Vitalik Buterin outlines the ‘Endgame’ roadmap for ETH 2.0

Eth2’s launch begins in November 2020. The network’s transition to Proof of Stake is set to turn ETH into a deflationary asset.

Vitalik Buterin outlines an “endgame” roadmap for ETH 2.0

Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin outlined his vision for a “sensual roadmap” for Eth2 that represents a future in which the largest smart contract platform can increase scalability while being responsive.

In an article on Monday entitled “Endgame”, Buterin presented a thought experiment on how an average blockchain – defined by a very high block frequency, large block size and thousands of transactions per second – can still be viewed as reliable and censorship-resistant enough. The obvious tradeoff for this scalability is centralizing the block production. Buterin’s solutions, as presented in the website post, do not solve the problem of centralization, but still provide a roadmap for it.

In terms of solutions, Buterin suggests “second level of staking out with low resource requirements” to implement distributed block validation “Introduction of fraud evidence or ZK-SNARKS so that online users can continue to check block validity” “Introduction of data availability samples to allow users to check the block availability [and] add additional transaction channels to prevent censorship ”.

With these updates, “we get a chain where block production is still centralized, but block validation is unreliable and highly decentralized, and specialized anti-censorship magic prevents censorship block producers,” Buterin explained.

Related: Vitalik Buterin suggests limiting call data per block in order to lower ETH gas costs

Buterin said block production will remain centralized even with the implementation of what is known as “roll-up,” which are second-tier solutions that execute transactions outside of Ethereum’s main chain. (Interestingly, Buterin presented a synthesis-focused roadmap for Ethereum in October 2020).

“There is no successful aggregate participation that even comes close to the bulk of Ethereum activity. Instead, they all get a few hundred transactions per second, ”he said. While it seems likely that roll-up could contribute to distributed block production, decentralization may not last due to the ability to achieve maximum extractable revenue across multiple domains, also known as MEV. As the name suggests, MEV refers to the maximum value that can be earned from block production that exceeds the standard block reward and gas fees.

The co-founder of Ethereum concluded that there is a high probability that block production will be centralized, regardless of the route to scalability of the network. NS To use Ethereum’s roll-up-focused roadmap is that it is open to all futures, he said.

The excitement about Ethereum has been growing since November 2020 when the protocol began its long transition to Proof of Stake. The highly anticipated London Fork, which puts ETH on the path to becoming a deflationary asset, was implemented in August this year. The tricky fork introduced EIP-1559, which aims to reform the network’s fee market. As Cointelegraph reported, over 1 million ETH have been burned since EIP-1559 went into effect.

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Vitalik Buterin outlines the ‘Endgame’ roadmap for ETH 2.0

Eth2’s launch begins in November 2020. The network’s transition to Proof of Stake is set to turn ETH into a deflationary asset.

Vitalik Buterin outlines an “endgame” roadmap for ETH 2.0

Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin outlined his vision for a “sensual roadmap” for Eth2 that represents a future in which the largest smart contract platform can increase scalability while being responsive.

In an article on Monday entitled “Endgame”, Buterin presented a thought experiment on how an average blockchain – defined by a very high block frequency, large block size and thousands of transactions per second – can still be viewed as reliable and censorship-resistant enough. The obvious tradeoff for this scalability is centralizing the block production. Buterin’s solutions, as presented in the website post, do not solve the problem of centralization, but still provide a roadmap for it.

In terms of solutions, Buterin suggests “second level of staking out with low resource requirements” to implement distributed block validation “Introduction of fraud evidence or ZK-SNARKS so that online users can continue to check block validity” “Introduction of data availability samples to allow users to check the block availability [and] add additional transaction channels to prevent censorship ”.

With these updates, “we get a chain where block production is still centralized, but block validation is unreliable and highly decentralized, and specialized anti-censorship magic prevents censorship block producers,” Buterin explained.

Related: Vitalik Buterin suggests limiting call data per block in order to lower ETH gas costs

Buterin said block production will remain centralized even with the implementation of what is known as “roll-up,” which are second-tier solutions that execute transactions outside of Ethereum’s main chain. (Interestingly, Buterin presented a synthesis-focused roadmap for Ethereum in October 2020).

“There is no successful aggregate participation that even comes close to the bulk of Ethereum activity. Instead, they all get a few hundred transactions per second, ”he said. While it seems likely that roll-up could contribute to distributed block production, decentralization may not last due to the ability to achieve maximum extractable revenue across multiple domains, also known as MEV. As the name suggests, MEV refers to the maximum value that can be earned from block production that exceeds the standard block reward and gas fees.

The co-founder of Ethereum concluded that there is a high probability that block production will be centralized, regardless of the route to scalability of the network. NS To use Ethereum’s roll-up-focused roadmap is that it is open to all futures, he said.

The excitement about Ethereum has been growing since November 2020 when the protocol began its long transition to Proof of Stake. The highly anticipated London Fork, which puts ETH on the path to becoming a deflationary asset, was implemented in August this year. The tricky fork introduced EIP-1559, which aims to reform the network’s fee market. As Cointelegraph reported, over 1 million ETH have been burned since EIP-1559 went into effect.

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