TikTok “Trends” NFT

The social media platform TikTok has announced its first foray into the non-fungible token (NFT) market with a new collection inspired by its new fashion pioneers.

On Thursday the company did announced TikTok Top Moments, a new program that recognizes and rewards content creators for their content. NFT drops are implemented on Ethereum and operated by Immutable X – a new scaling solution for the NFT Layer 2 Immutable protocol.

TikTok Trends NFT Bitcoin Magazine

Source: TikTok

Tik  Top Moments has curated six TokTok videos from the most influential creators on the net. Each video celebrates the influence these creators had to make Tik Tok one of the largest social networks in the world.

The company says the proceeds from sales go directly to content creators and NFT artists.

TikTok Looks to Get in on the NFT Craze with its Own NFT Collection –  InstaBumper

Tik Tok seems to be slowly turning to blockchain technology as part of its overall business strategy. Recently, the company partnered with blockchain live streaming platform Audius for a new feature called TikTok Sounds. The integration enables Audius users to transfer songs created on the protocol to TikTok.

NFT has become a major driver for blockchain adoption, with businesses and individuals looking to capture digital collections. August was the busiest month on record for the emerging industry, with NFT totaling $ 4 billion in revenue.

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According to Cointelegraph

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TikTok “Trends” NFT

The social media platform TikTok has announced its first foray into the non-fungible token (NFT) market with a new collection inspired by its new fashion pioneers.

On Thursday the company did announced TikTok Top Moments, a new program that recognizes and rewards content creators for their content. NFT drops are implemented on Ethereum and operated by Immutable X – a new scaling solution for the NFT Layer 2 Immutable protocol.

TikTok Trends NFT Bitcoin Magazine

Source: TikTok

Tik  Top Moments has curated six TokTok videos from the most influential creators on the net. Each video celebrates the influence these creators had to make Tik Tok one of the largest social networks in the world.

The company says the proceeds from sales go directly to content creators and NFT artists.

TikTok Looks to Get in on the NFT Craze with its Own NFT Collection –  InstaBumper

Tik Tok seems to be slowly turning to blockchain technology as part of its overall business strategy. Recently, the company partnered with blockchain live streaming platform Audius for a new feature called TikTok Sounds. The integration enables Audius users to transfer songs created on the protocol to TikTok.

NFT has become a major driver for blockchain adoption, with businesses and individuals looking to capture digital collections. August was the busiest month on record for the emerging industry, with NFT totaling $ 4 billion in revenue.

Join Bitcoin Magazine Telegram to keep track of news and comment on this article: https://t.me/coincunews


According to Cointelegraph

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