What is KeeperDAO (ROOK)? Details about the KeeperDAO project and the ROOK coin


What is KeeperDAO (ROOK)?

KeeperDAO is an economic incentive protocol that aims to encourage participation in Keeper strategies for liquidity management and balancing across applications such as margin trading, lending, and exchanges. This enables participants to achieve optimal passive income in game theory while ensuring that decentralized financial applications remain liquid and orderly.

What problem does KeeperDAO solve?

Opportunity cost of capital

Market participants must set aside resources to take advantage of opportunities that arise, and large liquidation opportunities are capital intensive. Without a consistent and predictable pool of liquidity, the DeFi space is exposed to arbitrage risk.

High barrier to entry

Maintaining the infrastructure to continuously scan and execute liquidation and arbitrage transactions is operationally and financially expensive, making it difficult for the average investor to get involved.

Transaction costs

Conducting profitable transactions depends mainly on increasing transaction fees in order to get a priority queue for the next Ethereum block (Preferred Gas Auction, ‘PGA’). A lot of money is spent on PGA winning trades, increasing costs, and reducing profits for everyone.

How does KeeperDAO solve the above problems?

KeeperDAO presents a new way to solve these problems. The heart of KeeperDAO is a shared liquidity pool. Anyone can borrow from the pool to take advantage of on-chain opportunities (e.g. liquidating a position in Compound, taking over Maker’s CDP and taking advantage of the price difference between Kyber and Uniswap). The profits from the on-chain opportunity are guaranteed to be returned to the pool (through a mechanism similar to the instant loans). In this way, the KeeperDAO liquidity pool acts as an insurance fund for DeFi.

Joining Keeper’s liquidity pool offers significant economic benefits:

Subscribed capital and profits

By using a pool of liquidity, owners can seize opportunities greater than they could individually seize.

Reduce the competition

The second function of a liquidity pool is to reduce competition among PGAs. Imagine two uncooperative managers trying to take advantage of the same opportunity in the chain. Profits are not shared, so keepers will join PGAs to ultimately minimize their profits. By pooling capital, profits are distributed proportionally and Keeper no longer has to get involved in competing transaction fee wars.

consume their profits.

In order to adjust the incentives for the 2 stakeholders in the KeeperDAO system (owner and LP), the project would like to introduce the native governance token. The token enables the holders to propose and coordinate all protocol upgrades as well as manage the profit sharing between the LP and the keeper along with new system proposals.

Basic information about the ROOK token

  • Token name: KeeperDAO
  • ticker: ROOK
  • Blockchain: Ether
  • Token standard: ERC-20
  • contract: 0xfa5047c9c78b8877af97bdcb85db743fd7313d4a
  • Token type: Usefulness
  • Total offer: 1,189,000 ROOK
  • Circulation supply: 579.961 ROOK

Token assignment

Token assignment

  • Rewards for future ecosystem development: 30%
  • Team member and consultant: 21%
  • Rewards to promote ecosystem development: 20%
  • Investors: Twelfth%
  • Reserve for partners and project development: ten%
  • ROOK liquidity bootstrapping: 5%
  • Early stage liquidity providers: 2%

What is the ROOK token used for?

  • Administration.
  • Adjust the amount of crypto Keepers hold and switch to other protocols for profit.

ROOK token storage wallet

ROOK is an ERC20 token, so you have many wallet options to store this token. You can choose from the following wallets:

  • Floor purse
  • Popular ETH wallets: Metamask, Myetherwallet, Mycrypto, Coin98 Wallet
  • Cold wallets: Ledger, Trezor

How to earn and own ROOK tokens

Buy directly on the stock exchange

Where can I buy and sell ROOK tokens?

Currently, ROOK is traded on many different exchanges with a total daily trading volume of around $ 1.4 million. The exchanges listing this token include: Balancer Network, Uniswap, Gate.io, FTX, …

What is the future of the KeeperDAO project, should I invest in ROOK tokens or not?

KeeperDAO is an on-chain liquidity guarantee protocol for DeFi. The project attracts liquidity providers and holders through the ROOK token reward mechanism. Through this article, you must have some understanding of the basic information about the project in order to make your own investment decisions. CoinCu is not responsible for your investment decisions. I wish you every success and a lot of profit from this potential market.

What is KeeperDAO (ROOK)? Details about the KeeperDAO project and the ROOK coin


What is KeeperDAO (ROOK)?

KeeperDAO is an economic incentive protocol that aims to encourage participation in Keeper strategies for liquidity management and balancing across applications such as margin trading, lending, and exchanges. This enables participants to achieve optimal passive income in game theory while ensuring that decentralized financial applications remain liquid and orderly.

What problem does KeeperDAO solve?

Opportunity cost of capital

Market participants must set aside resources to take advantage of opportunities that arise, and large liquidation opportunities are capital intensive. Without a consistent and predictable pool of liquidity, the DeFi space is exposed to arbitrage risk.

High barrier to entry

Maintaining the infrastructure to continuously scan and execute liquidation and arbitrage transactions is operationally and financially expensive, making it difficult for the average investor to get involved.

Transaction costs

Conducting profitable transactions depends mainly on increasing transaction fees in order to get a priority queue for the next Ethereum block (Preferred Gas Auction, ‘PGA’). A lot of money is spent on PGA winning trades, increasing costs, and reducing profits for everyone.

How does KeeperDAO solve the above problems?

KeeperDAO presents a new way to solve these problems. The heart of KeeperDAO is a shared liquidity pool. Anyone can borrow from the pool to take advantage of on-chain opportunities (e.g. liquidating a position in Compound, taking over Maker’s CDP and taking advantage of the price difference between Kyber and Uniswap). The profits from the on-chain opportunity are guaranteed to be returned to the pool (through a mechanism similar to the instant loans). In this way, the KeeperDAO liquidity pool acts as an insurance fund for DeFi.

Joining Keeper’s liquidity pool offers significant economic benefits:

Subscribed capital and profits

By using a pool of liquidity, owners can seize opportunities greater than they could individually seize.

Reduce the competition

The second function of a liquidity pool is to reduce competition among PGAs. Imagine two uncooperative managers trying to take advantage of the same opportunity in the chain. Profits are not shared, so keepers will join PGAs to ultimately minimize their profits. By pooling capital, profits are distributed proportionally and Keeper no longer has to get involved in competing transaction fee wars.

consume their profits.

In order to adjust the incentives for the 2 stakeholders in the KeeperDAO system (owner and LP), the project would like to introduce the native governance token. The token enables the holders to propose and coordinate all protocol upgrades as well as manage the profit sharing between the LP and the keeper along with new system proposals.

Basic information about the ROOK token

  • Token name: KeeperDAO
  • ticker: ROOK
  • Blockchain: Ether
  • Token standard: ERC-20
  • contract: 0xfa5047c9c78b8877af97bdcb85db743fd7313d4a
  • Token type: Usefulness
  • Total offer: 1,189,000 ROOK
  • Circulation supply: 579.961 ROOK

Token assignment

Token assignment

  • Rewards for future ecosystem development: 30%
  • Team member and consultant: 21%
  • Rewards to promote ecosystem development: 20%
  • Investors: Twelfth%
  • Reserve for partners and project development: ten%
  • ROOK liquidity bootstrapping: 5%
  • Early stage liquidity providers: 2%

What is the ROOK token used for?

  • Administration.
  • Adjust the amount of crypto Keepers hold and switch to other protocols for profit.

ROOK token storage wallet

ROOK is an ERC20 token, so you have many wallet options to store this token. You can choose from the following wallets:

  • Floor purse
  • Popular ETH wallets: Metamask, Myetherwallet, Mycrypto, Coin98 Wallet
  • Cold wallets: Ledger, Trezor

How to earn and own ROOK tokens

Buy directly on the stock exchange

Where can I buy and sell ROOK tokens?

Currently, ROOK is traded on many different exchanges with a total daily trading volume of around $ 1.4 million. The exchanges listing this token include: Balancer Network, Uniswap, Gate.io, FTX, …

What is the future of the KeeperDAO project, should I invest in ROOK tokens or not?

KeeperDAO is an on-chain liquidity guarantee protocol for DeFi. The project attracts liquidity providers and holders through the ROOK token reward mechanism. Through this article, you must have some understanding of the basic information about the project in order to make your own investment decisions. CoinCu is not responsible for your investment decisions. I wish you every success and a lot of profit from this potential market.

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