
What Is Blockchain Danksharding?

As part of the roadmap to complete blockchain sharding, a novel sharding concept known as proto-danksharding has been introduced. Many…

2 years ago

What Is Blockchain Sharding?

Sharding - One of the main barriers to a wider adoption of blockchain technology in various sectors is its lack…

2 years ago

What To Expect From Ethereum After The Merge Is Successfully Deployed?

The Ethereum upgrade (formerly Ethereum 2.0 or ETH2) is one of the most anticipated upgrades in the world of blockchain…

2 years ago

What’s So Special About The NFT Meebits Collection?

Generated by a custom generation algorithm and placed on the Ethereum blockchain, the Meebits NFT Collection includes 20,000 unique 3D…

2 years ago

Why Did Crypto Prices Spike When US GDP Q2 -0.9% And Fed Raised Interest Rates?

The crypto market has surged since the US Federal Reserve (Fed) announced a 75 basis point interest rate hike and…

2 years ago

Why Do Ethereum Whales Increase SHIB Accumulation As The Merge Approaches?

Recently, Ethereum whales are increasing their accumulation of SHIB as the Merge is showing signs of going on the right…

2 years ago

“Pig Butchering” New Crypto Scams Delivered “Massive Losses” to Victims

An emerging and rather complex form of investment scam known as “pig butchering,” wherein flirtatious strangers convince unsuspecting users to…

2 years ago

What Is Mempool? How Mempool Works In Bitcoin System

All of the unconfirmed transactions that a node can observe on the Bitcoin network are stored in the mempool. Bitcoin…

2 years ago

Hong Kong Is The Most Crypto-Ready Country In 2022

Hong Kong topped the country with a score of 8.6/10 and came out on top for crypto readiness based on…

2 years ago

[Part 2]TOP Project Decentralize Social Media Notable in 2022

Social Media networks play a massive role in our daily communications and interactions. At the beginning of October, a series…

2 years ago

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