Top debut in X-Engine Infinite Cyberspace in 2021

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Top debut in X-Engine Infinite Cyberspace in 2021 2

Topic: Build Maxwell equations in Metaverse

Date: 10 am, December 8, 2021(UTC)



IVS is a virtual space value circulation protocol that fully supports devices on the Web 3.0 chain.

The biggest highlight is its independent meta-protocol and engine facilities, such as the  Metaverse assets’ cross-chain bridge protocol and derived multi-chain protocol with scalability. The flagship application, X-Engine, where users can independently design and build different 3D Metaverse scenarios, has great potential for strong economic mobility and governance development.

Top debut in X-Engine Infinite Cyberspace in 2021

Featuring a schedule packed full of presentations, video playing, interactive activities, interactive sessions with incentives, this conference of IVS provides a unique opportunity for community members, developers, Web 3.0 fans and potential cooperative institutions to meet, communicate and further develop their thoughts on IVS. From group discussions to one-on-one conversations, all participants are given ample opportunities to impress and connect.

In the past decade, Web 2.0 equipment and applications have had a marvelous development. Much of human life has moved online in unprecedented ways. As the pandemic upended our real-world work and social spaces, the average American spent seven hours a day online last year, according to one study. We went to parties on Zoom; We spent billions of collective hours and hundreds of millions of real dollars on applications like Facebook (Meta), Roblox, and games produced by Epic Games. Meanwhile, the limitations of non-chain and centralized Metaverse applications are becoming more and more obvious. For example, the metaverse data without the support of on-chain devices are fragile and can be deleted.

IVS is a technical architecture protocol that uses Web 3.0 multi-chain devices and is effectively combined with infrastructure such as 3D scene constructing engines (supporting VR devices) to make meta-universe data antifragile and solve the common pain points of Web 2.0. In this unique parallel world, you walk around as an avatar, interact with other avatars — and can carry out all social activities.

IVS consists of the IVS Meta Protocol (Infinite Virtual Space Meta Protocol), a virtual 3D space and access protocol defined by IVS; the IVS Bridge protocol, a cross-chain bridge that can realize multi-chain interaction; the Infinite Virtual Space Token (IVST), a standardized token that provides economic circulation and governance mechanisms for IVS; and the X-engine, a codeless development engine that can implement 3D VR space and blockchain-related technologies.

IVS will provide a series of basic frameworks and standards for users and developers to participate in and design social networking, visible decentralized finance and other online virtual scenes. An autonomous Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) will be formed to build a Metaverse composed of multiple public chains, diversified virtual spaces, applications and assets.


X-Engine launch

The X-engine is an essential part of IVS. It’s a Metaverse scenario development engine issued by IVS. In essence, the X-engine is a UGC platform in the Metaverse. Users can build and deploy their own metaverse without knowing the development technology.

The X-engine can realize graphical programming and real-time demonstration of effects. Whether it is the universe, the future and ancient world, or any imaginary scene, it can be realized through the X-engine.

IVS is expected to carry out the land (X-SPACE) public strategic cooperation and auction plan between December 2021 and January 2022. This plan will be announced in advance on the official platform after it is ready so that everyone has enough time to prepare.

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Top debut in X-Engine Infinite Cyberspace in 2021

image 96
Top debut in X-Engine Infinite Cyberspace in 2021 4

Topic: Build Maxwell equations in Metaverse

Date: 10 am, December 8, 2021(UTC)



IVS is a virtual space value circulation protocol that fully supports devices on the Web 3.0 chain.

The biggest highlight is its independent meta-protocol and engine facilities, such as the  Metaverse assets’ cross-chain bridge protocol and derived multi-chain protocol with scalability. The flagship application, X-Engine, where users can independently design and build different 3D Metaverse scenarios, has great potential for strong economic mobility and governance development.

Top debut in X-Engine Infinite Cyberspace in 2021

Featuring a schedule packed full of presentations, video playing, interactive activities, interactive sessions with incentives, this conference of IVS provides a unique opportunity for community members, developers, Web 3.0 fans and potential cooperative institutions to meet, communicate and further develop their thoughts on IVS. From group discussions to one-on-one conversations, all participants are given ample opportunities to impress and connect.

In the past decade, Web 2.0 equipment and applications have had a marvelous development. Much of human life has moved online in unprecedented ways. As the pandemic upended our real-world work and social spaces, the average American spent seven hours a day online last year, according to one study. We went to parties on Zoom; We spent billions of collective hours and hundreds of millions of real dollars on applications like Facebook (Meta), Roblox, and games produced by Epic Games. Meanwhile, the limitations of non-chain and centralized Metaverse applications are becoming more and more obvious. For example, the metaverse data without the support of on-chain devices are fragile and can be deleted.

IVS is a technical architecture protocol that uses Web 3.0 multi-chain devices and is effectively combined with infrastructure such as 3D scene constructing engines (supporting VR devices) to make meta-universe data antifragile and solve the common pain points of Web 2.0. In this unique parallel world, you walk around as an avatar, interact with other avatars — and can carry out all social activities.

IVS consists of the IVS Meta Protocol (Infinite Virtual Space Meta Protocol), a virtual 3D space and access protocol defined by IVS; the IVS Bridge protocol, a cross-chain bridge that can realize multi-chain interaction; the Infinite Virtual Space Token (IVST), a standardized token that provides economic circulation and governance mechanisms for IVS; and the X-engine, a codeless development engine that can implement 3D VR space and blockchain-related technologies.

IVS will provide a series of basic frameworks and standards for users and developers to participate in and design social networking, visible decentralized finance and other online virtual scenes. An autonomous Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) will be formed to build a Metaverse composed of multiple public chains, diversified virtual spaces, applications and assets.


X-Engine launch

The X-engine is an essential part of IVS. It’s a Metaverse scenario development engine issued by IVS. In essence, the X-engine is a UGC platform in the Metaverse. Users can build and deploy their own metaverse without knowing the development technology.

The X-engine can realize graphical programming and real-time demonstration of effects. Whether it is the universe, the future and ancient world, or any imaginary scene, it can be realized through the X-engine.

IVS is expected to carry out the land (X-SPACE) public strategic cooperation and auction plan between December 2021 and January 2022. This plan will be announced in advance on the official platform after it is ready so that everyone has enough time to prepare.

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