xHashtag – Solana’s first community-accelerated DAO

xHashtag - Solana's first community-accelerated DAO

The service provider for decentralized autonomous organizations (DAO) xHashtag has announced a community accelerator for Net 3. projects in the Solana network. The increase in activity in the cryptocurrency ecosystem has led to an increase in World Wide Web projects 3. Many of these projects are very useful and have great potential. However, market visibility and food availability pose major challenges. This often reduces the growth potential of projects.


This is exactly the problem xHashtag tries to solve. With a community starter to accelerate project development, xHashtag 3. offers internet projects a platform to actively manage and build up their community. With xHashtag, tech developers no longer have to worry about building communities. Instead, they can focus on developing the product.

xHashtag will help these projects grow their user base by providing incentives for users. These actions can help ensure that users become long-term supporters of the project.

“Blockchain technology as we know it today is democratized and creating great products is not difficult, but attracting users is the toughest challenge any blockchain project faces for virtually any product in the world. At the same time, there are many people on this planet who have network access and are actively looking for new ways to earn cryptocurrency, not through capital investment, but through time. That is why we are building xHashtag, a win-win solution for both the project and the users, ”said xHashtag CEO Monica Durga in an interview.

Users interested in the World Wide Web 3 project can do simple on-chain / off-chain tasks that will add to the success of the project. In return, members of the community receive tokens for the target project as a reward. Users can also wager project tokens and earn bonus multipliers, creating a brand new demand and utility for project tokens. The result is win-win for everyone.

xHashtag has had a resounding success. In just a short time they built a strong community by creating their proof of concept (more than 100,000 members on Telegram and Twitter). After xHashtag raised $ 2.6 million through a private seed round to develop the infrastructure to support projects on multiple blockchains, xHashtag completed its Initial DEX Offering (IDO) on SolRazr on January 27th. In addition, the XTAG token will start trading on November 30th.

The first community accelerator DAO on Solana has teamed up with multiple investors including KuCoin Labs, Gate.io Labs, Exnetwork Cash, 18 Ventures, ZBS Cash, Chain Cash, Panda Cash, CSP DAO and Titans Ventures. Its native token XTAG is expected to be traded on popular crypto exchanges such as kucoin.com and gate.io.

xHashtag believes in the concept of the future of work, where digital platforms play an important role in shaping work. Digitization will make most of the traditionally established structures such as fixed work locations, fixed working hours and organizational hierarchies superfluous and obsolete. XHashtag DAO is designed to allow users to add new levels of responsibility for scalability.

About xHashtag

xHashtag.io is a decentralized valuable infrastructure for projects that aim to grow their community and user base. It builds on the Solana network and can help projects increase the number of on-chain and off-chain activities related to the platform. By completing these tasks, users will receive cryptocurrency rewards in the form of project tokens.

Projects can leverage community talent to accelerate community growth by rewarding valuable promotions in their own tokens with optional evaluation to offset the pressure to sell. xHashtag offers unique advantages to both users and project owners. For users, xHashtag offers a way to earn rewards for completing tasks. The project provides an opportunity to effectively achieve widespread token distribution with a high return on investment by building a community that continuously promotes the on-chain and off-chain activities of the project.

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xHashtag – Solana’s first community-accelerated DAO

xHashtag - Solana's first community-accelerated DAO

The service provider for decentralized autonomous organizations (DAO) xHashtag has announced a community accelerator for Net 3. projects in the Solana network. The increase in activity in the cryptocurrency ecosystem has led to an increase in World Wide Web projects 3. Many of these projects are very useful and have great potential. However, market visibility and food availability pose major challenges. This often reduces the growth potential of projects.


This is exactly the problem xHashtag tries to solve. With a community starter to accelerate project development, xHashtag 3. offers internet projects a platform to actively manage and build up their community. With xHashtag, tech developers no longer have to worry about building communities. Instead, they can focus on developing the product.

xHashtag will help these projects grow their user base by providing incentives for users. These actions can help ensure that users become long-term supporters of the project.

“Blockchain technology as we know it today is democratized and creating great products is not difficult, but attracting users is the toughest challenge any blockchain project faces for virtually any product in the world. At the same time, there are many people on this planet who have network access and are actively looking for new ways to earn cryptocurrency, not through capital investment, but through time. That is why we are building xHashtag, a win-win solution for both the project and the users, ”said xHashtag CEO Monica Durga in an interview.

Users interested in the World Wide Web 3 project can do simple on-chain / off-chain tasks that will add to the success of the project. In return, members of the community receive tokens for the target project as a reward. Users can also wager project tokens and earn bonus multipliers, creating a brand new demand and utility for project tokens. The result is win-win for everyone.

xHashtag has had a resounding success. In just a short time they built a strong community by creating their proof of concept (more than 100,000 members on Telegram and Twitter). After xHashtag raised $ 2.6 million through a private seed round to develop the infrastructure to support projects on multiple blockchains, xHashtag completed its Initial DEX Offering (IDO) on SolRazr on January 27th. In addition, the XTAG token will start trading on November 30th.

The first community accelerator DAO on Solana has teamed up with multiple investors including KuCoin Labs, Gate.io Labs, Exnetwork Cash, 18 Ventures, ZBS Cash, Chain Cash, Panda Cash, CSP DAO and Titans Ventures. Its native token XTAG is expected to be traded on popular crypto exchanges such as kucoin.com and gate.io.

xHashtag believes in the concept of the future of work, where digital platforms play an important role in shaping work. Digitization will make most of the traditionally established structures such as fixed work locations, fixed working hours and organizational hierarchies superfluous and obsolete. XHashtag DAO is designed to allow users to add new levels of responsibility for scalability.

About xHashtag

xHashtag.io is a decentralized valuable infrastructure for projects that aim to grow their community and user base. It builds on the Solana network and can help projects increase the number of on-chain and off-chain activities related to the platform. By completing these tasks, users will receive cryptocurrency rewards in the form of project tokens.

Projects can leverage community talent to accelerate community growth by rewarding valuable promotions in their own tokens with optional evaluation to offset the pressure to sell. xHashtag offers unique advantages to both users and project owners. For users, xHashtag offers a way to earn rewards for completing tasks. The project provides an opportunity to effectively achieve widespread token distribution with a high return on investment by building a community that continuously promotes the on-chain and off-chain activities of the project.

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