Review OpenOcean ($OOE) – the world’s first full aggregation protocol for crypto trading

OpenOcean is an aggregator giving you the best rates across decentralized and centralized exchanges with top trading efficiency. It is the most prominent One-stop Defi platform today when providing a lot of utilities for users.

What is OpenOcean?

OpenOcean is the world’s first full aggregation protocol for crypto trading that sources liquidity from DeFi and CeFi markets and enables cross-chain swaps. An intelligent routing algorithm finds the best prices from DEXes and CEXes and splits the routes to provide traders with the best prices with low slippage and fast settlement. The product is free to use; users only need to pay the regular blockchain gas and exchange fees for the trades, which are charged by the exchanges and not the project.

OpenOcean aggregates major exchanges (DEXes and CEXes) across Ethereum, Ethereum Layer 2 such as Loopring and Polygon, Binance Smart Chain, Solana, HECO, Ontology, TRON, and is the first full aggregator on Binance Smart Chain, TRON, Ethereum Layer 2, and Binance exchange. Continue to aggregate public chains and exchanges based on the needs of the community.

Besides aggregation of swaps, it will continue to aggregate derivatives, yields, lending, and insurance products and launch its own combined margin products and intelligent wealth management services. It provides an API and arbitrage tools for users to operate automated arbitrage strategies.

The vision is to build a full aggregator for crypto trading that increases capital efficiency and connects the isolated islands in the current fragmented DeFi and CeFi markets. Regardless of being a small individual investor or a large institution, everyone should have the opportunity to trade at the best prices and apply their own investment strategies to various crypto asset classes.

OpenOcean has its own token, OOE, which serves as a utility and governance token.

Outstanding features

What is the project trying to achieve?

Functionality and how OpenOcean works under the hood

How OpenOcean finds the best prices

To get the best trade, it is crucial to access exchanges with the best prices and deep liquidity. It helps users by searching several DEXes and CEXes for prices and liquidity, then splits the order into different routes to get the best trade.

DeFi has given rise to a lot of DEXes such as Uniswap and PancakeSwap. Each DEX has its own separate pools and liquidity that cannot conveniently be accessed at the same time. The problem is that each pool has different prices and is not always deep enough liquidity to provide low slippage, especially when users are making large volume trades. The project protocol solves this by sourcing, prioritizing/optimizing, and splitting liquidity routes across different DEXes to maximize overall returns on your trade.

Usually, when making a trade on OpenOcean, the protocol will execute these three steps:

  • Price quotation from DEXes and CEXes
  • Optimize and find the best trading routes for the best price with low slippage
  • Communicate the prices to the user and execute trades

What can you do on OpenOcean?

  • Swap with the best price and lowest slippage possible on the market
  • Arbitrage between DEXes and CEXes

Fees on OpenOcean

OpenOcean provides a transparent pricing mechanism without charging any additional protocol transaction fees for DeFi users. No fees are charged to DeFi users for the current route-finding function.

Fees will be generated from:

  • Institutional investors that run investment strategies through custom-made UI. An API is also available for traders and institutions as well
  • PME (Primary Membership Edition) is a SAAS that captures arbitrage opportunities between DEXes and CEXes and executes automatically for users
  • Combined margin products
  • Intelligent wealth management services

What kind of users can make Arbitrage transactions on OpenOcean

  • All DEX users.
  • Users with accounts on both Wallets and CEXes.
  • Institutional investors and traders with an arbitrage strategy. OpenOcean provides tailor-made API and services.
  • Users want to hold a specific token for some time and would like to make profits by holding the token at the same time. Arbitrage is a risk-free option for them
  • New coin holders usually find great arbitrage opportunities.

What kind of users can Swap on OpenOcean?

Any user with a wallet can do Swap transactions on OpenOcean. It is the window to make swap transactions and automatically finds the best swap price and lowest slippage possible on the market for you. If you want to swap across a specific DEX, OpenOcean also offers you the option to choose the DEX you preferred.

What is unique selling point?

  • Cross-chain support

OpenOcean supports cross-chain swaps between the aggregated public chains via cross-chain protocols and will support direct cross-chain transactions once the infrastructure matures.

  • Connecting DeFi and CeFi through CeFi trading aggregation

Continuously aggregating value by adding exchanges. Users with large orders will automatically optimize the best route between markets to execute transactions at the best price across DEXes and CEXes.

  • Derivatives, lending, and insurance product aggregation

The protocol will expand product scope into derivatives both from DeFi and CeFi markets based on user needs. The aggregation of derivatives will achieve deep aggregation through portfolio margins. OpenOcean users can trade long and short positions on multiple exchanges simultaneously with combined gross margins from DEXes and CEXes.

In addition, it will also aggregate lending and insurance products and provide intelligent investment services to help users participate in the DeFi and CeFi ecosystem and automate their asset management process.

  • Full user coverage

OpenOcean will support not only DeFi but also CeFi users. Support is also not only for beginners but also for professional traders. The existing interface is user-friendly and completely free for users. For funds and professional traders, it provides an API interface and customized trading interface services to assist investment institutions in developing trading strategies such as quantitative arbitrage.


Technical data

Key metircs

OOE is the governance and utility token of OpenOcean that enables utility for users of the protocol and lets the community participate in governance. Governance token holders can shape the protocol’s future by suggesting proposals and voting on protocol parameters and future DEX and chain aggregations.

OOE is a multichain token minted on Ethereum ERC-20 with a finite supply of 1,000,000,000 that cannot be increased – there is no minting function in the token contract.

  • Token Name: OpenOcean
  • Ticker: OOE
  • Blockchain: Ethereum
  • Token Standard: ERC-20
  • Contract: 0x7778360f035c589fce2f4ea5786cbd8b36e5396b
  • Token type: Utility
  • Total Supply: 1,000,000,000 OOE
  • Circulating Supply: Updating…

Token allocation

Token Release schedule

Token use case

OOE token holders can utilize tokens for trading on OpenOcean, participate in governance via voting, provide liquidity and stake to earn, or simply hold.

  • Utility

The OOE token’s utility is reflected in the incentives that holders benefit from when spending and deploying on the OpenOcean trading aggregation platform.

  • Voting

The community can develop proposals, and OOE token holders can vote on listed proposals.

Token sale


How to own the token?


Markets and Community


Cryptocurrency represents the beginning of a new phase of technology-driven markets that have the potential to disrupt conventional market strategies, longstanding business practices, and established regulatory perspectives—all to the benefit of consumers and broader macroeconomic efficiency. Cryptocurrencies carry the groundbreaking potential to allow consumers access to a global payment system—anywhere, anytime—in which participation is restricted only by access to technology, rather than by factors such as having a credit history or a bank account.


OpenOcean has crossed the mark of 238,000 Followers on Twitter


Team/ Founders



Currently, OpenOcean’s partners are Defi and Cefi exchanges across the cryptocurrency market such as Uniswap, Sushiswap, Balancer, and even Binance. This helps OpenOcean to provide liquidity to you at the most optimal price.

The latest information from the Medium site announces that OpenOcean has partnered with ZenLink, which helps OpenOcean not limit itself to BSC or Ethereum but has expanded to Polkadot.



OpenOcean is a liquidity aggregator from both CEX and DEX, aiming to give users the simplest and most cost-effective trading experience. In addition, it also receives investment from many different investment funds, the most prominent of which are Binance and Multicoin Capital. With the investment and support from the two leading investment funds above, it will have a lot of potential for development after issuing tokens through SHO on DAO Maker.

Find more information about OpenOcean:





If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, or ideas about the project, please email

DISCLAIMER: The Information on this website is provided as general market commentary, and does not constitute investment advice. We encourage you to do your own research before investing.


Coincu Ventures

Review OpenOcean ($OOE) – the world’s first full aggregation protocol for crypto trading

OpenOcean is an aggregator giving you the best rates across decentralized and centralized exchanges with top trading efficiency. It is the most prominent One-stop Defi platform today when providing a lot of utilities for users.

What is OpenOcean?

OpenOcean is the world’s first full aggregation protocol for crypto trading that sources liquidity from DeFi and CeFi markets and enables cross-chain swaps. An intelligent routing algorithm finds the best prices from DEXes and CEXes and splits the routes to provide traders with the best prices with low slippage and fast settlement. The product is free to use; users only need to pay the regular blockchain gas and exchange fees for the trades, which are charged by the exchanges and not the project.

OpenOcean aggregates major exchanges (DEXes and CEXes) across Ethereum, Ethereum Layer 2 such as Loopring and Polygon, Binance Smart Chain, Solana, HECO, Ontology, TRON, and is the first full aggregator on Binance Smart Chain, TRON, Ethereum Layer 2, and Binance exchange. Continue to aggregate public chains and exchanges based on the needs of the community.

Besides aggregation of swaps, it will continue to aggregate derivatives, yields, lending, and insurance products and launch its own combined margin products and intelligent wealth management services. It provides an API and arbitrage tools for users to operate automated arbitrage strategies.

The vision is to build a full aggregator for crypto trading that increases capital efficiency and connects the isolated islands in the current fragmented DeFi and CeFi markets. Regardless of being a small individual investor or a large institution, everyone should have the opportunity to trade at the best prices and apply their own investment strategies to various crypto asset classes.

OpenOcean has its own token, OOE, which serves as a utility and governance token.

Outstanding features

What is the project trying to achieve?

Functionality and how OpenOcean works under the hood

How OpenOcean finds the best prices

To get the best trade, it is crucial to access exchanges with the best prices and deep liquidity. It helps users by searching several DEXes and CEXes for prices and liquidity, then splits the order into different routes to get the best trade.

DeFi has given rise to a lot of DEXes such as Uniswap and PancakeSwap. Each DEX has its own separate pools and liquidity that cannot conveniently be accessed at the same time. The problem is that each pool has different prices and is not always deep enough liquidity to provide low slippage, especially when users are making large volume trades. The project protocol solves this by sourcing, prioritizing/optimizing, and splitting liquidity routes across different DEXes to maximize overall returns on your trade.

Usually, when making a trade on OpenOcean, the protocol will execute these three steps:

  • Price quotation from DEXes and CEXes
  • Optimize and find the best trading routes for the best price with low slippage
  • Communicate the prices to the user and execute trades

What can you do on OpenOcean?

  • Swap with the best price and lowest slippage possible on the market
  • Arbitrage between DEXes and CEXes

Fees on OpenOcean

OpenOcean provides a transparent pricing mechanism without charging any additional protocol transaction fees for DeFi users. No fees are charged to DeFi users for the current route-finding function.

Fees will be generated from:

  • Institutional investors that run investment strategies through custom-made UI. An API is also available for traders and institutions as well
  • PME (Primary Membership Edition) is a SAAS that captures arbitrage opportunities between DEXes and CEXes and executes automatically for users
  • Combined margin products
  • Intelligent wealth management services

What kind of users can make Arbitrage transactions on OpenOcean

  • All DEX users.
  • Users with accounts on both Wallets and CEXes.
  • Institutional investors and traders with an arbitrage strategy. OpenOcean provides tailor-made API and services.
  • Users want to hold a specific token for some time and would like to make profits by holding the token at the same time. Arbitrage is a risk-free option for them
  • New coin holders usually find great arbitrage opportunities.

What kind of users can Swap on OpenOcean?

Any user with a wallet can do Swap transactions on OpenOcean. It is the window to make swap transactions and automatically finds the best swap price and lowest slippage possible on the market for you. If you want to swap across a specific DEX, OpenOcean also offers you the option to choose the DEX you preferred.

What is unique selling point?

  • Cross-chain support

OpenOcean supports cross-chain swaps between the aggregated public chains via cross-chain protocols and will support direct cross-chain transactions once the infrastructure matures.

  • Connecting DeFi and CeFi through CeFi trading aggregation

Continuously aggregating value by adding exchanges. Users with large orders will automatically optimize the best route between markets to execute transactions at the best price across DEXes and CEXes.

  • Derivatives, lending, and insurance product aggregation

The protocol will expand product scope into derivatives both from DeFi and CeFi markets based on user needs. The aggregation of derivatives will achieve deep aggregation through portfolio margins. OpenOcean users can trade long and short positions on multiple exchanges simultaneously with combined gross margins from DEXes and CEXes.

In addition, it will also aggregate lending and insurance products and provide intelligent investment services to help users participate in the DeFi and CeFi ecosystem and automate their asset management process.

  • Full user coverage

OpenOcean will support not only DeFi but also CeFi users. Support is also not only for beginners but also for professional traders. The existing interface is user-friendly and completely free for users. For funds and professional traders, it provides an API interface and customized trading interface services to assist investment institutions in developing trading strategies such as quantitative arbitrage.


Technical data

Key metircs

OOE is the governance and utility token of OpenOcean that enables utility for users of the protocol and lets the community participate in governance. Governance token holders can shape the protocol’s future by suggesting proposals and voting on protocol parameters and future DEX and chain aggregations.

OOE is a multichain token minted on Ethereum ERC-20 with a finite supply of 1,000,000,000 that cannot be increased – there is no minting function in the token contract.

  • Token Name: OpenOcean
  • Ticker: OOE
  • Blockchain: Ethereum
  • Token Standard: ERC-20
  • Contract: 0x7778360f035c589fce2f4ea5786cbd8b36e5396b
  • Token type: Utility
  • Total Supply: 1,000,000,000 OOE
  • Circulating Supply: Updating…

Token allocation

Token Release schedule

Token use case

OOE token holders can utilize tokens for trading on OpenOcean, participate in governance via voting, provide liquidity and stake to earn, or simply hold.

  • Utility

The OOE token’s utility is reflected in the incentives that holders benefit from when spending and deploying on the OpenOcean trading aggregation platform.

  • Voting

The community can develop proposals, and OOE token holders can vote on listed proposals.

Token sale


How to own the token?


Markets and Community


Cryptocurrency represents the beginning of a new phase of technology-driven markets that have the potential to disrupt conventional market strategies, longstanding business practices, and established regulatory perspectives—all to the benefit of consumers and broader macroeconomic efficiency. Cryptocurrencies carry the groundbreaking potential to allow consumers access to a global payment system—anywhere, anytime—in which participation is restricted only by access to technology, rather than by factors such as having a credit history or a bank account.


OpenOcean has crossed the mark of 238,000 Followers on Twitter


Team/ Founders



Currently, OpenOcean’s partners are Defi and Cefi exchanges across the cryptocurrency market such as Uniswap, Sushiswap, Balancer, and even Binance. This helps OpenOcean to provide liquidity to you at the most optimal price.

The latest information from the Medium site announces that OpenOcean has partnered with ZenLink, which helps OpenOcean not limit itself to BSC or Ethereum but has expanded to Polkadot.



OpenOcean is a liquidity aggregator from both CEX and DEX, aiming to give users the simplest and most cost-effective trading experience. In addition, it also receives investment from many different investment funds, the most prominent of which are Binance and Multicoin Capital. With the investment and support from the two leading investment funds above, it will have a lot of potential for development after issuing tokens through SHO on DAO Maker.

Find more information about OpenOcean:





If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, or ideas about the project, please email

DISCLAIMER: The Information on this website is provided as general market commentary, and does not constitute investment advice. We encourage you to do your own research before investing.


Coincu Ventures

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