Unifty marries DeFi and NFT with The Gallery

Unifty: Marrying DeFi And NFTs Through The Gallery - LEPTABIT

Unifty combines decentralized funding (DeFi) and unavailability tokens (NFTs) with the launch of The Gallery, an innovative exhibition space inspired by the foundation’s desire to improve the traditional relationship with gallery creators. The library’s unique approach to the NFT marketplace means that all participants, including creators, collectors, curators, and fans, will be rewarded for participating in the platform.

The gallery is re-imagining how traditional creators present their art to the public and experience the NFT platform. Through The Gallery, Unifty brings DeFi to the digital art viewing and display process by rewarding and engaging all community participants, from creators, collectors and art lovers to institutions.

To begin with, creators can put on shows in the library for 30 days and sell their work by showing off their NFT. In a unique way, however, they are guaranteed a profit if they attract visitors to their collection.

Likewise, collectors can exhibit their NFT collections and make a profit. Members of the community of solidarity who visit the exhibitions also earn money by participating as art lovers. Like DeFi, the ecosystem rewards participants regardless of their role on the platform.

The library’s goal is to both correct the inherent imbalances in the relationship between creators and libraries, and to enhance the experience of participating in the NFT landscape through the use of DeFi-style incentives.

How it works?

How to launch an NFT or DeFi project without technical skills - Unity  Project

UNT uses its dual token structure to reward all participants in its ecosystem. UNT’s NIF token is the platform’s governance token. Owners can vote on which creators or collectors will be selected to exhibit in the gallery and generally vote on the platform’s orientation.

NIF holders can also participate in exhibitions that they like. By staking from NIF, community members share in the profits generated by the show. This return is determined by a number of factors including the agreed market value of the NFTs issued, the reputation of the creators, the number of NIF tokens deployed, and the number of private bettors.

Rewards are paid using the Unifty reward token, UNT. UNT, which is collected from a specific exhibition in the gallery, is paid to exhibitors, whether collectors or creators, and fans who have deposited NIF for it.

In this way, hopes to improve the world of NFT through tools that are more commonly found in DeFi. Not only do creators receive a well-deserved reward for their work by selling it and / or simply displaying it, but the people who trust and value their work also benefit from being able to do the work they enjoy through the NIF Tokens are faithful.

Unifty’s unique stakeout and reward system promises to enhance the digital art experience by engaging all participants through DeFi interaction and incentive mechanisms.

About Unifty

Unifty: Marrying DeFi and NFTs Through the Gallery

Unifty is an NFT platform that uses new innovations to connect the worlds of NFT and DeFi. The Gallery, is a virtual gallery space where creators, collectors and visitors come together to exhibit and enjoy art. The company aims to bring NFTs into the mainstream.

Unifty’s The Gallery is reinventing the gallery and exhibition experience by rewarding everyone involved in the creative industries. As a regulated platform, Unifty is the first to encourage the participation of all participants through dual crypto tokens, NIF and UNT. In doing so, the company creates a universe of tectonics to make money, value all stakeholders, and strengthen relationships between creators and their customers, communities and fans.

To learn more about Unifty, visit:

Official website: https://unifty.com

Gallery website: https://unifty.gallery

Twitter: https://twitter.com/unifty_com

Telegram Channel: https://t.me/unifty

Email: hello@unifty.com

Unifty marries DeFi and NFT with The Gallery

Unifty: Marrying DeFi And NFTs Through The Gallery - LEPTABIT

Unifty combines decentralized funding (DeFi) and unavailability tokens (NFTs) with the launch of The Gallery, an innovative exhibition space inspired by the foundation’s desire to improve the traditional relationship with gallery creators. The library’s unique approach to the NFT marketplace means that all participants, including creators, collectors, curators, and fans, will be rewarded for participating in the platform.

The gallery is re-imagining how traditional creators present their art to the public and experience the NFT platform. Through The Gallery, Unifty brings DeFi to the digital art viewing and display process by rewarding and engaging all community participants, from creators, collectors and art lovers to institutions.

To begin with, creators can put on shows in the library for 30 days and sell their work by showing off their NFT. In a unique way, however, they are guaranteed a profit if they attract visitors to their collection.

Likewise, collectors can exhibit their NFT collections and make a profit. Members of the community of solidarity who visit the exhibitions also earn money by participating as art lovers. Like DeFi, the ecosystem rewards participants regardless of their role on the platform.

The library’s goal is to both correct the inherent imbalances in the relationship between creators and libraries, and to enhance the experience of participating in the NFT landscape through the use of DeFi-style incentives.

How it works?

How to launch an NFT or DeFi project without technical skills - Unity  Project

UNT uses its dual token structure to reward all participants in its ecosystem. UNT’s NIF token is the platform’s governance token. Owners can vote on which creators or collectors will be selected to exhibit in the gallery and generally vote on the platform’s orientation.

NIF holders can also participate in exhibitions that they like. By staking from NIF, community members share in the profits generated by the show. This return is determined by a number of factors including the agreed market value of the NFTs issued, the reputation of the creators, the number of NIF tokens deployed, and the number of private bettors.

Rewards are paid using the Unifty reward token, UNT. UNT, which is collected from a specific exhibition in the gallery, is paid to exhibitors, whether collectors or creators, and fans who have deposited NIF for it.

In this way, hopes to improve the world of NFT through tools that are more commonly found in DeFi. Not only do creators receive a well-deserved reward for their work by selling it and / or simply displaying it, but the people who trust and value their work also benefit from being able to do the work they enjoy through the NIF Tokens are faithful.

Unifty’s unique stakeout and reward system promises to enhance the digital art experience by engaging all participants through DeFi interaction and incentive mechanisms.

About Unifty

Unifty: Marrying DeFi and NFTs Through the Gallery

Unifty is an NFT platform that uses new innovations to connect the worlds of NFT and DeFi. The Gallery, is a virtual gallery space where creators, collectors and visitors come together to exhibit and enjoy art. The company aims to bring NFTs into the mainstream.

Unifty’s The Gallery is reinventing the gallery and exhibition experience by rewarding everyone involved in the creative industries. As a regulated platform, Unifty is the first to encourage the participation of all participants through dual crypto tokens, NIF and UNT. In doing so, the company creates a universe of tectonics to make money, value all stakeholders, and strengthen relationships between creators and their customers, communities and fans.

To learn more about Unifty, visit:

Official website: https://unifty.com

Gallery website: https://unifty.gallery

Twitter: https://twitter.com/unifty_com

Telegram Channel: https://t.me/unifty

Email: hello@unifty.com

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