Game Store banned crypto games based on blockchain on Steam

Steam Game Store, Forbidden, Van, Epic, Game

The Steam Game Store has banned crypto games and apps based on blockchain, while game publisher Epic says it will welcome them. So read more in the latest crypto news from us.

The news comes after the online game store Steam announced that it would ban apps based on blockchain technology that allow the exchange of cryptocurrencies and NFTs. Epic, a major competitor to Steam, says the company is open to games that support cryptocurrencies or blockchain-based assets. Epic CEO and Founder Tim Sweeney said:

“The Epic Game Store will welcome games made with blockchain technology as long as they comply with relevant laws, disclose their terms, and are classified by an appropriate group by age group.”

He added that while Epic doesn’t use crypto in games, it does welcome innovations in technology and finance. Epic says it will also be open to working with original developers in the NFT world. Epic makes the game Fortnite, which includes a game currency called V-Bucks, and in 2019, Sweeney said the privacy coin Monero was added to the list that accepts payments for Fortnite merchandise stores, but now that option has been removed. Steam is the largest digital game distributor in the PC world as users can buy and upload games through the platform. Valve also doesn’t explain why they are banning blockchain-based games.

Amy Wu, a partner in venture capital firm Lightspeed, wrote that the decision was awaited by Steam:

“Web2’s centralized platforms are being robbed of all of the value that is generated from its ecosystem. Blockchain prevents this and decentralizes the value back to builders and users. “

Developers of games like Age of Rust, which booted from Steam, also criticized Valve:

“Basically, I believe that NFT and blockchain games are the future.”

Developers looking to publish blockchain-based games through Epic will have to wait now, as developer self-publishing is still in beta. The company seeks to position itself as the decade-long future leader in blockchain technology and the gaming world when the legacy gaming markets have a future.

As recently reported, Axie Infinity Games is sending $ 60 million worth of AXS governance tokens to originally eligible players, and holders can now use their tokens on the network with rewards worth $ 150 million in the first Month to be distributed. Axie Infinity has grown to be the biggest player in the crypto gaming space and the game has grown in popularity this summer and now the project is rewarding supporters with the transfer of code.

DC Forecasts is a leader in many crypto news categories, always striving for the highest journalistic standards and adhering to strict editorial guidelines. If you would like to share your expertise or contribute to our news page, please contact us at [email protected]



Game Store banned crypto games based on blockchain on Steam

Steam Game Store, Forbidden, Van, Epic, Game

The Steam Game Store has banned crypto games and apps based on blockchain, while game publisher Epic says it will welcome them. So read more in the latest crypto news from us.

The news comes after the online game store Steam announced that it would ban apps based on blockchain technology that allow the exchange of cryptocurrencies and NFTs. Epic, a major competitor to Steam, says the company is open to games that support cryptocurrencies or blockchain-based assets. Epic CEO and Founder Tim Sweeney said:

“The Epic Game Store will welcome games made with blockchain technology as long as they comply with relevant laws, disclose their terms, and are classified by an appropriate group by age group.”

He added that while Epic doesn’t use crypto in games, it does welcome innovations in technology and finance. Epic says it will also be open to working with original developers in the NFT world. Epic makes the game Fortnite, which includes a game currency called V-Bucks, and in 2019, Sweeney said the privacy coin Monero was added to the list that accepts payments for Fortnite merchandise stores, but now that option has been removed. Steam is the largest digital game distributor in the PC world as users can buy and upload games through the platform. Valve also doesn’t explain why they are banning blockchain-based games.

Amy Wu, a partner in venture capital firm Lightspeed, wrote that the decision was awaited by Steam:

“Web2’s centralized platforms are being robbed of all of the value that is generated from its ecosystem. Blockchain prevents this and decentralizes the value back to builders and users. “

Developers of games like Age of Rust, which booted from Steam, also criticized Valve:

“Basically, I believe that NFT and blockchain games are the future.”

Developers looking to publish blockchain-based games through Epic will have to wait now, as developer self-publishing is still in beta. The company seeks to position itself as the decade-long future leader in blockchain technology and the gaming world when the legacy gaming markets have a future.

As recently reported, Axie Infinity Games is sending $ 60 million worth of AXS governance tokens to originally eligible players, and holders can now use their tokens on the network with rewards worth $ 150 million in the first Month to be distributed. Axie Infinity has grown to be the biggest player in the crypto gaming space and the game has grown in popularity this summer and now the project is rewarding supporters with the transfer of code.

DC Forecasts is a leader in many crypto news categories, always striving for the highest journalistic standards and adhering to strict editorial guidelines. If you would like to share your expertise or contribute to our news page, please contact us at [email protected]



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