Review Marinade Finance (MNDE) – Everything you need to know about it

What Is Marinade?

Marinade.Finance is a non-custodialliquid staking protocol built on Solana. You can stake your SOL tokens with Marinade using automated staking strategies and receive “marinated SOL” tokens (mSOL) that you can use in decentralized finance (DeFi).

The price of mSOL goes up relative to SOL each epoch with rewards being accrued into the underlying staked SOL.

You can withdraw your SOL at any time by unstaking and waiting for the unlock period (1-2 epochs) or immediately with a small fee. You can also directly exchange between mSOL and SOL on secondary markets at the current rate.

Review Marinade Finance (MNDE) - Everything you need to know about it

Outstanding Features

What is the unique selling point?

Let’s highlight the main benefits of staking your SOL with Marinade:

  • Full control over your tokens and associated accounts
  • Unlock your stake, receive a tokenized version of your position, and use it in DeFi
  • Open-sourced, permissionless delegation formula with more than 450 validators
  • Stake and delayed unstake with no charge
  • 2% fee on your rewards – the smallest on the market
  • Native Solana community and contributor-driven governance


When users stake SOL through Marinade Finance, they receive mSOL tokens in return. These mSOL tokens represent a user’s staked SOL tokens and serve as a receipt for staking. As such, stakers can use mSOL tokens in secondary markets to maximize yield. Plus, mSOL is compatible with a range of decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols.

Furthermore, mSOL rewards are calculated automatically, so users don’t need to claim them. Currently, mSOL returns are at around 6.6% APY. This means that the price of mSOL would increase 6.6% against the value of staked SOL.

Marinade DAO

First of all, Marinade DAO (mDAO) is an open kitchen. Radical transparency is one of our main values; anyone can come and see what we are cooking. You are also free to contribute to the project (and get rewarded!), just join our Discord and engage with us.

The other way of joining the mDAO is by owning MNDE tokens. These are governance tokens that will represent your voice on the future of Marinade.

Marinade has already onboarded community members to actively contribute to the project. By joining our mDAO, you can participate in the discussions, voice your opinion on any matter, and vote on important decisions, but you can also get involved in the development of our kitchen.

MNDE Governance & NFTs

On Marinade’s app MNDE page, you can lock MNDE in exchange for an NFT. This NFT will display the amount of locked MNDE in its metadata on Solscan. If you are among the first to mint, you might even get a limited edition NFT!

Depending on the amount of locked MNDE in the NFT, your Marinade Chef will have a Level. Levels act as a visual representation of your locked MNDE.

A Marinade NFT will represent an amount of underlying locked MNDE and allow you to:

  • Own a cute Marinade NFT that can be traded in the future on secondary markets
  • Submit or vote on Proposals for the Marinade DAO
  • Use the Gauges to determine where you want to direct certain allocations
  • Have the “Marinator” role on Marinade’s Discord and access to DAO channels.





  • ☑Revamp Discord roles and Marinators role
  • Self-driven support team
  • New community event organizers (picked by the Community Committee)
  • Community events on a weekly basis
  • Community bounties
  • Meme team
  • Finalize processes between Community/Communications/Partnerships work groups


  • ☑ Website & app redesign
  • ☑ Improve delegation and rebalancing strategy
  • ☑ Improve delayed unstake feature (reduce time needed)
  • ☑ Go open source (backend)
  • Go open source (frontend)
  • Create a MNDE locking tool for governance
  • Explore MNDE vested packages
  • Marinade NFT project
  • Explore MNDE buyback programs
  • Explore Automatic Treasury Management
  • Explore Tribeca Governance and veMNDE and Gauges
  • Wallet integrations


  • ☑ Listing mSOL on Pyth
  • Listing mSOL on Chainlink
  • Onboard NFT marketplaces (mSOL denominated)
  • ☑ Re-negotiate existing liquidity mining to follow Marinade Partnership
  • Open liquidity mining planning to mDAO
  • ☑ Experiment: Protocol-controlled liquidity
  • Referral program case study
  • Wallets tight integration
  • Governance launch
  • NFT in governance launch
  • NFT on secondary markets
  • MNDE purchase – Through Marinade NFTs


  • Reach 10M SOL staked
  • Revisit onboarding and MNDE team allocation guidelines
  • Set up working group budgets and overall executive team budget connected to DAO that grants the budgets
  • DAO stats (protocol fees, expenses, treasury value)


  • Achieve multiple mentions and sourcing of Marinade Finance in largest, thought-leading Web3 media.
  • Refine brand strategy and messaging and then amplify (SOL decentralizing trailblazer, security, mass of partnerships)
  • Refine, update and expand docs to onboard more users
  • Explain and promote MNDE tokenomics & utility

Technical Data

Token Metrics

Token Allocation

Token Sale


Token Release Schedule


Token Use Case

  • Governance
  • Protocol fees and their relation to MNDE

Market and Community








Conclusion is a liquid staking protocol built on Solana. People stake their Solana tokens with Marinade using automatic staking strategies and receive “staked SOL” tokens they can use in the world of DeFi or to swap any time back to original SOL tokens to unstake.

Find more information about:





If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, or ideas about the project, please email

DISCLAIMER: The Information on this website is provided as general market commentary, and does not constitute investment advice. We encourage you to do your own research before investing.


Coincu Ventures

Review Marinade Finance (MNDE) – Everything you need to know about it

What Is Marinade?

Marinade.Finance is a non-custodialliquid staking protocol built on Solana. You can stake your SOL tokens with Marinade using automated staking strategies and receive “marinated SOL” tokens (mSOL) that you can use in decentralized finance (DeFi).

The price of mSOL goes up relative to SOL each epoch with rewards being accrued into the underlying staked SOL.

You can withdraw your SOL at any time by unstaking and waiting for the unlock period (1-2 epochs) or immediately with a small fee. You can also directly exchange between mSOL and SOL on secondary markets at the current rate.

Review Marinade Finance (MNDE) - Everything you need to know about it

Outstanding Features

What is the unique selling point?

Let’s highlight the main benefits of staking your SOL with Marinade:

  • Full control over your tokens and associated accounts
  • Unlock your stake, receive a tokenized version of your position, and use it in DeFi
  • Open-sourced, permissionless delegation formula with more than 450 validators
  • Stake and delayed unstake with no charge
  • 2% fee on your rewards – the smallest on the market
  • Native Solana community and contributor-driven governance


When users stake SOL through Marinade Finance, they receive mSOL tokens in return. These mSOL tokens represent a user’s staked SOL tokens and serve as a receipt for staking. As such, stakers can use mSOL tokens in secondary markets to maximize yield. Plus, mSOL is compatible with a range of decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols.

Furthermore, mSOL rewards are calculated automatically, so users don’t need to claim them. Currently, mSOL returns are at around 6.6% APY. This means that the price of mSOL would increase 6.6% against the value of staked SOL.

Marinade DAO

First of all, Marinade DAO (mDAO) is an open kitchen. Radical transparency is one of our main values; anyone can come and see what we are cooking. You are also free to contribute to the project (and get rewarded!), just join our Discord and engage with us.

The other way of joining the mDAO is by owning MNDE tokens. These are governance tokens that will represent your voice on the future of Marinade.

Marinade has already onboarded community members to actively contribute to the project. By joining our mDAO, you can participate in the discussions, voice your opinion on any matter, and vote on important decisions, but you can also get involved in the development of our kitchen.

MNDE Governance & NFTs

On Marinade’s app MNDE page, you can lock MNDE in exchange for an NFT. This NFT will display the amount of locked MNDE in its metadata on Solscan. If you are among the first to mint, you might even get a limited edition NFT!

Depending on the amount of locked MNDE in the NFT, your Marinade Chef will have a Level. Levels act as a visual representation of your locked MNDE.

A Marinade NFT will represent an amount of underlying locked MNDE and allow you to:

  • Own a cute Marinade NFT that can be traded in the future on secondary markets
  • Submit or vote on Proposals for the Marinade DAO
  • Use the Gauges to determine where you want to direct certain allocations
  • Have the “Marinator” role on Marinade’s Discord and access to DAO channels.





  • ☑Revamp Discord roles and Marinators role
  • Self-driven support team
  • New community event organizers (picked by the Community Committee)
  • Community events on a weekly basis
  • Community bounties
  • Meme team
  • Finalize processes between Community/Communications/Partnerships work groups


  • ☑ Website & app redesign
  • ☑ Improve delegation and rebalancing strategy
  • ☑ Improve delayed unstake feature (reduce time needed)
  • ☑ Go open source (backend)
  • Go open source (frontend)
  • Create a MNDE locking tool for governance
  • Explore MNDE vested packages
  • Marinade NFT project
  • Explore MNDE buyback programs
  • Explore Automatic Treasury Management
  • Explore Tribeca Governance and veMNDE and Gauges
  • Wallet integrations


  • ☑ Listing mSOL on Pyth
  • Listing mSOL on Chainlink
  • Onboard NFT marketplaces (mSOL denominated)
  • ☑ Re-negotiate existing liquidity mining to follow Marinade Partnership
  • Open liquidity mining planning to mDAO
  • ☑ Experiment: Protocol-controlled liquidity
  • Referral program case study
  • Wallets tight integration
  • Governance launch
  • NFT in governance launch
  • NFT on secondary markets
  • MNDE purchase – Through Marinade NFTs


  • Reach 10M SOL staked
  • Revisit onboarding and MNDE team allocation guidelines
  • Set up working group budgets and overall executive team budget connected to DAO that grants the budgets
  • DAO stats (protocol fees, expenses, treasury value)


  • Achieve multiple mentions and sourcing of Marinade Finance in largest, thought-leading Web3 media.
  • Refine brand strategy and messaging and then amplify (SOL decentralizing trailblazer, security, mass of partnerships)
  • Refine, update and expand docs to onboard more users
  • Explain and promote MNDE tokenomics & utility

Technical Data

Token Metrics

Token Allocation

Token Sale


Token Release Schedule


Token Use Case

  • Governance
  • Protocol fees and their relation to MNDE

Market and Community








Conclusion is a liquid staking protocol built on Solana. People stake their Solana tokens with Marinade using automatic staking strategies and receive “staked SOL” tokens they can use in the world of DeFi or to swap any time back to original SOL tokens to unstake.

Find more information about:





If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, or ideas about the project, please email

DISCLAIMER: The Information on this website is provided as general market commentary, and does not constitute investment advice. We encourage you to do your own research before investing.


Coincu Ventures

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