
Ethereum’s market capitalization has now surpassed the world’s largest bank

Regardless of the current downturn, this year has been one of the best in the crypto industry as it has…

3 years ago

ETH balances on the stock exchanges fall to a 3-year low

With the recent price hike, accompanied by some positive signals, ETH balances on major centralized exchanges hit a 3-year record…

3 years ago

Ether bulls raise hopes of USD 10,000 despite bear flags in the price chart

Ether threatens to expand its sell-off to $ 3,200 this week as the recent downturn triggers a classic bearish setup.…

3 years ago

Ethereum lacks momentum, but the decline will be above $ 4,200. be limited

  Ethereum lacks momentum as it encounters resistance to the US dollar near the $ 4,250 region. However, ETH needs…

3 years ago

Vitalik Buterin outlines the ‘Endgame’ roadmap for ETH 2.0

Eth2's launch begins in November 2020. The network's transition to Proof of Stake is set to turn ETH into a…

3 years ago

Ethereum Wal immediately bought 24,000 ETH ($ 100 million) and transferred it to a personal wallet

With the correction taking place in the cryptocurrency market, some large traders and investors have chosen to buy dips to…

3 years ago

The dominance of the BTC market will decline as Ethereum One grows

BTC market dominance waned as Ethereum rallied just 38.2% over the weekend, so find out more on our latest Bitcoin…

3 years ago

High gas charges are not only a problem for ETH, SOL is not immune either

High gas fees are not a problem for Ethereum alone, as competitors like Avalanche and Solana are not immune despite…

3 years ago

Vitalik Buterin proposes a solution to overcome high gas charges

Vitalik Buterin proposed a solution to high gas charges and announced a new EIP-4488 network upgrade to curb widespread fuel…

3 years ago

Ethereum barriers Bitcoin price collapses as ETH / BTC hits 3-year high

Ethereum is defending the crash in Bitcoin price, with the ETH / BTC pair hitting a 3-year high, while Ethereum…

3 years ago

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