Cryptocat caused chaos in the Ethereum network again when these 10,420 NFTs were sold out in just “35 hours meow”

Crypto cats have again wreaked havoc on the Ethereum network after an NFT undertaking by actress Mila Kunis sold out in 35 minutes.

It’s virtually a clone of CryptoKitties, the in style undertaking that took the Ethereum network to new heights in 2017.

Cryptocat caused chaos in the Ethereum network again when these

Actress Mila Kunis

Stoner Cats’ launch was initially delayed a day after the group discovered a bug in the primary graphic layers. The second try, nevertheless, was profitable and sold out after solely “35 hours meow” in Stoner Cats’ play on “Can’t-see”.

Gas costs soared as NFT collectors scrambled to buy the first limited-edition 10,420 NFT batch from Stoner Cats. This lot raised round $ 804 at press time at a price per NFT of 0.35 ETH. According to the undertaking’s web site, an extra 3,000 NFTs shall be launched over the course of the first season.

Decentralized monetary analyst DeFiprime joked on Twitter that “cats clogged Ethereum” and shared knowledge on the chain exhibiting a rise in ETH fuel charges in the transaction.

Up to 344.4 ETH ($ 793,000) in keeping with knowledge from Dune Analytics lost attributable to failed Stoner Cats transactions.

Stoner Cats is an animated sequence backed by NFTs, and the characters are voiced by celebrities corresponding to Kunis, Jane Fonda, Ashton Kutcher, Seth MacFarlane, and Chris Rock. NFTs give owners entry to reveals and initiatives that use earnings from the NFT to fund manufacturing.

Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin can also be the voice actor for the character named “Lord Catsinton”.

Investors are actually flocking to NFTs on OpenSea, and a StonerCat NFT depicting Buterin’s character is at present being sold for 77 ETH, valued at round $ 177,000 – a rise of about 9500%. An NFT depicting the character of Seth MacFarlane sells for 420 ETH or over $ 960,000.


According to Cointelegraph

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Cryptocat caused chaos in the Ethereum network again when these 10,420 NFTs were sold out in just “35 hours meow”

Crypto cats have again wreaked havoc on the Ethereum network after an NFT undertaking by actress Mila Kunis sold out in 35 minutes.

It’s virtually a clone of CryptoKitties, the in style undertaking that took the Ethereum network to new heights in 2017.

Cryptocat caused chaos in the Ethereum network again when these

Actress Mila Kunis

Stoner Cats’ launch was initially delayed a day after the group discovered a bug in the primary graphic layers. The second try, nevertheless, was profitable and sold out after solely “35 hours meow” in Stoner Cats’ play on “Can’t-see”.

Gas costs soared as NFT collectors scrambled to buy the first limited-edition 10,420 NFT batch from Stoner Cats. This lot raised round $ 804 at press time at a price per NFT of 0.35 ETH. According to the undertaking’s web site, an extra 3,000 NFTs shall be launched over the course of the first season.

Decentralized monetary analyst DeFiprime joked on Twitter that “cats clogged Ethereum” and shared knowledge on the chain exhibiting a rise in ETH fuel charges in the transaction.

Up to 344.4 ETH ($ 793,000) in keeping with knowledge from Dune Analytics lost attributable to failed Stoner Cats transactions.

Stoner Cats is an animated sequence backed by NFTs, and the characters are voiced by celebrities corresponding to Kunis, Jane Fonda, Ashton Kutcher, Seth MacFarlane, and Chris Rock. NFTs give owners entry to reveals and initiatives that use earnings from the NFT to fund manufacturing.

Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin can also be the voice actor for the character named “Lord Catsinton”.

Investors are actually flocking to NFTs on OpenSea, and a StonerCat NFT depicting Buterin’s character is at present being sold for 77 ETH, valued at round $ 177,000 – a rise of about 9500%. An NFT depicting the character of Seth MacFarlane sells for 420 ETH or over $ 960,000.


According to Cointelegraph

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