Twitter Advisories Check out the latest Ethereum NFT verification: Report

twitter suggest eth, ethereum, nft, verify

Twitter is pointing out the latest NFT Ethereum verification, including a mockup of an ETH-based MetaMask wallet, so read more about it in today’s breaking Ethereum news.

Twitter announced last week that the company was doing NFT verification. Now Twitter is pointing out its role and a software engineer from the company shared a preview of the role. Twitter elites invent or covet the blue tick on their profiles to verify the authenticity of their accounts and stand out from the rest. But like it or not, verification on Twitter will come to NFTs and digital tokens that represent ownership of real or virtual assets. The developer with the company shared some insights into early and experimental features.

Twitter software engineer Mada Aflak showed a short demo where a person clicks on their avatar and selects NFT from their crypto wallet. After downloading their NFT from OpenSea, the popular marketplace for collectibles, they can place the NFT on their avatar and complete it with a blue check mark to indicate that they are the actual owner of the item.

Aflak points out that this is just a prototype and it has drawn a lot of questions and suggestions from users, but it’s an exciting step forward for the feature. NFTS became pretty much like a social currency when followers of ETH and other smart contract blockchains started posting their digital assets as profile pictures. However, the nature of NFTs, where many of them are JPEGs, means anyone can copy and paste someone else’s NFT into their own profile picture, as we’ve seen Vitalik enter Fake Buterin.

Twitter’s NFT feature will solve this problem, but not everyone believes it will. Bitcoin maximalists with Blockstream wrote:

“Twitter’s NFT authentication looks incredibly easy to defeat and will only grow into a bunch of disputes that will eventually be resolved by a Twitter person in a room somewhere, proving that the meme is ‘focused’ but with more steps’ that we got to know and love ETH. “

While it is difficult to draw conclusions from a simulation video, it is still unclear how dedicated the company is to developing tools for Ethereum users, which is where most of the NFTs come from. Dorsey is a proponent of Bitcoin and he doesn’t like Ethereum and says that he will never invest in it. During a press conference last week, CEO Esther Crawford did everything possible to avoid saying Ethereum:

“By allowing people to connect their Bitcoin wallets, they can track and showcase their NFT possessions on Twitter.”


DC Forecasts is a leader in many crypto news categories, always striving for the highest journalistic standards and adhering to strict editorial guidelines. If you would like to share your expertise or contribute to our news page, please contact us at [email protected]



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Twitter Advisories Check out the latest Ethereum NFT verification: Report

twitter suggest eth, ethereum, nft, verify

Twitter is pointing out the latest NFT Ethereum verification, including a mockup of an ETH-based MetaMask wallet, so read more about it in today’s breaking Ethereum news.

Twitter announced last week that the company was doing NFT verification. Now Twitter is pointing out its role and a software engineer from the company shared a preview of the role. Twitter elites invent or covet the blue tick on their profiles to verify the authenticity of their accounts and stand out from the rest. But like it or not, verification on Twitter will come to NFTs and digital tokens that represent ownership of real or virtual assets. The developer with the company shared some insights into early and experimental features.

Twitter software engineer Mada Aflak showed a short demo where a person clicks on their avatar and selects NFT from their crypto wallet. After downloading their NFT from OpenSea, the popular marketplace for collectibles, they can place the NFT on their avatar and complete it with a blue check mark to indicate that they are the actual owner of the item.

Aflak points out that this is just a prototype and it has drawn a lot of questions and suggestions from users, but it’s an exciting step forward for the feature. NFTS became pretty much like a social currency when followers of ETH and other smart contract blockchains started posting their digital assets as profile pictures. However, the nature of NFTs, where many of them are JPEGs, means anyone can copy and paste someone else’s NFT into their own profile picture, as we’ve seen Vitalik enter Fake Buterin.

Twitter’s NFT feature will solve this problem, but not everyone believes it will. Bitcoin maximalists with Blockstream wrote:

“Twitter’s NFT authentication looks incredibly easy to defeat and will only grow into a bunch of disputes that will eventually be resolved by a Twitter person in a room somewhere, proving that the meme is ‘focused’ but with more steps’ that we got to know and love ETH. “

While it is difficult to draw conclusions from a simulation video, it is still unclear how dedicated the company is to developing tools for Ethereum users, which is where most of the NFTs come from. Dorsey is a proponent of Bitcoin and he doesn’t like Ethereum and says that he will never invest in it. During a press conference last week, CEO Esther Crawford did everything possible to avoid saying Ethereum:

“By allowing people to connect their Bitcoin wallets, they can track and showcase their NFT possessions on Twitter.”


DC Forecasts is a leader in many crypto news categories, always striving for the highest journalistic standards and adhering to strict editorial guidelines. If you would like to share your expertise or contribute to our news page, please contact us at [email protected]



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