
Top 5 Bridge Projects On LayerZero

LayerZero helps dApps build cross-chain bridges easily. Today, let's explore with Coincu the top 5 bridges projects on LayerZero.

8 months ago

Cross-chain bridges are growing rapidly as users move to Layer 1 blockchains

Cross-chain bridges are growing rapidly as users move to Layer 1 blockchains. The crypto market has changed dramatically over the…

2 years ago

Vitalik Buterin is skeptical about cross-chain bridges

Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin said security restrictions are the number one reason cross-chain bridges fail to thrive in the crypto…

2 years ago

TVL in cross-chain bridges still up 9% in 30 days despite market storm

While the total value (TVL) in DeFi is $ 258 billion, it is spread across a variety of blockchains including…

3 years ago

Everything about cross chain bridges and their meaning

While DeFi promises a world where anyone can transfer money without the hassle and high transaction fees of banks, anyone…

3 years ago

TVL in DeFi cross-chain bridges hits $ 22.48 billion, up 48% in 30 days

The Total Value Locked (TVL) in DeFi logs has continued to rise this year and has reached new heights. Data…

3 years ago

Over $ 7 billion tied up in Layer 1 bridges, but Ethereum still dominates TVL

Some of the top crypto assets like Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) have seen decent growth over the past month,…

3 years ago

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