistic standards and adhering to strict editorial guidelines. If you would like to share your expertise or contribute to our news page, please contact us at [email protected]

According to Dailyhodl

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