Is Solice (SLC) a hidden gem?

What is solice?

Solice is a metaverse VR gaming project developed on the Solana platform. The core and most important goal of Solice is to provide players with a high-quality immersive experience through a variety of integrated modes., Players can create their metaverse universe. In which they can make money by playing games, completing missions, creating 3D artifacts, and exchanging NFTs on the Marketplace.

Solice Highlights

If you actively participate in building metaverse in Solice, you can collect a lot of valuable assets such as pets, gems, and NFT land. These assets have sustainable value and provide the owner with many benefits in the future. In addition, you can complete tasks by the day to get rewarded tokens or upgrade your account on the leaderboard.

All features in Solice include:

  • Avatar: This is the character in the game, representing each player differently. Players are free to create and refresh their characters.
  • Assets & LANDS: These are assets built on the Solana blockchain. Possession of property and Land allows players to develop their world and then lease it to others or collect tickets to the gate… LANDS in Solice has a fixed size of 15 x 15 meters, and there are only 60,000 lots in the game.
  • LAND Staking: This is a wagering function to earn rewards, whereby players can Staking SLC on the Land they own to collect gifts that are materials or ingredients. You can leverage these materials or components to create rare assets used to trade the market and earn real money.
  • Pets: Pets in the game also belong to the NFT type, which has various properties and rareness. Players can stake pets to earn prizes of gems or eggs, and these are all commodities that can be traded directly on the market.
  • Quest: Quests are the quests available in the metaverse game. You need to complete the quests to collect SLC, rare items. With this mode, the project will encourage the initiative of users, thereby maintaining the attraction of the game.
  • Dungeon: In Solice Metaverse, there will be an unexpected appearance of gates called Dungeon. These ports serve to connect the game to an empty dungeon. Players walk through the gate to reach the Dungeon and face many complex challenges. If you win the game by clearing the Dungeon, you will receive SLC tokens and rare assets.
  • Crafting system: This mechanism allows players to use the components and materials in metaverse to create complete, highly scarce NFT assets on their own.
  • Marketplace: Marketplace is a place to trade anything in the game Solice.
  • Editor: Solice offers exciting solutions that allow players to assemble, share content, and build other mini-games freely. They all have scarcity, security, and exclusive NFT codes, and then you can trade, buy and sell them in the global Marketplace.
  • Self-designed revenue model: Solice allows players to design their revenue model to collect entry tickets for some land or building owned by themselves. Suppose you build an art gallery, play area, NFT studio… then sell tickets for other players to visit and earn money.


  • Christian – CEO: Christian has had a background in cryptocurrencies since 2016. Previous experiences from Fantom, LTO Network, and Solanium have developed his expertise in various aspects.
  • Serena – COO: Serena is an experienced business strategist with a business background. She has entered into business contracts worth more than $750 million as a consultant to an angel investment fund.
  • Ray – CTO: Had over ten years of programming experience, worked at Nissan Motors.
  • VSWORK: The company provides VR/ AR/ XR… content for Solice.


  • Token Name: Solice.
  • Ticker: SLC.
  • Blockchain: Solana.
  • Token Standard: SPL
  • Contract: METAmTMXwdb8gYzyCPfXXFmZZw4rUsXX58PNsDg7zjL
  • Token Type: Governance.
  • Total Supply: 400,000,000
  • Circulating Supply: Updating.



Token Sale

DISCLAIMER: The Information on this website is provided as general market commentary and does not constitute investment advice. We encourage you to do your own research before investing.

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Is Solice (SLC) a hidden gem?

What is solice?

Solice is a metaverse VR gaming project developed on the Solana platform. The core and most important goal of Solice is to provide players with a high-quality immersive experience through a variety of integrated modes., Players can create their metaverse universe. In which they can make money by playing games, completing missions, creating 3D artifacts, and exchanging NFTs on the Marketplace.

Solice Highlights

If you actively participate in building metaverse in Solice, you can collect a lot of valuable assets such as pets, gems, and NFT land. These assets have sustainable value and provide the owner with many benefits in the future. In addition, you can complete tasks by the day to get rewarded tokens or upgrade your account on the leaderboard.

All features in Solice include:

  • Avatar: This is the character in the game, representing each player differently. Players are free to create and refresh their characters.
  • Assets & LANDS: These are assets built on the Solana blockchain. Possession of property and Land allows players to develop their world and then lease it to others or collect tickets to the gate… LANDS in Solice has a fixed size of 15 x 15 meters, and there are only 60,000 lots in the game.
  • LAND Staking: This is a wagering function to earn rewards, whereby players can Staking SLC on the Land they own to collect gifts that are materials or ingredients. You can leverage these materials or components to create rare assets used to trade the market and earn real money.
  • Pets: Pets in the game also belong to the NFT type, which has various properties and rareness. Players can stake pets to earn prizes of gems or eggs, and these are all commodities that can be traded directly on the market.
  • Quest: Quests are the quests available in the metaverse game. You need to complete the quests to collect SLC, rare items. With this mode, the project will encourage the initiative of users, thereby maintaining the attraction of the game.
  • Dungeon: In Solice Metaverse, there will be an unexpected appearance of gates called Dungeon. These ports serve to connect the game to an empty dungeon. Players walk through the gate to reach the Dungeon and face many complex challenges. If you win the game by clearing the Dungeon, you will receive SLC tokens and rare assets.
  • Crafting system: This mechanism allows players to use the components and materials in metaverse to create complete, highly scarce NFT assets on their own.
  • Marketplace: Marketplace is a place to trade anything in the game Solice.
  • Editor: Solice offers exciting solutions that allow players to assemble, share content, and build other mini-games freely. They all have scarcity, security, and exclusive NFT codes, and then you can trade, buy and sell them in the global Marketplace.
  • Self-designed revenue model: Solice allows players to design their revenue model to collect entry tickets for some land or building owned by themselves. Suppose you build an art gallery, play area, NFT studio… then sell tickets for other players to visit and earn money.


  • Christian – CEO: Christian has had a background in cryptocurrencies since 2016. Previous experiences from Fantom, LTO Network, and Solanium have developed his expertise in various aspects.
  • Serena – COO: Serena is an experienced business strategist with a business background. She has entered into business contracts worth more than $750 million as a consultant to an angel investment fund.
  • Ray – CTO: Had over ten years of programming experience, worked at Nissan Motors.
  • VSWORK: The company provides VR/ AR/ XR… content for Solice.


  • Token Name: Solice.
  • Ticker: SLC.
  • Blockchain: Solana.
  • Token Standard: SPL
  • Contract: METAmTMXwdb8gYzyCPfXXFmZZw4rUsXX58PNsDg7zjL
  • Token Type: Governance.
  • Total Supply: 400,000,000
  • Circulating Supply: Updating.



Token Sale

DISCLAIMER: The Information on this website is provided as general market commentary and does not constitute investment advice. We encourage you to do your own research before investing.

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