Private, Public, and Consortium Blockchains: The Difference Explained

Private blockchains give users the complete privacy they want.

Private blockchains (which are licensed settings) set rules that govern who can see and write to the chain, as opposed to public, permissionless blockchains. There is a clear hierarchy of control in these systems; Hence, they are not hierarchical. However, they are distributed because many nodes are still keeping a copy of the chain on their machines.

A private blockchain network requires an invitation, which must be approved by the founder of the network, or a set of rules drawn up by the network initiator. Companies that create a private blockchain usually do so on an authorized network. This limits who can participate in the network and what specific transactions. Participants must first receive an invitation or authorization.

Existing participants can decide on potential participants; A supervisory authority can grant a license to participate or a consortium can decide. When a company joins the network, it helps to keep the blockchain running in a decentralized manner.

This type of licensed blockchain model allows users to leverage over 30 years of technical documentation for significant benefits. & Nbsp;

Private chains are more suitable for corporate environments when a company wants to benefit from the qualities of the blockchain without making its network accessible to the public. Digital identity, dealing with supply chain problems, disrupting the banking sector or facilitating the secure exchange of patient / service provider data in healthcare are some of the use cases. The Linux Foundation’s Hyperledger Fabric is a great example of a private blockchain.

The controversial claim that private blockchains are not actually blockchains, since the basic principle of blockchain is decentralization, is one of the downsides of private blockchains.

Also, since centralized nodes determine what is valid, it is more difficult to faithfully create information on a private blockchain. The minimum number of nodes can also imply a lower level of security. The consensus mechanism can be compromised when a few nodes are inefficient.

In addition, the source code of the private blockchain is usually proprietary and locked. Users cannot independently review or test it, which can compromise security. There is no anonymity on a private blockchain.

Mu1ed9t mu1ea1ng blockchain riu00eang tu01b0 yu00eau cu1ea7u mu1ed9t lu1eddi mu1eddi, lu1eddi mu1eddi nu00e0y phu1ea3i u0111u01b0u1ee3c ngu01b0u1eddi su00e1ng lu1eadp mu1ea1ng chu1ea5p thuu1eadn hou1eb7c mu1ed9t bu1ed9 quy tu1eafc u0111u01b0u1ee3c thiu1ebft lu1eadp bu1edfi ngu01b0u1eddi khu1edfi xu01b0u1edbng mu1ea1ng. Cu00e1c doanh nghiu1ec7p tu1ea1o ra mu1ed9t chuu1ed7i khu1ed1i riu00eang tu01b0 thu01b0u1eddng lu00e0m u0111iu1ec1u u0111u00f3 tru00ean mu1ed9t mu1ea1ng u0111u01b0u1ee3c phu00e9p. u0110iu1ec1u nu00e0y giu1edbi hu1ea1n ai u0111u01b0u1ee3c phu00e9p tham gia vu00e0o mu1ea1ng vu00e0 cu00e1c giao du1ecbch cu1ee5 thu1ec3 nu00e0o. Ngu01b0u1eddi tham gia tru01b0u1edbc tiu00ean phu1ea3i nhu1eadn u0111u01b0u1ee3c lu1eddi mu1eddi hou1eb7c u1ee7y quyu1ec1n.

Nhu1eefng ngu01b0u1eddi tham gia hiu1ec7n tu1ea1i cu00f3 thu1ec3 quyu1ebft u0111u1ecbnh vu1ec1 nhu1eefng ngu01b0u1eddi tham gia tiu1ec1m nu0103ng; mu1ed9t cu01a1 quan quu1ea3n lu00fd cu00f3 thu1ec3 cu1ea5p giu1ea5y phu00e9p tham gia hou1eb7c mu1ed9t tu1eadp u0111ou00e0n cu00f3 thu1ec3 quyu1ebft u0111u1ecbnh. Khi mu1ed9t cu00f4ng ty tham gia vu00e0o mu1ea1ng lu01b0u1edbi, nu00f3 su1ebd giu00fap giu1eef cho blockchain hou1ea1t u0111u1ed9ng theo kiu1ec3u phi tu1eadp trung.

Lou1ea1i mu00f4 hu00ecnh blockchain u0111u01b0u1ee3c cu1ea5p phu00e9p nu00e0y cho phu00e9p ngu01b0u1eddi du00f9ng tu1eadn du1ee5ng hu01a1n 30 nu0103m tu00e0i liu1ec7u ku1ef9 thuu1eadt u0111u1ec3 nhu1eadn u0111u01b0u1ee3c nhu1eefng lu1ee3i u00edch u0111u00e1ng ku1ec3. & Nbsp;

Chuu1ed7i tu01b0 nhu00e2n phu00f9 hu1ee3p hu01a1n vu1edbi cu00e0i u0111u1eb7t doanh nghiu1ec7p khi mu1ed9t cu00f4ng ty muu1ed1n hu01b0u1edfng lu1ee3i tu1eeb cu00e1c phu1ea9m chu1ea5t cu1ee7a blockchain mu00e0 khu00f4ng u0111u1ec3 lu1ed9 mu1ea1ng cu1ee7a mu00ecnh ra cu00f4ng chu00fang. Nhu1eadn du1ea1ng ku1ef9 thuu1eadt su1ed1, xu1eed lu00fd cu00e1c vu1ea5n u0111u1ec1 chuu1ed7i cung u1ee9ng, phu00e1 vu1ee1 lu0129nh vu1ef1c ngu00e2n hu00e0ng hou1eb7c tu1ea1o u0111iu1ec1u kiu1ec7n cho viu1ec7c trao u0111u1ed5i du1eef liu1ec7u bu1ec7nh nhu00e2n / nhu00e0 cung cu1ea5p an tou00e0n trong chu0103m su00f3c su1ee9c khu1ecfe lu00e0 mu1ed9t su1ed1 tru01b0u1eddng hu1ee3p su1eed du1ee5ng cu1ee7a cu00e1c blockchain riu00eang tu01b0. Hyperledger Fabric cu1ee7a Quu1ef9 Linux lu00e0 mu1ed9t vu00ed du1ee5 tuyu1ec7t vu1eddi vu1ec1 mu1ed9t blockchain riu00eang tu01b0.

Khu1eb3ng u0111u1ecbnh gu00e2y tranh cu00e3i ru1eb1ng cu00e1c blockchain riu00eang tu01b0 khu00f4ng phu1ea3i lu00e0 cu00e1c blockchains thu1ef1c tu1ebf, vu00ec nguyu00ean tu1eafc cu01a1 bu1ea3n cu1ee7a blockchain lu00e0 phu00e2n quyu1ec1n, lu00e0 mu1ed9t trong nhu1eefng nhu01b0u1ee3c u0111iu1ec3m cu1ee7a cu00e1c blockchain riu00eang tu01b0.

Bu1edfi vu00ec cu00e1c nu00fat tu1eadp trung xu00e1c u0111u1ecbnh nhu1eefng gu00ec lu00e0 hu1ee3p lu1ec7, nu00f3 cu0169ng khu00f3 khu0103n hu01a1n u0111u1ec3 xu00e2y du1ef1ng thu00f4ng tin mu1ed9t cu00e1ch trung thu1ef1c trong mu1ed9t blockchain riu00eang tu01b0. Su1ed1 lu01b0u1ee3ng nu00fat tu1ed1i thiu1ec3u cu0169ng cu00f3 thu1ec3 ngu1ee5 u00fd mu1ee9c u0111u1ed9 bu1ea3o mu1eadt thu1ea5p hu01a1n. Cu01a1 chu1ebf u0111u1ed3ng thuu1eadn cu00f3 thu1ec3 bu1ecb u0111e du1ecda nu1ebfu mu1ed9t vu00e0i nu00fat hou1ea1t u0111u1ed9ng khu00f4ng hiu1ec7u quu1ea3.

Hu01a1n nu1eefa, mu00e3 nguu1ed3n blockchain riu00eang tu01b0 thu01b0u1eddng lu00e0 u0111u1ed9c quyu1ec1n vu00e0 bu1ecb khu00f3a. Ngu01b0u1eddi du00f9ng khu00f4ng thu1ec3 xu00e1c minh hou1eb7c kiu1ec3m tra nu00f3 mu1ed9t cu00e1ch u0111u1ed9c lu1eadp, u0111iu1ec1u nu00e0y cu00f3 thu1ec3 lu00e0m giu1ea3m tu00ednh bu1ea3o mu1eadt. Tru00ean mu1ed9t blockchain riu00eang tu01b0, khu00f4ng cu00f3 u1ea9n danh.

r n

r nD u1ecbch b u1edfi: r n

"," author ": {" @ type ":" Person "," name ":" Tin T u1ee9c Bitcoin "," url ":" https: / / / author / tintucbitcoin / ","same as":[""]}, "articleSection":["Tin Tu1ee9c Blockchain"], "image": {"@ type": "ImageObject", "url": "https: / / / wp-content / uploads / 2021 / 11 / 1635949271_Cac-blockchains-rieng -cong-declaration-validation-hiep-su-differenti.jpg "," width ": 840," height ": 560}," publisher ": {" @ type ":" Organization "," name ":" ", "url": "https: / /", "logo": {"@ type": "ImageObject", "url": ""}, "sameAs":["","","","","","","","","",""]}}

Private, Public, and Consortium Blockchains: The Difference Explained

Private blockchains give users the complete privacy they want.

Private blockchains (which are licensed settings) set rules that govern who can see and write to the chain, as opposed to public, permissionless blockchains. There is a clear hierarchy of control in these systems; Hence, they are not hierarchical. However, they are distributed because many nodes are still keeping a copy of the chain on their machines.

A private blockchain network requires an invitation, which must be approved by the founder of the network, or a set of rules drawn up by the network initiator. Companies that create a private blockchain usually do so on an authorized network. This limits who can participate in the network and what specific transactions. Participants must first receive an invitation or authorization.

Existing participants can decide on potential participants; A supervisory authority can grant a license to participate or a consortium can decide. When a company joins the network, it helps to keep the blockchain running in a decentralized manner.

This type of licensed blockchain model allows users to leverage over 30 years of technical documentation for significant benefits. & Nbsp;

Private chains are more suitable for corporate environments when a company wants to benefit from the qualities of the blockchain without making its network accessible to the public. Digital identity, dealing with supply chain problems, disrupting the banking sector or facilitating the secure exchange of patient / service provider data in healthcare are some of the use cases. The Linux Foundation’s Hyperledger Fabric is a great example of a private blockchain.

The controversial claim that private blockchains are not actually blockchains, since the basic principle of blockchain is decentralization, is one of the downsides of private blockchains.

Also, since centralized nodes determine what is valid, it is more difficult to faithfully create information on a private blockchain. The minimum number of nodes can also imply a lower level of security. The consensus mechanism can be compromised when a few nodes are inefficient.

In addition, the source code of the private blockchain is usually proprietary and locked. Users cannot independently review or test it, which can compromise security. There is no anonymity on a private blockchain.

Mu1ed9t mu1ea1ng blockchain riu00eang tu01b0 yu00eau cu1ea7u mu1ed9t lu1eddi mu1eddi, lu1eddi mu1eddi nu00e0y phu1ea3i u0111u01b0u1ee3c ngu01b0u1eddi su00e1ng lu1eadp mu1ea1ng chu1ea5p thuu1eadn hou1eb7c mu1ed9t bu1ed9 quy tu1eafc u0111u01b0u1ee3c thiu1ebft lu1eadp bu1edfi ngu01b0u1eddi khu1edfi xu01b0u1edbng mu1ea1ng. Cu00e1c doanh nghiu1ec7p tu1ea1o ra mu1ed9t chuu1ed7i khu1ed1i riu00eang tu01b0 thu01b0u1eddng lu00e0m u0111iu1ec1u u0111u00f3 tru00ean mu1ed9t mu1ea1ng u0111u01b0u1ee3c phu00e9p. u0110iu1ec1u nu00e0y giu1edbi hu1ea1n ai u0111u01b0u1ee3c phu00e9p tham gia vu00e0o mu1ea1ng vu00e0 cu00e1c giao du1ecbch cu1ee5 thu1ec3 nu00e0o. Ngu01b0u1eddi tham gia tru01b0u1edbc tiu00ean phu1ea3i nhu1eadn u0111u01b0u1ee3c lu1eddi mu1eddi hou1eb7c u1ee7y quyu1ec1n.

Nhu1eefng ngu01b0u1eddi tham gia hiu1ec7n tu1ea1i cu00f3 thu1ec3 quyu1ebft u0111u1ecbnh vu1ec1 nhu1eefng ngu01b0u1eddi tham gia tiu1ec1m nu0103ng; mu1ed9t cu01a1 quan quu1ea3n lu00fd cu00f3 thu1ec3 cu1ea5p giu1ea5y phu00e9p tham gia hou1eb7c mu1ed9t tu1eadp u0111ou00e0n cu00f3 thu1ec3 quyu1ebft u0111u1ecbnh. Khi mu1ed9t cu00f4ng ty tham gia vu00e0o mu1ea1ng lu01b0u1edbi, nu00f3 su1ebd giu00fap giu1eef cho blockchain hou1ea1t u0111u1ed9ng theo kiu1ec3u phi tu1eadp trung.

Lou1ea1i mu00f4 hu00ecnh blockchain u0111u01b0u1ee3c cu1ea5p phu00e9p nu00e0y cho phu00e9p ngu01b0u1eddi du00f9ng tu1eadn du1ee5ng hu01a1n 30 nu0103m tu00e0i liu1ec7u ku1ef9 thuu1eadt u0111u1ec3 nhu1eadn u0111u01b0u1ee3c nhu1eefng lu1ee3i u00edch u0111u00e1ng ku1ec3. & Nbsp;

Chuu1ed7i tu01b0 nhu00e2n phu00f9 hu1ee3p hu01a1n vu1edbi cu00e0i u0111u1eb7t doanh nghiu1ec7p khi mu1ed9t cu00f4ng ty muu1ed1n hu01b0u1edfng lu1ee3i tu1eeb cu00e1c phu1ea9m chu1ea5t cu1ee7a blockchain mu00e0 khu00f4ng u0111u1ec3 lu1ed9 mu1ea1ng cu1ee7a mu00ecnh ra cu00f4ng chu00fang. Nhu1eadn du1ea1ng ku1ef9 thuu1eadt su1ed1, xu1eed lu00fd cu00e1c vu1ea5n u0111u1ec1 chuu1ed7i cung u1ee9ng, phu00e1 vu1ee1 lu0129nh vu1ef1c ngu00e2n hu00e0ng hou1eb7c tu1ea1o u0111iu1ec1u kiu1ec7n cho viu1ec7c trao u0111u1ed5i du1eef liu1ec7u bu1ec7nh nhu00e2n / nhu00e0 cung cu1ea5p an tou00e0n trong chu0103m su00f3c su1ee9c khu1ecfe lu00e0 mu1ed9t su1ed1 tru01b0u1eddng hu1ee3p su1eed du1ee5ng cu1ee7a cu00e1c blockchain riu00eang tu01b0. Hyperledger Fabric cu1ee7a Quu1ef9 Linux lu00e0 mu1ed9t vu00ed du1ee5 tuyu1ec7t vu1eddi vu1ec1 mu1ed9t blockchain riu00eang tu01b0.

Khu1eb3ng u0111u1ecbnh gu00e2y tranh cu00e3i ru1eb1ng cu00e1c blockchain riu00eang tu01b0 khu00f4ng phu1ea3i lu00e0 cu00e1c blockchains thu1ef1c tu1ebf, vu00ec nguyu00ean tu1eafc cu01a1 bu1ea3n cu1ee7a blockchain lu00e0 phu00e2n quyu1ec1n, lu00e0 mu1ed9t trong nhu1eefng nhu01b0u1ee3c u0111iu1ec3m cu1ee7a cu00e1c blockchain riu00eang tu01b0.

Bu1edfi vu00ec cu00e1c nu00fat tu1eadp trung xu00e1c u0111u1ecbnh nhu1eefng gu00ec lu00e0 hu1ee3p lu1ec7, nu00f3 cu0169ng khu00f3 khu0103n hu01a1n u0111u1ec3 xu00e2y du1ef1ng thu00f4ng tin mu1ed9t cu00e1ch trung thu1ef1c trong mu1ed9t blockchain riu00eang tu01b0. Su1ed1 lu01b0u1ee3ng nu00fat tu1ed1i thiu1ec3u cu0169ng cu00f3 thu1ec3 ngu1ee5 u00fd mu1ee9c u0111u1ed9 bu1ea3o mu1eadt thu1ea5p hu01a1n. Cu01a1 chu1ebf u0111u1ed3ng thuu1eadn cu00f3 thu1ec3 bu1ecb u0111e du1ecda nu1ebfu mu1ed9t vu00e0i nu00fat hou1ea1t u0111u1ed9ng khu00f4ng hiu1ec7u quu1ea3.

Hu01a1n nu1eefa, mu00e3 nguu1ed3n blockchain riu00eang tu01b0 thu01b0u1eddng lu00e0 u0111u1ed9c quyu1ec1n vu00e0 bu1ecb khu00f3a. Ngu01b0u1eddi du00f9ng khu00f4ng thu1ec3 xu00e1c minh hou1eb7c kiu1ec3m tra nu00f3 mu1ed9t cu00e1ch u0111u1ed9c lu1eadp, u0111iu1ec1u nu00e0y cu00f3 thu1ec3 lu00e0m giu1ea3m tu00ednh bu1ea3o mu1eadt. Tru00ean mu1ed9t blockchain riu00eang tu01b0, khu00f4ng cu00f3 u1ea9n danh.

r n

r nD u1ecbch b u1edfi: r n

"," author ": {" @ type ":" Person "," name ":" Tin T u1ee9c Bitcoin "," url ":" https: / / / author / tintucbitcoin / ","same as":[""]}, "articleSection":["Tin Tu1ee9c Blockchain"], "image": {"@ type": "ImageObject", "url": "https: / / / wp-content / uploads / 2021 / 11 / 1635949271_Cac-blockchains-rieng -cong-declaration-validation-hiep-su-differenti.jpg "," width ": 840," height ": 560}," publisher ": {" @ type ":" Organization "," name ":" ", "url": "https: / /", "logo": {"@ type": "ImageObject", "url": ""}, "sameAs":["","","","","","","","","",""]}}

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