DOGE is down 70% since ‘Dogecoin CEO’ Elon Musk appeared on SNL in October.

Dogecoin did not really find the outburst his followers anticipated after “Dogecoin CEO” Elon Musk talked about the memecoin on national tv in May. It has dropped 70 percent since afterward and rather the expectation of millionaires is left with pockets that are jagged . )

Dogecoin narrative

“Adjustment update: -71% since Musk’s SNL peak,” stated Charlie Billello, creator of Compound Capital, on Twitter. The tweet called Musk’s testimony on Saturday Night Live (SNL), an American late night live television sketch comedy which surfaced in 1975 and featured humor sketches by Mr. Using a large and diverse repertoire and broader lineups.

On the series itself, Musk did not speak about the coin how he can on Twitter. “Yeah, it was a rush,” he explained when asked about Dogecoin. His mom Maye Musk afterwards stepped on point and said she had been excited about the Mother’s Day gift and expected it was not Dogecoin – that Musk stated, “it is”.

DOGE dropped more than 25 percent soon after coming, using a market cap of $30 billion, after making the hyped look to a hamburger.

The coin exchanged around $ 0.74 final month – and also strike on a market cap of $86 billion. It traded at a low of $ 0.20 now, using a market cap hitting considerably greater than $26 billion (still billions of more than presumed ). better Projects such as Uniswap, Chainlink and Solana).

DOGE is down 70% since Elon Musk appeared on SNL on May 7th
Nothing? ) (Image: DOGE / / USD through TradingView).

“HODL”, yells nearly all the r / dogecoin neighborhood on Reddit – together with all the believers pushing other blossom holders remain tuned their tokens rather than selling them in a reduction. A viable investment plan should you ask em them.

DOGE is down 70% since ‘Dogecoin CEO’ Elon Musk appeared on SNL in October.

Dogecoin did not really find the outburst his followers anticipated after “Dogecoin CEO” Elon Musk talked about the memecoin on national tv in May. It has dropped 70 percent since afterward and rather the expectation of millionaires is left with pockets that are jagged . )

Dogecoin narrative

“Adjustment update: -71% since Musk’s SNL peak,” stated Charlie Billello, creator of Compound Capital, on Twitter. The tweet called Musk’s testimony on Saturday Night Live (SNL), an American late night live television sketch comedy which surfaced in 1975 and featured humor sketches by Mr. Using a large and diverse repertoire and broader lineups.

On the series itself, Musk did not speak about the coin how he can on Twitter. “Yeah, it was a rush,” he explained when asked about Dogecoin. His mom Maye Musk afterwards stepped on point and said she had been excited about the Mother’s Day gift and expected it was not Dogecoin – that Musk stated, “it is”.

DOGE dropped more than 25 percent soon after coming, using a market cap of $30 billion, after making the hyped look to a hamburger.

The coin exchanged around $ 0.74 final month – and also strike on a market cap of $86 billion. It traded at a low of $ 0.20 now, using a market cap hitting considerably greater than $26 billion (still billions of more than presumed ). better Projects such as Uniswap, Chainlink and Solana).

DOGE is down 70% since Elon Musk appeared on SNL on May 7th
Nothing? ) (Image: DOGE / / USD through TradingView).

“HODL”, yells nearly all the r / dogecoin neighborhood on Reddit – together with all the believers pushing other blossom holders remain tuned their tokens rather than selling them in a reduction. A viable investment plan should you ask em them.

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